07-15-2020 DRC MinutesAPPROVED BY THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ON AUGUST 5, 2020 Page 1 of 5 FINAL MINUTES CITY OF ORANGE July 15, 2020 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE 5:30 p.m. STAFF PRESENT VIA GOTOMEETING TELECONFERENCE: Anna Pehoushek, Assistant Community Development Director Marissa Moshier, Historic Preservation Planner Vidal Marquez, Associate Planner Jessica Wang, Administrative Specialist Simonne Fannin, Recording Secretary REGULAR SESSION 1. OPENING: 1.1 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Skorpanich called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 1.2 FLAG SALUTE: Committee Member McDermott led the flag salute. 1.3 ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Committee Members McDermott, McCormack, Skorpanich, Fox and Imboden. 1.4 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Opportunity for members of the public to address the Design Review Committee on matters not listed on the Agenda. The following public comment was received: Kimberly Bottomley via email about creating a park around the historic gas station on S. Main Street. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR: Item 2.2 was pulled from the Consent Calendar so the Committee could discuss the project. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 5 2.1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 1, 2020 A motion was made to approve the July 1, 2020 minutes as emended to staff. MOTION: Fox SECOND: McDermott AYES: McCormack, Skorpanich, McDermott, and Fox NOES: None ABSTAIN: Imboden MOTION CARRIED 2.2 DESIGN REVIEW NO. 4864-16 – CAMEO APARTMENTS SIGN PROGRAM (TOWN AND COUNTRY MIXED USE PROJECT)  A proposal for apartment complex signage associated with a mixed-use development  Address: 1055 Town and Country Road (formerly 999 Town and Country Road)  Staff Contact: Anna Pehoushek, (714) 744-7228, apehoushek@cityoforange.org  DRC Action: Final Determination Anna Pehoushek, Assistant Community Development Director, provided an overview of the sign program consistent with the staff report. John Hyde, applicant, was available to answer questions. Chair Skorpanich asked staff if any public comment was received for this project. Marissa Moshier, Historic Preservation Planner, stated no public comment was received. The Committee Members had questions regarding the size and proportion of the letters “ameo” in the sign. A motion was made to approve Design Review No. 4864-16 – Cameo Apartments Sign Program (Town and Country Mixed Use Project). MOTION: Fox SECOND: McCormack AYES: McCormack, Skorpanich, McDermott, Imboden, and Fox NOES: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION CARRIED 3. AGENDA ITEMS: Chair Skorpanich stated Item 3.2 will be presented before Item 3.1. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES July 15, 2020 Page 3 of 5 New Agenda Items: 3.2 DESIGN REVIEW NO. 5004-20 – 765 THE CITY DRIVE SIGN PROGRAM  A proposal to establish a master sign program for an existing office property.  765 The City Drive South  Staff Contact: Vidal F. Márquez, (714) 744-7214, vmarquez@cityoforange.org  DRC Action: Final Determination Vidal Márquez, Assistant Planner, provided an overview of the sign program consistent with the staff report. Jeff DuChateau and Ashley Yu, applicants, were available to answer any questions. Chair Skorpanich asked staff if any public comment was received for this project. Ms. Moshier stated no public comment was received. The Committee had questions and comments on the following:  The monument sign on the back of walk may be hidden by trees; the trees should be trimmed so that the sign is visible.  The Committee discussed whether or not to condition the trimming of the trees due to the fact that the trees may be substituted for different species. A motion was made to approve Design Review No. 5004-20 – 765 The City Drive South Sign Program with the additional condition as follows:  The tree canopy near the monument sign at the entrance of the property should be maintained in such a manner that the sign remains visible. MOTION: Fox SECOND: McCormack AYES: McCormack, Skorpanich, McDermott, Imboden, and Fox NOES: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION CARRIED Continued Items: 3.1 DESIGN REVIEW NO. 4939-18 – ORANGE EXPRESS CAR WASH  A proposal to redevelop an existing 1.09 acre site with a new automated express car wash, and related site improvements. The Design Review Committee conducted a preliminary review of the proposal on February 6, 2019, and no action was taken. The project received a second review by the DRC on May 20, 2020 and was continued.  Address: 387 N. Tustin Street  Staff Contact: Monique Schwartz, (714) 744-7224, mschwartz@cityoforange.org  DRC Action: Recommendation to the Planning Commission DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES July 15, 2020 Page 4 of 5 Anna Pehoushek, Assistant Community Development Director, provided an overview of the Orange Express Car Wash consistent with the staff report. Jefferson Choi, Eric Liwski, James Kim and Ryan Rush of the applicant team were available to answer any questions. Chair Skorpanich asked staff if any public comment was received for this project. Ms. Moshier stated no public comment was received. The Committee had questions and comments on the following:  Concern that it may take up to three years for the proposed trees to provide the proper screening; the Committee recommended 24 inch box trees at 36 inches in order to reach the necessary screening as soon as possible.  If the residential units on the adjacent property have any doors and windows that faced west toward the car wash.  The wheel stops with curbs at the eastern edge of the parking lot on plan C 2.0 are redundant. The curbs were not removed per the Committee's prior recommendations. Mr. Jefferson explained there is an oversight on the drawings and that curb is gone and the planter is on grade, giving them an extra two feet of planting area.  Parcel 2 appears to have utility pipes going through it and it may be too shallow to plant the two proposed trees.  Concern that the structures proposed to be built on the easement would not be allowed by the utility company.  How the solar panel canopy integrates into the elevation on sheet A 1.2  Effectiveness of the solar panels on the vacuum arch elevation on A 1.2; they appear to be facing the eastern skies right up against tall planting.  The Committee agreed the plan revisions are more dynamic and materials are more connected.  The Committee agreed to condition that the landscape be maintained in perpetuity and if trees cannot be planted in the easement, one vacuum parking stall would be removed in order to plant the trees.  Concern that the site plan is still overly ambitious on building and hardscape to the detriment of the landscaping.  Concern that the second story windows have views into the residential area.  The Committee recommended that a professional obtain agronomic soil samples in the Podocarpus and Bamboo planters to evaluate the viability of the soil.  Type of paving materials.  The maximum/minimum height of the Bamboo. Mr. Choi agreed with all of the Committee's additional conditions of approval. A motion was made to recommend approval to the Planning Commission of Design Review No. 4939-18 – Orange Express Car Wash based on the findings and conditions in the staff report with the additional conditions as follows:  The Podocarpus placed along the eastern property line shall be changed to 36 inch spacing and specimens shall be 10 to 11 feet high at the time of planting. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES July 15, 2020 Page 5 of 5  The curb on the Civil and Landscape Plan shall be removed to match the Architectural site plan adjacent to the bamboo screening planter.  If two trees in the easement cannot be planted, than one vacuum space shall be deleted to accommodate the two trees.  The landscape screening at the eastern property line shall be maintained at a minimum of 11 feet high in perpetuity.  An agronomic soils test shall be taken by a professional in order to determine the viability of the soil in the Podocarpus and Bamboo planters; recommendations for soil amendments shall be followed. MOTION: Fox SECOND: McCormack AYES: McCormack, Skorpanich, McDermott, Imboden, and Fox NOES: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION CARRIED 4. ADJOURNMENT: 7:17 PM The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. via various teleconference locations.