City of Orange
Design Review Committee
December 16, 2020
Chair Skorpanich called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Chair Skorpanich led the flag salute.
Present: Skorpanich, Fox, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack
Absent: None
The Committee removed all items for discussion. Chair Skorpanich re-ordered Item 2.1
to be heard at the end of the agenda after Item 3.3.
2.2. Design Review No. 4914-17, Townhome Phase of a New Multi-family Residential
Development, 702-1078 W. Town and Country Road
A proposal to develop the townhome phase of the project by constructing 74,
three-story townhomes with attached garages, surface parking, and related site
Vice Chair Fox experienced some technical difficulty and left the meeting at 5:49 p.m.
Committee members discussed the following details of the project:
• Lighting
• Street trees on Parker Street
ACTION: A motion was made by Committee Member McCormack, seconded by
Committee Member McDermott to appove Design Review No. 4914-17, Townhorne
Phase of a New Multi-Family Residential Development, 702-1078 W. Town and
Country Road subject to the findings and conditions in the staff report with the
additional Condition as follows:
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Design Review Committee Minutes-Final December 16,2020
1. Replace the Magnolia Little Gem along the Parker Street streetscape with same
size Tristania Conferta Brisbane box tree.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Skorpanich, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack
Noes: None
Absent: Fox
2.3. Design Review No. 5020-20, BossCat Kitchen & Libations Signage, 118 W.
Chapman Avenue
A proposal for signage for a new restaurant in the Plaza Historic District.
Vice Chair Fox returned to the meeting at 6:06 p.m.
Committee members discussed the following details of the project:
• Lighting
• Signage font
ACTION: A motion was made by Committee Member McCormack, seconded by
Committee Member Imboden to approve Design Review No. 5020-20, BossCat
Kitchen and Libations Signage, 118 W. Chapman Avenue subject to the findings and
conditions in the staff report.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Skorpanich, Fox, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack
Noes: None
Absent: None
3.1. Administrative Design Review No. 0151-20, Reigel Residence, 1025 E. Palm
A proposal to construct a 1,794 square foot, two-story addition to an existing
single-family residence and construct a new 1,428 square foot, two-story
detached garage.
No public comments were received for this item.
Committee members discussed the following details of the project:
• Architectural design
• Windows
• Neighborhood compatibility
• Landscaping
• Privacy
A motion was made by Vice Chair Fox, seconded by Committee Member McCormack
to continue Administrative Design Review No. 0151-20, Reigel Residence, 1025 E.
Palm Avenue to a date uncertain.
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Design Review Committee Minutes-Final December 16,2020
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Skorpanich, Fox, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack
Noes: None
Absent: None
Recess: The Design Review Committee recessed at 7:08 p.m. and reconvened at 7:13
p.rn.with all members present.
3.2. Design Review No. 4977-19, Ronald McDonald House Expansion, 383 S. Batavia
Street and 802 W. Culver Avenue
A proposal to construct a 17,325 square foot addition to the existing Orange
County Ronald McDonald House in the Old Towne Historic District, expanding
the building from 21 guest rooms to 44 guest rooms. A surface parking lot with
43 parking spaces will be provided on the south side of the property. A historic
single-family residence at 802 W. Culver Avenue will be incorporated into the site
and converted to an administrative office for the Ronald McDonald House.
Jessica Wang, Administrative Specialist, and Anna Pehoushek, Assistant Community
Development Director, read public comments from the following:
Opposed: David Schneider, Shari Carter, Paula Acken, Linda Duyette, and Adam Feliz
(Old Towne Preservation Association)
In support: Ryan Moore, Gary Moore, Kathy Tracy, Kimberly Chavalas Cripe, Don
Committee members discussed the following details of the project:
• Compliance with the Old Towne Design Standards
• History of the demolition, construction, and zoning on the property
• Window placement
• Doors on the Culver house
• Parking
• Trees
Chair Skorpanich asked the applicant if he preferred a continuance or a vote on the
item this evening.
Jan Van Dijs, the construction manager for the project, asked for the Committee to
A motion was made by Committee Member Imboden, seconded by Committee
Member McDermott to recommend denial to the Planning Commission of Design
Review No. 4977-19, Ronald McDonald House Expansion, 383 S. Batavia Street and
802 W. Culver Avenue.
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Design Review Committee Minutes-Final December 16,2020
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Skorpanich, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack
Noes: Fox
Absent: None
3.3. Design Review No. 5014-20, St. Joseph Medical Office Building located at 331,
353, and 393 S. Main Street
A proposal to construct a four-story medical office building of up to 137,500
square feet for medical office and supporting ground level retail adjacent to the
existing St. Joseph Hospital Campus. Parking would be provided on site within a
five level subterranean garage.
No public comments were received for this item.
Committee members discussed the following aspects of the project:
• Architectural design
• Streetscape enhancements
• The cultural resource assessment of the project's Mitigated Negative Declaration
IVlary Binning, Senior Assistant City Attorney, explained the comment process on the
mitigated negative declaration.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Fox, seconded by Committee Member McDermott to
recommend approval to the Planning Commission Design Review No. 5014-20, St.
Joseph Medical Office Building located at 331, 353, and 393 S. Main Street subject to
the findings and conditions in the staff report with the additional Condition as follows:
1. That this evening's comments and concerns regarding the accuracy ofi the historical
portion of the Mitigated Negative Declaration shall be addressed and responded to in
the Mitigated Negative Declaration.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Aves: Skorpanich, Fox, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack
IVoes: None
Absent: None
Item 2.1 was re-ordered to be heard after Item 3.3.
2.1. Approval of ineeting minutes of the Design Review Committee of the City of
Orange for the November 4, 2020 and December 2, 2020 Regular Meetings.
Committee rr�embers asked to vote on each set of minutes separately.
Committee members provided edits to the November 4th, 2020 meeting minutes.
A motion was made by Committee Member McDermott, seconded by Committee
Member Imboden, to approve the November 4, 2020 meeting minutes as emended.
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Design Review Committee Minutes-Final December 16,2020
The motion carried by the foliowing vote:
Ayes: Skorpanich, Fox, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack
Noes: None
Absent: None
Committee members provided edits to the December 2, 2020 meeting minutes.
A motion was made by Committee Member McDermott, seconded by Committee
Member McCormack, to approve the December 2, 2020 meeting minutes as emended.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Skorpanich, Fox, McDermott, Imboden, and McCormack
Noes: None
Absent: None
The Committee and staff discussed the format of the meeting minutes.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:13 p.m.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at 5:30 p.m.
via various teleconference locations.
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