10-10-2001 - Minutes TC ;�
� CITY OF ORANGE . :� ���, ��.
Minutes of a Regutar Meeting: 4ctober 10. 2001
i. oPENiN�
A. Flag Pledge
B. Roll Cali:
Present—Commissioners: D. Yarger, J. Fortier, F.Petronella, F. Sciarra
Present—Staff: R. Hohnbaum, C. Glass, Sgt. J. Gomez-Whiteley, D.Ailenbach,
W.Winthers, P. Then
Absent -Commissioners: W. Poutsma
C. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes not available.
A. Request for the installation of red curb markings in front of 866 N. Olive St.
Shana Davis
866 N. Olive St.
Orange CA 92867
Oral pres�ntation is based on the written staff report; please refer to your copy..
Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion.
Shana Davis — 866 N. Olive St. — In favor of request. My concern is that vans are a
higher profile vehicle and therefore require a longer vision zone, we have a lot of vans in
our neighborhood and it makes it difficult to safely enter or leave my driveway. We have
traffic coming from the"TA zone of the alley.
Chairman YarQer—How would you feel about trying the 20 ft. of red curb and see how it �
� works, if you continue to have difficulty you could request additional red curb at a later
date. With the high demand for onTstreet parking in this area we don't want to negatively
impact this neighborhood that much.
Shana Davis—That's acceptable.
ACTION: Approve the installation of 20 ft. of red curb markings in front of
� 866 N. Olive St.
- MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: F. Petronella
� AYESe Unanimous �
Tape#CTC-21.09 oE this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review.
Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,advance notice is appreciated.
�Printed on Recvcled Paver
Minutes of a Regutar Meetiny—City Traffic Commission-0ctober 10,2001 Pg.2
B. Request for the instaliation of red curb markings adjacent to the easteriy driveway
servicing Fletcher Elementary School s�aff parking lot.
Sandra Wiiliams, Principal
Fletcher Elementary School
515 W. Fietcher Ave.
Orange CA 92865
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report; p/ease refer to your copy. There
was no discussion of this request.
ACTION: Approve the installation of red curb markings adjacent to the easterly
driveway servicing Fletcher Elementary School staff parking lot.
MOTION: D. Yarger
SECOND: F. Sciarra .
AYES: Unanimous
����������������� End of Consent Calendar �����������������
1. Request for the installation of an additional 41 ft. of red curb markings on the north side
of Taft Ave. for the bus stop westerly of Batavia St.
Steve Cello, Stops &Zones
550 So Main St.
Orange CA 92863
Oral presentation is based on the written staff report, please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussion:
Ron Hamada, 1830 N. Batavia St. —What is the schedule for improving westbound Taft
Ave.? Have they looked at possibly moving the bus stop down:the street? There is a
larger area between my driveway and the next driveway there is a street and there is �
probably in excess of 100 ft. available there, couldn't you move the bus stop here? .
Ro4er Hohnbaum. Asst. City EnQineer — Currentfy we do not anything slated for this
intersection. The uitimate improvement to be done in conjunction with the Master Plan
of Arterial Highways and in the ultimate condition there would be no parking on Batavia
Ron Hamada — The Traffic Engineer mentioned the current system is adequate for the
busses during that period of time. �
�ce-Chairman Fortier— I've noticed that you have on-site parking but you're using part
of that space for storage of materiais; 'rf you're really concerned about parking why are
you blocking your own parking spaces?
Tape#CTG21.09 of this City Traffic Commission meeting is available for your review.
'� Please contact the Reco:ding Secretary at(714)7445536 in this regard,advanoe notice is appreciated. �
� �rinted on Recvcled Pauer
Minutes of a Ftegular Meetiny—City Traffic Commission-0ctober 10,2001 pg,3
Ron Hamada We move materiai to that location,which is only one stall, during the "fail»
or slow time of the year and during the spring and summer when it is busier we relocate
the material etsewhere and use that area for parking. -
Bill Batorv, OCTA—550 S. Main St. —We are planning to expand service along Batavia
St. (Rt. 53)which runs 60 ft. busses and that is the main reason for moving the bus stop
to provide adequate space to clear the intersection after making the right turn onto Taft
Ave. The further you move a bus stop from the intersection the more likely someone is
to jay-walk coming to that stop which then puts the Authority and City into a position
where we could be sued if they get hit jay-walking. We block driveway's all over the
County but once we get the turn-out placed it wiil be a different situation.
Chairman Yarger closed the public hearing and retumed the item to the CTC for further
discussion and a motion.
ACT{ON: Approve the installation of 41 ft. of red curb markings on the north
� side of Taft Ave.for the bus stop westerly of Batavia St.
MOTION: J. Fortier
SECOND: F. Petronella
AYES: Unanimous
2. Request to change the existing "NO STOPPING ANYTIME" parking restrictions to the
west side of Virage between Spring St. and Walnut Ave. to "NO STOPPING ANYTIME
Orange Police Department
� Traffic Engineering Division '
Oral presentation is based on the wriiten staff report, please refer to your copy.
Chairman Yarger opened the public hearing for the following discussione
Chairman YarQer— I have a question regarding enforcement, would it be better to have
WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS». What will be easiest for enforcement?
Sqt. Jackie Gomez-Whitlev. OPD Traffic Bureau-�It�would be easier to leave the sign as
it is, it states "NO STOPPING ANYTIME�; and tha� way we can enforce if somebody is ,
stopping or pa�lcing. That is the most inclusive signage for us, and it would apply both
during the week when parents are stopping in their cars, legally they are not parking they
are stopping, and then it will also apply at other times. The "NO PARKING" is only when
the vehicle is left vacan� We would ask that the signs remain the same and we would
add the exception for weekends and holidays plate under the sign.
Vice-Chairman Fortier— I think this is an excellent suggestion for safety reason because
if you pufi parking in besides trying to enforce it the parents will pull up and stop and then
let their kids cross the street.
Tape#CTC-21.09 of this City Traffic C;omnussion meering is available for your review.
` � Please cantact the Record'mg Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,advance notice is appreciated.
�Printed on Recvcled Paner
Minutes of a Regular Meeting—City Traffic Commission-0ctober 10,2001 Pg.4
ACTION: Approved a change to the existing "NO STOPPING ANYTIME" parking
restrictions on the west side of Virage befinreen Spring St. and Walnut
MOTION: J. Fortier .
SECOND: D. Yarger
AYES: Unanimous
None this month.
None this month.
After discussion of today's Agenda items of the City Traffic Commission was concluded, and
as there were no further requests for action under Oral Presentations, the Chairman
adjourned this session of the City Traffic Commission at 5:25 p.m. �
The next regular meeting of the City Traffic Commission is scheduled for Wednesday —
November 14, 2001.
Respectfully submitted, �
Phyllis Then
Recording Secretary
Traffic Engineering Division
ORANGE CA 92866 .
PH: (714)744-5536
FAx: (714)744-5573
�Oct-Minutes[CTC Disk/Thenp]
Tape#CTG21.09 of this Citp Traffic Commission meeting is ava�able for your review.
� Please contact the Recording Secretary at(714)744-5536 in this regard,advance notice is appreciated.
�Printed on Recvcled Paner