08-16-1994 Council MinutesAPPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 1994 ORANGE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 16, 1994 The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened on August 16, 1994 at 3:00 P.M. in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 3:00 P.M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 1.2 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Spurgeon, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy ABSENT - Barrera NOTE: Mayor pro tern Barrera arrived at 3 :02 p.m.Mayor Beyer was absent from the 7:00 p.m. Session.Mayor Beyer had a conflict of interest on Item APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting July 26, 1994.MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Spurgeon, Mayor Beyer Coontz, Murphy ABSENT - Barrera ACTION: Approved.1. 4 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/ INTRODUCTIONS Resolution No. 8376 was presented to Frank V. Page, honoring him for thirty-two years ofloyal and dedicated service to the City of Orange.1.5 PROCLAMATIONS Mona Bertrand was presented a proclamation on her retirement from the Orange Police Department.2.CONSENT CALENDAR TAPE 526 2.1 Declaration of City Clerk Marilyn J. Jensen declaring posting of City Council agenda of a regular meeting of August 16, 1994, at Orange Civic Center, Main Library, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia and the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting.ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk.PAGE 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 2.2 Request City Council approve Tract Map No. 14011, located at the northeast corner of Canyon View Avenue and Old Chapman Road, and accept street dedication as offered. T4000.0) FISCAL IMP ACT: None. ACTION: Approved. REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY) 2.3 Request issuance of a hauling permit to allow the import of fill material, in excess of 200,000 cubic yards, into the ConRock/Watt Homes Tract No. 13842, properties located at Prospect St. and Walnut Ave. adjacent to Santiago Creek. (p1300.0.9) FISCAL IMP ACT: None. Discussion: The Director of Public Works gave a brief update on the permit hauling process. The request is from Sand-Cal, Inc. who will be filling the pits from the sand and gravel operation. Staff decided to issue a 10-truck haul until Council could approve this request. The haul route is as follows: trucks will exit from the 55 Freeway at the Chapman Avenue ramps, proceed east on Chapman to Prospect, north on Prospect to Spring Street and can turn right or left into the pits. Time limits are set from 7:00 a. m. to 4:00 p.m. during the summer and 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. after school is in session. The duration of the haul is one year, however it is not estimated to take that amount of time.Conditions have been made for the cleanliness of the street.Council members expressed concern for the children in the area and requested the Police Department enforce the speed limits.Bob Bennyhoff, 10642 Morada Dr., suggested a condition be added regarding the dust problems that occur when the area experiences Santa Ana winds.Police Captain Hernandez reported the Vehicle Code does not require the trucks to tarped down, however when a load is covered it is difficult to tell if the vehicle is overloaded.This option can be investigated and reported to Council.The City Attorney opined the Orange Municipal Code does have a provision requiring covering or wetting the dirt as a condition of the permit. It is a misdemeanor violation and subject to revocation of the permit by the Director of Public Works.The City Manager commented the code section concerning covering the trucks can be enforced based upon the weather conditions. If there is excessive dust the City will require more washing and cleaning of the streets, and ifthere is a substantial amount of wind the Commercial Service Officer will require those loads be tarped. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGm',T 16, 1994 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Councilmembers discussed safety issues and periodic meetings be held to review conditions. These meetings could be held more often based on changes of weather conditions. MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy ACTION: Approved.2. 4 Request Council approve agreement with the County of Orange for the construction of sewers in the public right-of-way on Cully Road. (A2100.0.Agr.2275)FISCAL IMP ACT: None. Entire project funded by the County of Orange through Community Development Block Grant funds.ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement on behalf of the City.2. 5 Request Council approve an Easement Deed with the Regents of the University of California for a water line to provide fire protection for the proposed County of Orange Juvenile Hall Housing and Classroom addition, as requested by the City of Orange Fire Department. ( D4000.0)FISCAL IMP ACT: None.ACTION: Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City.2. 6 Request Council authorization for Advertising to Invite Bids for constlUction of SP 310 1 wheelchair access ramps. (S4000.S.3.2)FISCAL IMPACT: None. Funds have been appropriated through Corrmunity Development Block Grant - ADA Improvements.ACTION: Approved. 2.7 Request Council approve acceptance of $105,000.00 in Urban Park Grant funding from the County of Orange. (C2500.N)FISCAL IMP ACT: Sufficient matching funds have been budgeted in th,~ Park,Acquisition and Development Fund as follows:510-7021- 485100-0750 (SouthridgeIBelmont Pk) $250,000. 00 510-7021-485100-0016 (Handy Park) $5,000.00 The City Council publicly acknowledged Orange County Supervisor, Gaddi Vasquez for his efforts to secure the $105,000 Urban Park Grant to the City of Orange CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) installation of scoreboards and play equipment at Handy Park and the development of Belmont Park, including play equipment. Belmont Park is located in the northeast area of the City, Southridge Tract on Via Escola Avenue. ACTION: Approved. 2.8 Request Council approve contract between the City and Orange County Transportation Authority (OCT A) for transportation services for senior citizens in the amount of 23,450.00 for fiscal year 1994/95. (AZI00.0.Agr.0972.J) FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds exist in account 210- 7032-427800.ACTION: Authorized the City Manager to execute on behalf of the City.2.9 Request authorization to approve a Housing Accessibility Program Grant and authorize the Treasurer to prepare a warrant in the amount of$I,500.00. (C2500.G.1. 3.4)FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in Account No. 316-6053-427800-1222 (Housing Accessibility Program Grant). Case #574.ACTION: Approved.2.10 CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES FROM: ( C3200.0)a. Richard Hine b. Roberto Vega c. ToddReed FISCAL IMPACT: None.ACTION: Denied claims and referred to City Attorney and Adjuster.2.11 Request Council approve a contract with PELA/Elliott Group for Bikeways Master Plan.AZI00.0.Agr.2276)FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $20,000.00 are available from AB 2766 funds.ACTION: Authorized City Manager to execute onbehalf of the City.2.12 Designate Mayor Pro Tern Barrera as the voting delegate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference October 23-25, 1994, with Councilman Mark Murphy as the alternate. ( ORI800.0. 12)FISCAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) MOTION - Barrera SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy Item 2.3 was removedand heard separately, all remaining items on the Consent Calendar were approved/denied as recommended.END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 3. REPORTS FROM MAYOR BEYER - None 4. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS EI Toro Reuse Committee Councilman Spurgeon announced the next meeting is scheduled for September 14th and requested the City Clerk to agendize the report for the September 20th Council meeting.The El Toro Reuse Committee met recently. It was primarily a scoping meeting to discuss the phases. The goal is that sometime during the Fall of 1995 the committee will present to the Board of Directors of the El Toro Reuse Group three reuse plans for the El Toro Base, one of which is required to be an airport. The Board of Directors and consultant will then decide which one of the three they will choose. This plan will be sent back no later than January, 1996 to the Secretary of the Navy for disposition.There have been discussions regarding the "land swap" between The Irvine Company and the El Toro Base. The Irvine Company representative spoke indicating this was very preliminary and basically did not have any information.During the next 18 months there will be three six month phases, divided into the following areas:data collection and documentation; data analysis and evaluation; and conceptual reuse master planning. The grant of$ 750,000 is going forward for this process to pay the consultant and reimburse the County. If the referendum fails, a white paper is being prepared and will be shared with the Council. The Secretary of the Navy does not have to honor this referendum and can still make the final decision. 5. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - None 7. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER - None 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS - None 9. RECESS TO THE MEETNG OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Page 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 10. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Carole Walters, 534 N. Shaffer, asked if Chapman University has football games will the permit parking be taken away from the neighbors. The Traffic Engineer indicated there have been no requests from Chapman University. Mrs. Walters asked what time the street sweeper swept the streets in front of Chapman University, and also on Glassell where the small businesses are located. The Street Superintendent indicated the street sweeper circles Chapman University before 7:00 a.m. so students will have parking places outside the non-parking areas. Glassell Street is swept between 7:00 and 8:00 a. m.Mrs. Walters commented if customers go to businesses around 8:00 a.m. they will get a ticket if the sweeper has not been there. This is wrong. Why can't these small business on Glassell Street across from Chapman University be treated like them.The Street Superintendent commented they have not received any complaints.11. RECESS MOTION SECOND AYES Barrera Murphy Spurgeon, Barrera, Mayor Beyer, Coontz, Murphy The City Council recessed at 3:55 p.m. to a Closed Session for the following purposes: a. Conference with Legal Counsel - existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956. 9(a):City of Orange vs. Refco Securities, Inc., NASD Arbitration No. 92-03685. Deleted from Closed Session - National Advertising vs. City of Orange, United States District Court Case No. CV 85-4968 Tlli(Kx). Deleted from Closed Session - City of Orange vs. Orange County Sheriff, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 72 97 18.Deleted from Closed Session - City of Orange vs. United Pacific Insurance Company, et aI.,Orange County Superior Court Case No. 72 42 36.City of Orange vs. Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Company, et al., Orange County Superior Court Case No. 71 8262.City of Orange vs. Moreland Associates, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 70 13 96.b. Conference with Legal Counsel - anticipated litigation.Initiation oflitigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) (changed to two potential cases).Page 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 11. RECESS (Continued) The following was deleted from Closed Session: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (one potential case). c. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally an,10unced by the City Attorney, City Manager or City Council prior to such recess unless the motion to recess indicates any of the matters will not be considered in Closed Session. 7:00 P.M. SESSION 12. INVOCATION Randy Ema, Orange North Rotary Club. 12.1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 12.2 ANNOUNCEMENTS - None 12. 3 INTRODUCTIONS - None 12.4 PROCLAMATIONS - None 12.5 PRESENTATIONS - None 13.PUBLIC HEARINGS TAPE 1572 13.1 LA VETA A VENUE IMPROVEMENTS, CITY OF ORANGE:Time set for a public hearing to consider the report and recommendation of the La Veta Avenue Community Advisory Committee (CAe) pertaining to La Veta Avenue between Cambridge and Glassell Street and Glassell Street between La Veta and Culver Avenue.(S4000.S.3.7)The CityAttorney announced Mayor Beyer would have had to abstain from voting on this issue because of a conflict of interest.MAYOR PRO TEM BARRERA OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING.The Traffic Engineer presented the La Veta Avenue Community Advisory Committee's final report (copy on file in the City Clerk's Office). The report was summarized as fo[ows:The City Council appointed the fifteen member committee including a representative from the City of Santa Ana and the Orange County EMA to assist as advisors. Of the original fifteen member committee, nine members continued to be active participants for the course of the study.The alternatives selected for analysis fell into the following three groups:Page 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 13. PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) LAND USE ALTERNATIVES No project no change - implementation of this alternative would shift traffic demand to adjacent local and arterial streets, place the City at risk for non-compliance with the General Plan requirements, and jeopardize the City's participation in the Measure M funding program estimated at $70 million over the 20 year program life. Reduced Demand - would require land use density reductions to a level that would preclude the need to provide additional capacity on the study section of La Veta. It would represent a substantial divergence from the City's current growth and development policies.OPERATIONAL ALTERNATIVES Reversible Travel Lane - Stripe the existing street between Glassell and Shaffer for three lanes and with the use of electronic over-head signing use the center lane as directionally needed to provide capllcity; westbound in the a.m. and eastbound in the p.m. Concerns are safety, aesthetics and an estimated $200,000 equipment cost for the test. To date, no comparative data exists on this type of roadway.Inter- Loop - creates a one-travel pattern using Almond, Grand, Maple and Lemon to by-pass the Plaza. The outer-loop would have used LaVeta, Cambridge, Walnut and Batavia as an expanded version of the by-pass. This alternative did not reduce the demand on LaVeta that required for a Secondary Highway.One-Way Operation - La Veta and Culver - Creates a one-way couplet comprised of a westbound LaVeta and a eastbound Culver. Traffic demand on LaVeta would be reduced to a level below the Secondary Highway requirements. However the Alternative would also introduce 9,000 VPD into the adjacent residential area and exacerbate the Fairhaven problem by increasing ADT on that street by 2,000 VPD.One-Way Operation - All Interior Streets - Create a mini system of one- way streets comprised ofa westbound LaVeta, eastbound Culver, westbound Palmyra and eastbound Almond. The traffic demand sill not increase but internal circulation will.IMPROVEMENT ALTERNATIVE Modified Secondary - Would result in the widening of La Veta between Shaffer and Orange from its current 34-ft. width to a new width of 46 ft, accomplished within the existing 60 foot right-of-way. The street would be configured to provide two through/parking lanes and a continuous left turn lane, and at a higher level of traffic demand be re-configured to provide a 4-thorough lane roadway. Signalization at La Veta/Shaffer would be necessary at the Phase 3 level.Signalization at La Veta/Grand, turn restrictions from La Veta onto cross-streets. and local stRot intersection diverters would be required CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 13. PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Phase 3 would result in the widening of La Veta between Orange and Glassell in the near future to allow for the improvement of the LaVeta/Glassell intersection. The Modified Secondary would accommodate approximately 90-95% of the ultimate demand.GLASSELL STREET It was the committee's opinion the entire reach of Glassell, rather than the one block segment under consideration, be evaluated on the streets own merit. Glassell St. Alternatives are interim as they do not meet MP AH lane requirements for a Primary Highway. The recqmmended alternative maintains parking on the east side of the street, provides continuous left turn lanes, and provides two southbound through lanes. Additional right-of-way and improvements are necessary to implement thi, Alternative.Mitigation Measures - LaVeta Avenue Relative to street scape, the committee recommended: I) implementation with pr before Improvement Phase 2 and 3 with the City assuming all costs. 2) Institute a funding program for early mitigation measure installation. 3) Property owners be given choice of fencing. 4) A plan for island and landscaping on LaVeta between Shaffer and Cambridge and monument signs at each end of the street be included in the street scape. 5) Utilities be undergrou nded with the City assuming connection fees.City staff suggested the street scape be incorporated into an Area Design Standard and required with individual site improvements. The Street Improvement Program would in..fill the street scape as necessary. Further a compromise to the committee's recommendation to fund utility connection fees would be a low interest loan program.Glassell Street. Street scape is governed by the Old Towne Design Guidelines. The committee recommended relocation of the palm trees as part of any street improvements.COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA nONS La Veta Avenue Reduced Demand Alternative would maintain the existing condition on LaVeta by reducing land use densities through amendments of the City's General Plan. Reversible Travel Lane - Least disruptive of the Operational Alternatives. Would require 18-24 months for EMA to determine capacity equivalency. Modified Secondary - This alternative in conjunction with a Performance Agreement would provide street capacity when and if needed and would be inclusive of:Establishing a 60 ft. right-of-way between Shaffer and Orange Streets, with no structures to be impacted. The parkway would be used to gain the additional street width between the 34 and 46 feet. Phase two improvements at an early date. Phase 3 and Phase 4 traffic controls. Refine CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 13. PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) adopt River Rock Theme Street Scape. Implement during Phase and 4 or before. Funding Program for early Street Scape. Property owners given choice of wall options. City assume hook-up cost of utility undergrounding.Glassell Street - Adopt Alternative 3 as a stop-gap measure Historic Preservation and Reduced Demand Alternative- Committee Analysis - The Committee was directed by Council to evaluate and reconcile recommended alternatives with Preservation and Circulation Element of General Plan. Reduced Demand Alternative - No conflict if accomplished through Amendment of General Plan as prescribed by State law.Reversible Travel Lanes - creates non-mitigable visual impact. Final determination relative to Circulation Element could not be immediately determined.Modified Secondary - Plan reconciles Preservation and Circulation Element through reduced street section, negotiable right-of-way acquisition and extensive functional and visual mitigation measures. Conclusion: The Committee felt La Veta should be the first of several studies to identify potential problems, alternatives and solutions in a timely manner. The Traffic Engineer was asked to review the traffic accident history at La Veta & Glassell. It was reported there were 18-20 accidents per year. However, these would be correctable by an improved signal system and improved channelization.The following people contacted the City on August 16, 1994 expressing opposition to the LaVeta widening:Harmony Upton, 126 E. River Harold Jones, 667 S. Grand Peggy Cole, 134 E. LaVeta June Ahrens, 518 S. Orange Charles McCandless, 213 River Linda Shoemaker, River St.The following people spoke:Steve McHarris, 485 S. Orange St.Rich Robertson, 477 S. Orange St.John Newcomb, 429 S. Grand St.Harold Jones, 667 S. Grand St.Ray Wyman, 384 S. Grand St.Craig Smith, 504 E. Palmyra Page CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16,1994 13. PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Doug Lawrence, 915 E. Palmyra Winnie Winston, 650 E. LaVeta Scott McReynolds, 504 N. Grand St. Michael Emfeld, 421 S. Grand St. George Cassell, 634 E. LaVeta Nick Samia, 344 E. LaVeta Edward Banuelos, 427 LaVeta Frank Tucker, 556 E. Culver Eric Bergstrom, 413 S. Grand Gary Jacquith, 503 S. Glassell Bob Bennyhoff, 10642 Morada Dr. Martha Tangmo, 3332 E. Maple, owns property on LaVeta Larry Lopez, 639 S. Orange Their concerns were expressed as follows: Why widen a "dead-end" street.The committee made the right choice with the modified secondary .Stick to one sort of fence. Stone would look a lot better with no maintenance.What will happen to the unit on the northwest corner of Orange and La Veta?The Traffic Engineer explained the City would probably take the unit and the residual property could be attractively landscaped with a monument sign.Opposed to any plan that re-routes traffic onto residential streets.Concern for children' s safety.LaVeta has too much traffic now without widening.Save the neighborhoods - do not go ahead with any plans. Leave LaVeta and Glassell as they are.Opposed to 4-lanes.Place a 4-way stop at Shaffer.In favor ofleaving the parkway instead of a rock fence.Best option for neighborhood is no project.Orange is a bedroom community and proud of Old Towne. Council should preserve our community.IfLaVeta is widened cars will speed.REBUTTAL Doug Lawrence, 915 E. Palmyra, commented this is not a new issue. Traffic speeds should be lowered on Palmyra, because the majority of traffic flows down Palmyra Street. Chapman Avenue could accommodate widening, this area cannot.MAYOR PRO TEM BARRERA CLOSED THE PUBLIC CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 13. PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Council recognized the efforts of the committee. Councilwoman Coontz commented taking a proactive stance with a plan that says when traffic requires it, a modified secondary arterial alternative is adopted. However, this would only happen if the traffic requires it. Protection of neighborhoods, the north and south streets, children's safety, and allowing people to get onto LaVeta is of primary importance. Protection of the area is the primary concern not the 70 million dollars. The landscaping proposal was discussed and concern was expressed regarding the cost of installation. The Traffic Engineer commented this plan is expensive. The City Manager commented staff would return to Council with an implementation plan that would address not only design and size, but also financing. It could be done by Assessment District or grants and loans from the City - various funding mechanisms for Council to review.MOTION SECOND AYES ABSENT Coontz Spurgeon Spurgeon, Barrera, Coontz, Murphy Mayor Beyer Moved to accept the report and adopt the Modified Secondary Arterial Alternative including the roadway enhancement between Orange Street and Glassell.MOTION SECOND AYES ABSENT Murphy Coontz Spurgeon, Barrera, Coontz, Murphy Mayor Beyer Moved to direct staff and City Attorney to amend Orange Municipal Code Title 12, Section 12.52.021, Arterial Streets, and Section 12. 52.022(H), Street Dedications to establish LaVeta Avenue between Shaffer St. and Orange St. as a Modified Secondary Arterial Highway with a right-of-way requirement of 60 ft. and a travel way width of 46 ft.MOTION SECOND AYES ABSENT Murphy Coontz Spurgeon, Barrera, Coontz, Murphy Mayor Beyer Moved that upon final determination of right-of-way requirements for LaVeta Avenue between Orange St. and Glassell St. amend the same sections of the Orange Municipal Code accordingly.MOTION SECOND AYES ABSENT Coontz Murphy Spurgeon, Barrera, Coontz, Murphy Mayor Beyer Page 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 13. PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Moved to direct staff and City Attorney to prepare a Resolution ofIntent specifying levels of street improvement, traffic control and mitigation measures based, by phase, on those traffic volume levels identified in the Final Report and shown by report Exhibit C, La Veta Avenue Modified Secondary. The Resolution ofIntent shall also include an Average Daily Traffic Volume verification procedure and is intended to be the implementation vehicle that replaces the Performance Agreement contained in the LaVeta Avenue Committee recommendations. MOTION SECOND AYES ABSENT Murphy Coontz Spurgeon, Barrera, Coontz, Murphy Mayor Beyer Moved to direct staff, upon refining the concept and developing the construction standards, to amend the Old Towne Design Guidelines to incorporate the river rock item and related street scape features as the design standard for LaVeta Avenue between Cambridge Street and Glassell.Direct staff to prepare a report for Council's consideration addressing a low interest loan program for residential hook-up costs associated with utility undergrounding. These items should be assembled and brought, publicly noticed, upon the time in which LaVeta goes to a Phase 3 development standard. At which time where it appears the City would enter Phase 3, the public would be notified of an additional public hearing to make notice and awareness of the opportunities and options available for both these items.MOTION SECOND AYES ABSENT Coontz Murphy Spurgeon, Barrera, Coontz, Murphy Mayor Beyer Moved to approve Glassell Street Alternative 3 as a potential interim improvement.MOTION SECOND AYES ABSENT Murphy Coontz Spurgeon, Barrera, Coontz, Murphy Mayor Beyer Moved to direct staff to present for Council consideration a procedure and schedule for an in-depth analysis of Glass ell, Cambridge and Walnut Avenue within the Old Towne boundaries.MAYOR PRO TEM BARRERA ANNOUNCED A FIVE MINUTE RECESS. 14.PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT TAPE 6958 Page 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 14.1 DRB Appeal No. 01-94; DRB Application No. 2979:An appeal of the Design Review Board's Conditioned Approval of Modifications to the Facade of an Existing Storefront. Applicant and Appellant: Byblos Restaurant, Location: 129 W.Chapman Avenue The Director of Community Development reported Byblos Restaurant's request is to change the existing storefront which is glass and aluminum to one that is more conducive to the sidewalk cafe type of business they would like to create. The existing storefront would be removed and a new storefront created approximately seven feet from the sidewalk. The original proposal included a central entry door as well as other opening doors. This building is on the National Register of Historic Places.The Design Review Board reviewed the proposal on June 1, 1994. The proposal was reviewed in relation to the local guidelines for the Old Towne area as well as the Secretary ofInterior' s Guidelines for rehabilitation of historic buildings. The DRB took exception to the proposal and required it be modified keeping the center door seven feet back from the sidewalk, but moving the other windows up to the sidewalk.Upon appeal by the applicant, the Planning Commission held a hearing on July 6, 1994 and recommended approving the proposal as it was proposed by the applicant and overriding the DRB's decision. The Planning Commission recommended keeping some kickplates in the windows on either side of the doorway.The Appellant, Dave Kent, III W. Almond, Orange, Architect for the project, gave the presentation commenting the design of the outdoor cafe will help promote foot traffic. The proposal is not a major remodel, but the improvements are beneficial to the community.The following people spoke in favor of the proposal:Brian McBroom, 1323 E. Maple and business owner at 55 Plaza Square John Schwind, 245 S. Lemon Ray Wyman, 384 S. Grand Larry Pace, 1201 N. California Rae Lynn Price, 1033 Van Bibber Carole Walters, 534 N. Shaffer Mara Brandman, 7319 Equitation Way Corinne Schreck, 446 N. James Lisa Blanc, 368 S. Orange, expressed concern with the modification and its affects regarding the National Historic status the downtown area received. Original modifications done on the building were done without a permit and over the weekend.Councilwoman Coontz requested staff obtain the State Historic Preservation Guidelines booklets,make them available to the Design Review Board, the Planning Commission and the public for review and interpretation. Further, staff should monitor modifications done without permits on weekends.Page CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 14. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT (Continued) MOTION SECOND AYES ABSENT Murphy Coontz Spurgeon, Barrera, Coontz, Murphy Mayor Beyer Moved to uphold the Appeal No. 01-94.The City Manager was directed to have staff complete an update on the information relating to the National Registry to ensure the latest information is available.15. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Linda Lemayski, 320 E. Maple Avenue, complained about the large volume of activity during the weekends at the Chapman University Chapel. It has caused noise, traffic and parking problems for the neighbors in the area. Ms. Lemayski requested assistance on this problem.The City Manager commented consideration would be taken on this issue.16. ADJOURNMENT MOTION SECOND AYES ABSENT Murphy Barrera Spurgeon, Barrera, Coontz, Murphy Mayor Beyer The City Attorney announced the following action which occurred during the Closed Session:Council gave approval for the City to join other public agencies as friends of the court in two appellant cases, one is in the State Supreme Court, the other is in the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Joining the lawsuit does not involve any costs to the City.First Case: Knott vs. State of California, the lower court held the State was liable for the criminal acts of a CHP Officer on duty. There is another unfavorable opinion by an Appellant Court. This has been appealed to the California Supreme Court for guidelines on when cities and other public agencies are liable for employees who may commit criminal acts on duty.Second Case: Stewart vs. City and County of San Francisco and the U. S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The main issue is the applicability of Federal laws related to the payment of time and one halffor overtime to public agencies. The City Attorney is trying to get guidelines on this Issue.Page 15 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 16. ADJOURNMENT (Continued) The City Council adjourned at 10:15 p.m. PJnt'U-ff! JfJ ~ () p~MARlL YN J NS , C~CITY CLERK AUGUST 16, 1994 Gene Beyer GENE BEYER MAYOR By~!4d~FRED L. BARRERA MAYOR PRO TEM Page