11-14-2001 - Minutes TC i. . c��r oF o�rv�E . : .� �, CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION Minutes of a Regular Meeting: November 14, 2001 i. OPENING � A. Flag Pledge Bo Roll Call: Present— Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, F.Petronella, F. Sciarra, W. Poutsma Present—Staff: D. Allenbach, C. Glass, D. Lockridge , J. Pyne Absent —Staff: W. Winthers, R. Hohnbaum, P. Then, Sgt. J. Gomez-Whiteley C. Approval of Minutes: Not available. II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Request for the installation green curb markings in front of the La Morenita Market at 4304 E. Washington Ave. Graciella Sanchez 4304 E. Washington Ave. Orange, CA 92869 Oral presentation is based on the written staff repo�t;p/ease refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this request. ACTION: Approved the installation of 25 ft. of green curb markings in front of the La Morenita Market at 4304 E. Washington Ave: . . .MOTION: D. Yarger , SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous R=�,_. Tape# C"PG21.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is ava�7able for ynur review ��t Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)7445536 in this regard,advance notice is appreciated. a�r �1sPxinted on Recv�led Paner Minufes of a Regular Meetii.;, --City Traffic Commission—November 14,200'i pg,2 �. Request for the installation of an intersection Vision Zone at Taft Ave. and Lime St. Marjorie Mahan 1023 W. Briardale Ave. Orange, CA 92865 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report;please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this request. ACTION: Approved installation of an intersection Vision Zone at Taft Ave. and Lime St. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous C. Request to add the south side of Palm Ave. between Shaffer and Harwood Streets to the Permit Parking resolution for Chapman University Neighborhood Parking Permit Area. Amy LeMaster 288 IV. Cleveland St. - Orange, CA 92886 �ral presentation is based on the written staff repart;please refer to your copy. There was no discussion of this request. ACTION: Approved request to add south side of Palm Ave. befinreen Shaffer and Harwood Streets to the Permit Parking resolution for Chapman University Neighborhood Parking Permit Area. MUTION: D. Yarger SECOND; F. Sciarra AYES: Unanimous ����������������� End ofConsent Calendar ����������������� _��: Tape# CTGZ 1.10 of this C'.aty Traffic Commission meeting is ava�7able for y�ur review � `� P�ease contact the Recording Secretary at(714)7445536 in this regaz�d,advance notice is appreciated. �_��� � . � �Printed on RecvCled Paver Minutes of a Regular Meetir��, -City Traffic Commission—November 14,200� pg,3 III.CONSIDERATION ITEMS 1. Request for the installation of an "All-Way" STOP control device at the intersection of Acacia Ave. and Lime St. Cynthia Martinez 1103 W. Acacia Ave. Orange, CA 92868 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report; please refer to your copy. Chairman Yarger opened fhe public hearing for fhe following discussion. Cvnthia Martinez— 1103 W. Acacia Ave , Orange -- Opposed to the request. There recently was an accident on that corner. I petitioned right after the accidenf and so it is not on the records yet. I know there are accidents and the car was coming off Lime onto the 1100 block of Acacia. I have a block wall with wrought iron and they totally took out that wall this isn't a typical 4-Way STOP. The only people this is going to benefit are the children. There are easily 25 kids in that whole area and they tend to play in that intersection, because it isn't a street that runs to any main street, the kids feel it is safe. Felix Ybarra—279 N. Lime St., Oranye—Opposed to request. Those trees that they were talking about, we have had problems with those two trees for a long time and they belong to the City. I have called several times to get them trimmed. We have had motorcycle cops there before on Acacia, watching the traffic, when they are there no one goes through. Lime St. is almost like a main highway through there. On Acacia hardly any traffic. Now when they went into the fence on Acacia and broke the fence it never went to the City because it was never reported. It was an injury, but the lady never wanted to call. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion, and a motion. ACTION: Denied request for the installation of an All-Way STOP at the intersection of Acacia Ave. and Lime St. MOTION: F. Sciarra SECOND: J. Fortier AYES: Unanimous 2. Request for the installation of an "All-Way"STOP controf device at the intersection of Almond Ave. and Cypress St. Jim Owens 163 S. Cypress St. . Orange, CA 92866 � � .�: Tape# GTG21.10 of this City Traffic Comiinission meeting is ava7able for your review � ' Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,advance notice is appreciated. �y �1?Prirned on Recv�led Paver Minutes of a Regu(ar Meetiny •City Tra�c Commission—November 14,2001 Pg.4 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report; please refer to your copy. There was no discussion on this request. ACTION: Denied request for an "Ali-Way" STOP at the intersection of Almond Ave. and Cypress St. MOTION: D. Yarger SECOND: F. Petronella AYES: Unanimous 3. Request for the installation of an "All-Way" STOP control device at the intersection of James St. at Dorothy Dr., and James St. at Ruth Place. McPherson Neighborhood Preservation Committee 3447 E. Ruth Place Orange, CA 92869 Oral presentation is based on the written staff report;please refer to your copy. Chairman Yager opened the public hearing for the following discussion. Michael Accordino —453 S. James St., Orange — Opposed to request. I agree with, you we don't want red curbs. I have gone to a couple of the committee meetings and there is such a small percentage of the McPherson area. We have a petition and some of the people that are on here have signed the petition. We don't need STOP signs here: Marisa Timothv — 3830 E. Ruth Place, Orange — 4pposed to request. We're quite upset about this request. The primary reasons are that we don't want a STOP sign in our neighborhood. That is the majority of residents of Ruth Place. There is not one resident that wants one within the vicinity of the requested STOP location, likewise not one t spoke with wants a STOP sign here. I have a petition that � represents that. As far as an engineering standpoint, there is no use for one. As far as the environment of our neighborhood we do not need one. So we ask that you deny the request and from here on out, please be advised that this McPhereson Neighborhood Preservation Committee and particularly Mr. Mark Burkhardt does not � represent us in any way. As is stated here there is misinformation that is being communicated to City staff and vice versa to the community and we are not happy about it. I appreciate that we have public hearings such as this that we can let the truth be known. I appreciate you listening. Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Commission for further discussion, anaf a motion. Tape# GTG22.10 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is awu7able for your review g��,� Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)7445536 in this regard,advance notice is appreciated. � �y , �Printed on Recvcled Paver Minutes of a Regufar Meeti „ City Traffic Commission—Novernber 14,200 Pg.5 ACTION: Denied request for the installation of Ali-Way STOP controls at the intersection of James St. at Dorothy Dr., and James St. at Ruth Place. MOTION: F. Petronelia SECOND: D. Yarger AYES: Unanimous IV.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS � None this month. V, ORAL PRESENTATIONS None this month. VI.ADJOURNMENT After discussion of today's Agenda items of the City Traffic Commission was concluded, and as there were no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Chairman adjourned this session of the City Traffic Commission at 5:25 p.m. The next regular meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be held Wednesday - December 12, 2001. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF 4RANGE Jenifur Pyne Recording Secretary � Traffic Engineering Division CITY OF ORANGE . " DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION 300 E.CHAPMAN AVE. ORANGE CA 92866 � � PH: (714)744-5536 FAx: (714}744-5573 �November-Minutes[TCA&R Disk/JPyne] �,��, Tape# CI�G21.10 of this CityTiaffic Commission meeting is ava�able for your review �:,X Please cornact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,adwance notice is appreciated. ��r . �Printed on Recv�led Paner