RES-9587 Development Approval 1740 Bolingridge DriveRESOLUTION NO. 9587
Use Permit No. 2372-01,and Major Site Plan Review No. 185-01, for the
subdivision and development of a 21-lot planned unit development were
filed by Brandywine Development Corporation in accordance with the provisions of
the City of Orange Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No.
16218, Major Site Plan Review No. 185-01,and Conditional Use Permit No. 2372-
01 were processed in the time
and manner prescribed by state and local law; and WHEREAS, on December
5, 2001 the Staff Review Committee reviewed the revised Brandywine Planned Unit
Development and
recommended that the project proceed subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on
December 19, 2001 the Design Review Committee reviewed the revised design of
the buildings and landscaping associated with the Planned Unit Development and
recommended that the project proceed subject to conditions; and WHEREAS,
the Planning Commission conducted duly advertised public hearings on September 5, 2001 and February 20,
2002 for the purpose of considering the original and revised versions of
Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1670-01, Tentative Tract Map No.16218, :\.1ajor Site Plan
Review No. 185-01,
and Conditional Use Permit No. 2372-01 upon
property described as follows:THE PORTION
SOUTH 71 DEG. 08'30" EAST 953.60 FEET, NORTH 4
DEG. 52'30" EAST 546.00 FEET, NORTH 83 DEG. 55'00"
FEET: THENCE SOUTH 88 DEG. 01'45" EAST 150.40
FEET: THENCE NORTH 79 DEG. 50'30" EAST 123.57
FEET: THENCE SOUTH 69 DEG. 15'45" EAST 95.38
FEET: THENCE NORTH 49 DEG. 21 '15" EAST 142.07
FEET: THENCE NORTH 39 DEG. 42'00" EAST 218.08
FEET: THENCE SOUTH 84 DEG. 03'00" WEST 351.95
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Orange conducted a duly advertised
public hearing on March 12, 2002, for the purpose of considering the revised versions of
Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1670-01, Tentative Tract Map No. 16218, Major
Site Plan Review No. 185-01, and Conditional Use Permit
No. 2372-01.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Orange that Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1/i70-0 1, Tentative
Tract Map No. 16218,Major Site Plan Review No. 185-01, and Conditional Use
Permit No. 2372-01, submitted to accommodate the development of a 21-
lot single family Planned Unit Development located at the Bolinger Estate, 1740 Bolingridge Drive,
hereby approved based on the
att~d Nel!ative Declaration I.
That there is no evidence before the City Council of the City of Orange that the proposed
Planned Unit Development will have any potential for adverse affects,either
individually or cumulatively, on wildlife resources or the habitat upon which
the wildlife depends. Theretore, the proposed development is found to have
a de minimis impact in its effect on fish and wildlife 2.
That the City Council of the City of Orange has made required findings pursuant to
CEQA as set forth in Section 2 below.3.
That the data and analysis upon which these findings of fact are based, including those
in Section 2 of this resolution, are set forth in the staff report for Mitigated Negative
Declaration No. 1670-01, Major Site Plan Review No. 185-01,
and Conditional Use Permit No. 2372-01, staffs oral presentation,
public testimony,and City Council member comments which constitute the City Council'
s review and approval of
this application.Conditional Use Permit-
Planned Unit Development 1. The project conforms to the General Plan in regard to land
use designation and density in that the General Plan land use designation of
Low Density Residential LDR) allows for two to six units per acre. The proposed
project represents a development intensity of four
units per acre.2. The project utilizes creative and imaginative planning and design features
to create a quality living environment, equal to or better than what might
be accomplished under the base zone designation. The project design features an irregular
layout of lots around a loop road and retains 20 existing mature trees. The
proposed Planned Unit Development allows for the existing topography and vegetation to be
maintained to a higher degree than would be possible under a standard subdivision
approach to site development. The design of the proposed houses
also incorporates enhanced detailing, and upgraded exterior building materials to better integrate
them with the t:xisting neighborhood. Under a conventional development scenario,
the site would be severely graded to connect the two ends of Bolingridge
Drive, and consequently diminate more, if not all, mature trees on the property. It is also
possible that the project would be subject to a lower
quality housing product.3. The project preserves unique physical, topographical or environmental
features in that site grading has been designed to preserve the hillside nature and
topography of the site. Additionally, 20 of the existing mature trees on the site will
be retained and t:nhanced by an additional
117 new trees.Reso No.
Maior Site Plan Review
1. The project design is compatible with sWTOunding development and neighborhoods in
that it maintains the unique status of the Bolinger Estate as a heavily landscaped,
single-family residential estate property. Although the development intensity
will significantly increase on the site, the careful attention given to the building design
and landscaping of the site will reinforce the quality and character of the
neighborhood.2. The project conforms to City development standards for a Planned Unit
Development.The site is not located in an area that is subject to any special design guidelines
or specific plan
requirements.3. The project provides for safe and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation,
both on- and off-site in that the relatively small scale of the development,
limited access points, and the character of the loop road will prevent the private
street from becoming a busy, high-speed thoroughfare, making it safe
for pedestrians and motorists. Although additional trips will be added to neighborhood
roadways due to project implementation, vehicles are likely to travel at slow speeds due
to the short travel distance between the project site
and Tustin Street.4. City services are available and adequate to serve the project in that the
City's Public Works, Water, Fire, and Police Departments have reviewed
the project. All departments indicated that they are able to serve the project subject
to the mitigation measures included in Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1670-
01, and
their standard development conditions.5. The project has been designed to fully mitigate
or substantially minimize adverse environmental effects in that Mitigated Negative
Declaration No. 1670-01 was prepared and includes mitigation measures that reduce
potential impacts to earth, air quality, water quality, plant life, animal life,
noise, traffic and circulation, public services, utilities, and human health to
less-than-significant levels. Adoption of the Mitigated Negative
Declaration and associated Mitigation Monitoring Program
will ensure that potential impacts
are addressed.SECTION 2 - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Initial Study/Mitigated Negative
Declaration No. 1670-01 was prepared in conjunction with Tentative Tract Map No. 16218,
Major Site Plan Review No. 185-01, and Conditional Use Permit No.
2372-01. After examining the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, the City Council
finds that any potential significant adverse impacts can be mitigated to a level
of insignificance. Therefore, the City
Council adopts and approves Mitigated
IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following conditions are imposed with approval:
Within two (2) days of final approval of this project, the applicant shall deliver to the
Planning Division a cashiers check payable to the County Clerk in an amount required
to fulfill the fee requirements of Fish and Game Code Section 711.
4( d)(2) and the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of
Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152, 14 Cal.Code
Regulations 15075. It is determined that there will be no impact upon wildlife
resources; therefore, the fee shall be $43.00.2.
All construction shall conform in substance and be maintained in general conformance
with plans labeled Exhibit A, B, C, D, and E (dated February 20,2002
for identification purposes) and as recommended for approval by the Planning
Commission and approved by this City Council. Further, exterior building
color and materials shall confonn with the final color and materials board approved
by the Design Review Committee. Any change in color of the exterior of
the building initially, or at any time in the future, shall be subject to review and approval
by the Community Development Director.3.
The applicant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City, its officers,agents
and employees from any and all liability or claims that may be brought against
the City arising out of its approval of this permits, save and except that caused
by the City's active negligence.4.
The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, including all City
regulations. Violation of any of those laws in connection with the use will be cause
for revocation of this permit.These
conditions will be reprinted on the cover sheet or first page of construction plans,
including grading plans.6.
CC&R's, deed restrictions, or similar agreement shall be designed for the entire site
outlining specific responsibilities such as drainage, utilities, access, parking,maintenance,
landscaping, exterior building color and enforcement provisions.The
CC&R's, deed restrictions or similar agreement shall be subject to the joint review
and approval by the Community Development Director, Public Works Director,
and City Attorney. Those aspects that are zoning in nature shall be structured
so they cannot be rescinded or modified without City concurrence. The City
shall have discretion to enforce provisions, which are zoning in nature. The developer
shall be required to pay for the review of the CC&R's by the City Reso
No. 9587 5 GAS
Attorney, Public Works Director and the Community Development Director at
City's hourly billing rate.
7. Any changes to the site plan required by the City Council including street,
sidewalk, parking, or access shall be reviewed and approved by the Design
Review Committee prior to the issuance of grading permits.
8. The applicant shall provide additional architectural elements, as stipulated by the
developer and approved by this City Council, to the rear elevations of the homes
on Lots 4 through 11.
9. The applicant shall revise the design of the residence on Lot 17 to incorporate
masonite siding on all four building elevations. This shall be verified by the
Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits.
10. The applicant shall submit a final color and material board for review and
approval by the Design Review Committee prior to the issuance of building
11. The applicant shall submit final landscape and water management plans for
review and approval by the Design Review Committee prior to the issuance of
building permits.
12. The applicant shall submit a fencing plan, including details and elevations for all
fences, for review and approval by the Design Review Committee prior to the
issuance of building permits.
13. All project identification and directional signage shall be reviewed and approved
by the Design Review Committee prior to the issuance of building permits.
14. The applicant shall revise project grading and drainage plans to incorporate toe
drains if deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works or his designee during
plan check. If needed, grading and drainage plans shall reflect this change prior to
the issuance of grading permits.
15. The installation of controlled gates at, or the closure of, the Sunview Drive and
Bolingridge Drive access points into the development are prohibited.
16. The applicant shall prepare an erosion control plan for review and approval by the
Director of Public Works or his designee prior to the issuance of a grading permit.
Mitigation Measure E-
l)17. During construction, the applicant shall implement erosion control measures
to prevent erosion of exposed soils and sediment removal during periods of
heavy Reso No. 9587 6
rainfall. The erosion control plan must be prepared for different phases or stages
of the grading operation to ensure that appropriate control measures are employed
for the duration of the construction period. The control features shall be developed
with the following objectives and basic strategy:
Protect disturbed areas through minimization and duration of exposure
e.g., cover disturbed areas with rolled plastic sheeting).
Control surface runoff and maintain low runoff velocities.
Trap sediment on site.
Inspect and maintain control measures through implementation of
maintenance and follow-up
program.Mitigation Measure
E-2)18. The erosion control plan shall examine drainage
patterns, identify downstream/adjacent drainage facilities, and determine the limits of
grading and clearing. Specific Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be
selected between two major categories which include (1) cover practices and (
2) structural measures. The selection of the control measures is dependent upon
the site conditions and specific application. The suggested minimum
features include:
Silt fences
Gravel bags Temporary sediment basins
and traps Surface stabilization through landscaping
of slopes Temporary
gravel entrance Controlling surface runoff through temporary diversion
interceptor swales Inlet protection with gravel bags or
silt fence The Director of Public Works or his designee shall verify compliance
with these BMPs. (Mitigation
Measure E-3)19. The applicant shall prepare a staged erosion control plan
to accurately represent the current stage of construction if rain is forecasted within five
days and the erosion control measures specified on the original erosion control
plan cannot be put in place due to construction progress. The plan shall be
reviewed and enforced by the Director of Public Works or his designee. (
Mitigation Measure E-4)20. High occupancy facilities, critical structures, and utilities
shall be designed to sustain minimum damage and to continue
to function during emergency situations. This shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction
of the Building Division Reso
prior to the issuance of building permits (General Plan Implementation 7.2.4).
Mitigation Measure E-
S)21. The applicant shall water any non-stabilized disturbed areas twice per
day during construction. This shall be verified by the Director of Public Works and/
or the Building Official or their designees following the issuance of grading
and building permits. (Mitigation
Measure AQ-l)22. The applicant shall provide sufficient perimeter erosion
control to prevent washout of silty materials onto public roads during construction.
This shall be verified by the Director of Public Works and/or the Building
Official or their designees following the issuance of grading and
building permits. (
Mitigation Measure AQ-2)23. The applicant shall maintain soil moisture at a minimwn of 12
percent of any cut-and-fill areas within 100 feet of the property line to the
depth of the cut during grading and construction. This shall be verified by
theDirector of Public Works and/or the Building Official or their designees
following the issuance of grading and
building permits. (Mitigation Measure AQ-3)24. The applicant shall water the site as necessary to
prevent a visible dust cloud from exceeding 100 feet from the
disturbance area during grading and construction.This shall be verified bythe Director of Public
Works and/or the Building Official or their designees following the
issuance of grading
and building permits.Mitigation Measure AQ-4)25. The applicant shall wash down vehicle tires
and equipment prior to it leaving the site, and remove any visible track-
out into public streets within 30 minutes of occurrence during grading and
construction. This shall be verified by the Director of Public Works and/or
the Building Official or their designees following the issuance
of grading and building permits. (Mitigation Measure AQ-S)26. The applicant shall cover haul
trucks or maintain at least 12-inches of freeload to reduce blowoff during
hauling. Thisshall be verified by the Director of Public Works and/or
the Building Official or their designees following
the issuance of grading and building permits. (Mitigation Measure AQ-6)27. The applicant
shall suspend all soil disturbance and travel on unpaved surfaces if winds exceed
25 miles per hour during grading and construction. This shall be verified by the
Director of Public Works and/or the Building Official or
their designees
following the issuance of grading and building permits. (Mitigation Measure AQ-7)28.
The applicant shall dedicate and construct a storm drain system in
accordance with City standards, including
reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee prior to
the issuance ofa grading permit. (Mitigation Measure W-
l)29. The applicant shall file a Notice ofIntent with the State Water Resources
Control Board and provide a copy of this Notice, along with a Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan to the Director of Public Works or his designee for review
and approval prior to the issuance of a grading permit. (Mitigation Measure
W-2)3 O. The applicant shall implement non-stmctural control
measures for pollution control during the construction phase that focus on
good housekeeping practices.The program should focus on (I) dumping of wastes and (
2) maintenance of equipment. The contractor shall establish an area for the dumping
of site wastes and chemical pollutants should be disposed of in proper
receptacles. Waste oil,grease and hydraulic fluid from the servicing of construction
vehicles must be disposed of at authorized collection centers. The Director of Public
Works or his designee shall verify compliance with these measures. (
Measure Woo 3)31. The applicant shall require all contractors to utilize BMPs for
achieving the best possible water quality during construction, including but
not limited
to:Infiltration trenches,Grassed or
landscaped swales, and Reduction in the amount of directly
connected impervious area.
Mitigation Measure W-4)32. Three of the new trees shall be a minimum 48-inch
box in container size. This shall be reflected on the final landscape plan for
review and approval by the Design Review Committee in
coordination with the Community
Development Department. (Mitigation Measure PL-l)33. The applicant shall preserve in place or relocate
existing trees as specilied on the preliminary landscape plan. Any preserved or
relocated trees that do not survive shall be replaced with
24-inch box specimens. (Mitigation Measure PL-2)34. The applicant shall apply for
City Tree Removal Permits prior to any tree removal. All trees removed shall
be replaced at a minimum ratio of one-to-one.This shall
be reflected on the final landscape plan. (Mitigation Measure PL-3)35. The
applicant shall install secure fencing around trees to be preserved. Equipment and foot traffic must
be kept out from under all trees to be preserved. The placement of this
fencing shall be verified by
his designee prior to the issuance of grading permits. (Mitigation Measure PL-
36. No vehicles, equipment, building materials, fuels, soil, excess concrete or other
debris, liquid or solid, shall be dumped or stored under or near the trees to be
preserved throughout grading and construction. This shaH be verified by the
City's Landscape Coordinator or his designee. (Mitigation Measure PL-
S)37. Prior to grading, the applicant shall install a drip irrigation line to all the
dedicated trees to be preserved. This shall be veri lied by the City's Landscape
Coordinator or his designee prior to grading. (Mitigation Measure
PL-6)38. The access points off of Sunview Drive lmd Bolingridge Drive shall
be designed for entry treatment planting using, at best, trees protected in-
place or transplanted as available, and/or newly planted specimen/accent trees
of suitably large container size. Prior to the issuance of building permits
the applicant shall coordinate with the City's Landscape Coordinator or his designee
to ensure that the entryways are enhanced appropriately. The agreed upon
design shall be reflected in the final landscape plan for verification by
the Landscape Coordinator or his designee prior to the issuance of building
permits. (
Mitigation Measure PL-7)39. Numbered Lots 1-4 and 11-14, and portions of
Lettered Lots B and C adjoin existing single-family
residential development. The proposed landscape plan shall protect in-place the maximum
amount of existing trees along the project perimeter to create a natural buffer zone. New
tree plantings shaH be required to provide a greater
buffer to these perimeter zones. (Mitigation Measure PL-8)40. A tree
preservation inspection program shaH be coordinated by the Landscape Architect on behalf of
the applicant/developer by and between the City's Landscape
Coordinator or his designee. This inspection program shall commence consecutive with date/time of
initial site grading. This is necessary to ensure that the quantity and types
of trees proposed to be preserved,
transplanted and planted is successfully accomplished. (Mitigation Measure PL-9)41. If construction activity
begins prior to the active nesting season but continues into the nesting
season (February through June), the applicant shall conduct a nesting survey to inventory aH active
nests and to determine the presence of eggs and/or young. All
areas around active nests and construction activity shaH be prohibited in those areas until the
young birds have left the nest. If all construction activity,including removal
of vegetation and grading occurs outside of the nesting season July through February),
then no nesting survey is required. The need for a nesting survey and the review
of the results of such a survey shall be determined by the
Community Development Director, or designee, prior to the
issuance of tree removal or
42. During grading and construction, the truck-hauling route shall exit on
Sunview Drive; proceed east to Tustin Street, and use Tustin north or south to
various disposal sites including the pit located at Lincoln Avenue at the Santa Ana
River.The applicant shall identify the required route in the construction documents
and provide the Community Development Department with a copy of that portion
of the construction documents for review and approval prior to the issuance
of grading permits. (Mitigation Measure
N-l)43. The applicant, in coordination with the contractor, shall ensure
that demolition and construction activities comply with the
following requirements:a. All construction vehicles or equipment, fixed or mobile,
shall be equipped with properly operating and
maintained mufflers.b. All operations shall comply with City ordinances with respect
to hours of construction activity to minimize
noise impacts.c. During construction, best efforts shall be made to
locate stockpiling and/or vehicle staging areas as far as practicable
surrounding residences.Mitigation
Measure N-2)44. Sight distance at the intersection of the proposed access drive
at Sunview Drive should be reviewed with respect to City of Orange Sight Distance
Standards at the time of preparation of precise grading and landscape plans.
Any vegetation, walls or slopes should be prevented from encroaching into the limited use
area at this intersection. (
Mitigation T -1)45. Sight distance at internal intersections along the loop road
should be reviewed with respect to City of Orange Standards at the time of
preparation of precise grading and landscaping plans. (
Mitigation Measure T-2)46. During construction, the truck-hauling route shall
exit on Sunview Drive, proceed east to Tustin Street, and use Tustin north or
south to various disposal
sites.Mitigation Measure T -3)47. The applicant shall prepare a construction
traffic management plan for City review and approval prior to the issuance of
demolition and/or grading permits.At a minimum, this plan shall include
a demolition, grading and construction schedule, and identify expected dates and times of
lane closures. The adequacy of this plan shall be reviewed and
approved by the Community Development Director in consultation with the Public
Works Director, or their
designees.Mitigation Measure T -4)
48. The applicant shall ensure that all workers associated with project implementation
park their vehicles either on-site or along the Sunview Drive curb
immediately adjacent to the project site. This shall be verified by the
Community Development Director or her designee throughout the grading and
construction period. (Mitigation Measure T -
5)49. The number and location of hydrants shall be determined by Fire and
Water Departments and indicated on the phms prior to the issuance of building
permits.Mitigation Measure
PS-l)50. The applicant shall ensure that the following Fire Department
standards are represented on the grading and/or construction plans. Compliance
shall be verified by the Fire Department prior to the issuance of grading and/
building permits:Every building shall be accessible to Fire Department apparatus
by an access roadway of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width
having a minimum of 13 feet 6 inches of vertical clearance. The
access roadway shall be extended to within 150 feet of all portions of the
exterior walls of the first story of any building. U.F.C. Sections 901
and 902.All streets less than 36 feet wide shall be marked and signed as
a fire lane. The marking and signs shall be provided and installed
per the City of Orange Fire Departments Fire
Lane Standards.Provide a secondary emergency access that is built and
maintained in accordance with U.F.C. Sections 901
and 902.Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150
feet in length shall be provided with approved provisions for the
turning around of fire apparatus. Dead-end lire department access
roads shall
not exceed 600 feet.The fire department access roadway shall be
an all weather driving surface capable of supporting the imposed loads
of fire
apparatus, 60,000 pounds.The fire department access roadway shall
be provided with adequate turning radius for fire department apparatus. (A 45
foot outside and 25 foot inside radius.) U.F.c.. Section
902.2.2.3.Fire department emergency access must not
exceed 12 percent grade.U.F.C. Section
6.Mitigation Measure PS-2)51. The applicant shall pay Fire facility fees prior to the
issuance of a
building permit.Mitigation Measure PS-
52. All roof coverings installed on any new or existing building or structure, shall be
fire retardant U.L. listed Class A. (O.M.C. 15.36.030). This feature shall be
indicated on the plans for Fire Department verification prior to the issuance of a
building permit. (Mitigation Measure PS-
5)53. Buildings or structures hereafter erected constructed, or moved within or into
the High Hazard Area shall comply with the requirements of this section. (O.M.
C.15.36.020) There is established the Climatic and Topographic High Hazard
Fire Zone. Generally, the Zone shall include that portion of the City located easterly
of the boundary starting from the intersection of the northerly city limits and
Santa Ana Canyon Road, southerly along said road to the intersection of Nohl
Ranch Road and Santiago Boulevard. Southerly along Santiago Boulevard to
the northerly and easterly Villa Park City Limits. Then easterly along and
then southerly along said city limits to Hewes Street. Then southerly along
Hewes Street to the city limits of
Orange.Roof covering shall be a "Fire-Retardant", Class A as
specified in subdivisions 1 through 4 and 6 through 10 of Section 3202 (
e). Fire-retardant roofs shall be fire stopped and enclosed
with approved material at the eave ends to preclude entry of flame or
embers under the
roofing material.Under floor Areas. Buildings or structures shall have
all underfloor areas enclosed to the ground with construction as required
exterior walls.Utilities, pipes, furnaces, water heaters, or other
mechanical devices located in an exposed under floor area of a building or
structure shall be enclosed with material as required for exterior
one-hour fire-resistive construction. Adequate covered
access-openings for servicing such utilities shall be provided as
required by appropriate codes.Openings into attics, floors, or other enclosed
areas shall be covered with corrosion-resistant wire mesh not less
than one-fourth inch (1/4")nor more than one-half inch (1/
2") in any dimension except where such openings are equipped with
sash or doors. Chimneys shall have spark
arrestors ofmaximwn one-
half inch (1/2") screen.Mitigation Measure PS-6)54. Prior to issuance of
a building pernlit the applicant shall dedicate and construct the on-site
domestic water system as designed by the Water Division including easements. Each
unit shall be metered separately prior to building permit final.This shall
be verified
by the Water Manager or
55. Prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant shall provide a dedicated and
graded fifteen-foot unencumbered water utility easement contiguous to
the existing City Rights of Way to include the water main, meters, detector
checks,and fire hydrants. This shall be verified by the Water Manager or his
designee.Mitigation Measure
U-2)56. Prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant shall provide a
dedicated and graded fifteen-foot unencumbered water utility easement along
the northerly edge of Lot C from the west end of Street "A" extending westerly and
to contiguous to the City right-of-way at Bolingridge Drive. This shall
be verified by the Water Manager or
his designee. (Mitigation Measure U-3)57. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the
applicant shall enter into a Decorative Improvement Agreement with the City. The
agreement shall be approved by the Water Manager
or his designee. (Mitigation Measure U-4)58. Prior to issuance of a building
permit, the applicant must ensure that each dwelling unit shall be metered
separately unless otherwise approved by the Water Manager. This shall be verified
by the Water
Manager or his designee.Mitigation Measure U-5)59. The applicant shall satisfy
all water main connection, plan check, and inspection charges as determined by the Water
Division prior to the approval
of the final tract map. (Mitigation Measure U-6)60. The applicant shall dedicate the
City the right to enter the private streets for maintenance of
public utilities, emergency access, trash collection, etc. prior to the
approval of the final tract map. (Mitigation Measure U-8)61. The applicant
shall install cable television facilities as required by City's Franchised
Cable TV companies. This shall include easement rights to buildings being served. These
easements shall be dedicated prior to
the approval of the final tract map. (Mitigation Measure U-9)62. The
applicant shall dedicate and construct storm drain and sanitary sewer systems
to City Standards including easements. The storm drain easements shall be dedicated prior to the
approval of the final tract map. The storm drain design shall be reviewed by
the Public Works Department
prior to the issuance of a grading permit. (Mitigation Measure U-IO)63.
The applicant shall remove and properly dispose all tanks from subject property.Tank removal
shall be verified by the Director of Public Works or his
designee prior to the issuance
64. The applicant shall perform an asbestos survey, based on the dates of construction
of the existing structures on the subject property. Any asbestos identified during
this process shall be removed and disposed of properly. Proof of AQMD
clearance shall be provided to the Building Department prior to the issuance of a
demolition permit. (Mitigation Measure HH-
2)65. The applicant shall conduct a cultural resources records search for the
proposed project site. The records search shall be reviewed by the
Community Development Director or her designee prior to the issuance of grading
pennits Mitigation Measure
CR-l).66. The applicant shall retain a certified archaeologist/paleontologist to
monitor the project site during grading. Written verification of the
monitoring arrangements shall be provided to the Community Development Director or her
designee for review and approval prior to the issuance of grading permits. If
buried cultural material is encountered during construction, the contractor shall
immediately stop work in the area. Work shall be halted until the applicant can retain
a qualified archaeologist, and the nature and the significance of the find is
determined. If significant archaeological or paleontological materials are found, they
shall be salvaged and collected in compliance with all applicable regulations, and
shall be sent to a designated museum. (Mitigation
CR-2)Water 67. That the developer shall satisfy all water main connection,
plan check, and inspection charges as determined by
the Water
Division.Code PlrOvisions The following Code provisions are applicable to this project and are
included for information only. This is not a complete list and other Code provisions may apply
to the project:Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall
pay all applicable development fees, including but not limited to: City
sewer cormection, Orange County Sanitation District Cormection Fee,
Transportation System Improvement Program, Fire Facility, Police Facility, Park
Acquisition, Sanitation District,School District, and Eastern Foothill Transportation
Corridor, as required.Expiration-If not utilized, this project approval expires
two years from the approval date. An extension of time may be permitted upon
a written request, if received
before the expiration deadline.THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted
by the City Council of the City of Orange this 23rd
day of April, 2002.Reso
l1'lAU/f!::i (>4f~
Cassandra J. Cat , City Clerk of the City of Orange
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the
City Council of the City of Orange at a regular meeting thereof held on the 23rd day of April,
2002, by the following vote:
cr Cassandra J. Cathcak City Clerk ofthe City of
Orange Reso No. 9587 16