RES-10395 Mitigated Negative Declaration Approval to Permit Construction of Commercial Multi-Tenant Retail at Chapman Ave and I-5 FreewayRESOLUTION NO. 10395
AND A 7,000
No. 1804-08, Zone Change No. 1251-08, Conditional Use Permit No. 2724-08,
Major Site Plan Review No. 0557-08, and Design Review Committee No. 4368-08 were
filed in accordance with
the provisions of the City of Orange Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1804-08, Zone Change No. 1251-08 Conditional Use
Permit No. 2724-08, Major Site Plan Review No. 0557-08, and Design Review
Committee No. 4368-08
were processed in the time and manner prescribed by state and local law; and
WHEREAS, on August 6, 2008, January 14, 2009, March 4, 2009, and April
the Staff Review Committee reviewed the project and recommended that the project proceed;
and WHEREAS, on March 4, 2009, and May 6, 2009,
the Design Review Committee reviewed the project and recommended that the project proceed;
and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 15,
2009, for the purpose of considering Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1804-08, Zone
Change No.1251-08, Conditional Use Permit No. 2724-08, Major
Site Plan Review No. 0557-
08, and Design Review Committee No. 4368-08, and unanimously recommended
that the City Council approve the project; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted one duly
advertised public hearing on August 25, 2009, at which time interested persons had an
opportunity to testify either in support of, or opposition to, the proposal
and for the purpose of considering Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1804-08, Zone
Change No. 1251-08, Conditional
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves
Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1804-08, Conditional Use Permit No. 2724-
08, Major Site Plan Review No. 0557-08, and Design Review Committee No. 4368-
08, to allow theconstruction of a 2,510 square foot stand alone fast food restaurant with
drivethru and a 7,000 square foot multi-tenant commercial retail building,
based on
the following
findings:SECTION 1-FINDINGS Tenaral Plan 1. The project must be consistent with the goals and
policies stated
within the City's General Plan.The project is located on property that would
be zoned C-2 for General Commercial and has an existing General
Plan Designation of General Commercial (GC). The granting of this Conditional Use Permit is consistent
with the goals and policies of the Land Use Element of the General
Plan, by preserving andmaintaining the existing character of the City's
neighborhoods. Additionally, good urban design is being promoted with the project proposal's
exterior building design and installation of new landscape and lighting on the site. The
General Plan has land use policies indicating that the City should actively
support new and existing commercial development toassure the continued viability of the City'
s economic base. This property has been vacant for years. Approval of this project allows
for new development in the City and is consistent with the General Plan policy to add
to the City's ongoing
efforts to support
redevelopment efforts in Orange.Conditional Use Permit 2. A Conditional Use Permit shall be granted upon
sound principles of land use and in
response to services required by the community.Approval of a CUP for the drive thru component of
the stand alone Jack in the Box restaurant building is based upon sound
principles of land use. The subject property will be classified with a
C-2 (General Commercial) zoning classification, to be consistent with the
existing General Plan designation and the commercial zoning classification of the other
parcels along this sector of Chapman Avenue. The availability of a drive thru is
consistent with the applicable zoning and general plan and an appropriate land use in the area the
project is located. It is also provides a service that is logically associated with
the fast
3. A Conditional Use Permit shall not be granted if it will cause deterioration of
bordering land uses or create special problems for the area in which it is located.
The drive thru component is located at the southern portion of the subject
property, adjacent to the Santa Ana I-5 Freeway. The drive thru lane is
not located near any residential or sensitive receptor uses, therefore, any of the
noise generated from the queuing of vehicles or the speaker associated with the
order confirmation box will not be a nuisance to bordering land uses. Additionally,
the project drive thru lane accommodates the queuing of 13 vehicles, and all
vehicles would be contained on the project site preventing traffic from spilling over
onto bordering land uses in the
area.4. A Conditional Use Permit must be considered in relationship to its effect on
the community or neighborhood plan for the area in which it is
located.The presence of a drive thru lane would provide residents in the nearby
apartments,temporary residents of the nearby motels, and individuals traveling on the Santa
Ana I-5 Freeway and along Chapman Avenue with an appropriate option
for purchasing food from the fast food restaurant. The nearby Burger King and
McDonald's restaurants on Chapman Avenue also offer drive thru lanes, as do most of the
fast food establishments in the City. Approval of the drive thru has been
considered in relationship to its effect on the neighborhood in which it is located. The
drive thru component would be consistent with the commercial use of this property
located along the Chapman Avenue corridor. Additionally, the drive thru and fast
food restaurant are located at the southern portion of the property, close to the Santa
Ana Freeway which borders the site's southern and western boundaries, such that any noise
or other impacts associated with a drive thru would not create a nuisance to the
community or neighborhood in which the property
is located.5. A Conditional Use Permit, if granted, shall be made subject to
those conditions necessary to preserve the general welfare, not the individual welfare
of any
particular applicant.The project has been conditioned to preserve the general welfare such
as Condition 18, to provide sufficient lighting on site to ensure visibility and security for
its patrons and users. A condition has also been included that requires the
installation of defensible landscape in the area around the detention basin, so as to
deter vagrants from loitering around the drive thru and restaurant area (Condition 15).
The location and orientation of the project drive thru lane was reviewed for safety and
approved by thePolice Department's Crime Prevention Bureau during the
Staff Review Committee meetings. The drive thru lane is sufficiently conditioned so it
does not deteriorate or negatively impact the quality of life of the individuals
in the
Mayor Site Plan Review
6. The project is compatible with surrounding development and neighborhoods.
The site is currently vacant. The project proposes to locate various commercial
tenants on this property. The project is compatible with the surrounding
development and neighborhood, in that several C-2 zoned
commercial establishments are located on properties east and west of the site. In fact, a
majority of the parcels along the north and south side of the Chapman corridor
are commercial (C-2) by nature. Additionally, the exterior design of
the new commercial buildings has been designed with a similar appearance to the
Allure and Renaissance apartment buildings that are located on the parcels directly north
of the subject site and
Chapman Avenue.7. The project conforms to City development standards and any
applicable special design guidelines or specific
plan requirements.The City's Staff Review Committee and Design Review Committee
have reviewed the project to ensure that it conforms to the commercial and
parking development standards adopted by the City. The project has been conditioned to be
built in conformance with the plans submitted, reviewed and conditioned
the Committees.8. The project provides for safe and adequate vehicular and
pedestrian circulation,both on-
and off-site.The circulation on and off the site was reviewed and conditionedby the
City's Fire Department and Traffic Division during the Staff Review
Committee meetings. The City Traffic Engineer also reviewed the traffic impact analysis
study submitted by the applicant, and approved the findings and design of
the proposed project improvements (driveway and parking stall orientation and
circulation). Thus this project has been designed to provide for safe and adequate
vehicular and pedestrian traffic circulation, both on
and off site.9. City services are available and adequate to
serve the project.The various City departments reviewed and conditioned the project
during the Staff Review Committee meetings and have confirmed that all City
services are available to
serve the project.10. The project has been designed to fully mitigate or
substantially minimize
adverse environmental effects.The project has been designed such that on and
off-site circulation, lighting orientation, noise, and building design and massing is
such that the surrounding neighborhoods are not negatively impacted.
In addition Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) No. 1804-08 has been prepared
that the project would have on the environment. Implementation of the Mitigation
Measures contained within the MND will assist in assuring that the environment is
not adversely impacted.
Design Review
11. The project design upholds community aesthetics through the use of an internally
consistent, integrated design theme and is consistent with all adopted specific plans,
applicable design standards and their required findings.
The exterior design of the buildings is consistent with the surrounding community
and is similar to the style of apartments on the north side of Chapman Avenue. The
Design Review Committee reviewed the project and determined that the proposed
design upholds community aesthetics through the use of an internally consistent,
integrated design theme and is consistent with applicable design standards and their
required findings.
Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1804-08 (the MND) was prepared to evaluate
the environmental impacts of the project, in compliance with the provisions of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and associated Guidelines. The City Council finds
that MND No. 1804-08 contains an adequate assessment of the potential
environmental impacts of the proposed project. Based on substantial evidence contained in the record,
the City Council finds that although the proposed project could have a significant effect
on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in
the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent that reduces impacts to
less than significant, with mitigation. The City Council also finds that the project will have
no effect on fish and wildlife. Therefore, the City Council approves and adopts
Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 1804-08, with the implementation of conditions, mitigation
measures and the
Mitigation Monitoring Program.The Draft MND was circulated fora 20-day public review period,
from April 23, 2009 through May 12, 2009. Copies of the MND were available for public review
at the Main, El Modena, and Taft Branch libraries, at Orange City Hall, and on the
City of Orange website.The Notice of Intent to adopt the MND was filed with the Orange
County Clerk on Apri122,2009, published in the Orange City News on April 23, 2009, posted at
the site in four locations, and was mailed to approximately 770 property owners
and tenants located within 300 feet of the project site. The City received no written comment
letters during the
CEQA public review period.SECTION
conditions are
1. The successful and final acquisition of the two remnant properties from the Orange
Redevelopment Agency shall be required prior to the issuance of any grading or
building permits.
2. Within two days of final approval of this project, the Applicant shall deliver to the
City Planning Department a cashier's check payable to the "County Clerk" in an
amount required to fulfill the fee requirement of the CA Department of Fish and
Game Code Section 711.4 for a Mitigated Negative Declaration and the County Clerk
Processing Fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination.
3. Prior to the issuance of any building permits the applicant shall process and record
Lot Line Adjustment with the Public Works Department, to consolidate all the
4. All driveway aprons shall comply with the City of Orange Standard Plans and
Specifications for Commercial Driveway Aprons. Sidewalk driveway aprons shall
conform to current ADA requirements.
5. The new west bound left turn pocket on Chapman Avenue (westbound) shall conform
to the plans approved by the City's Traffic Engineer.
6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall dedicate a four foot
sidewalk easement, at the project driveway entrance, to the City of Orange, in order
to accommodate ADA access. This dedicated easement shall be recorded, and
acceptable proof of such shall be provided to the Planning and Public Works
Departments, prior to the issuance of any building permit.
7. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the approval of a grading plan from
Public Works shall be required. The grading plan shall include phased Erosion and
Sediment Control Plans, and any Site Demolition Plans if required.
8. The contractor shall obtain a grading permit from the Public Works Department, prior
to the start of any site demolition, clearing, grubbing, and grading.
9. The applicant shall obtain an Encroachment permit for all work within the public
right-of--way and public utility easements. Sidewalk, driveway
construction, and utility connections are included in
this work.10, All construction shall conform in substance and be maintained
in general conformance with plans and exhibits date stamped June 15,
2009 including modifications required by conditions of approval, and as recommended
by the
Planning Commission.11. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for signage, the applicant
shall obtain DRC approval of a sign program for
Mitigation Measures (Conditions 12-
23~12. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the building plans shall include
the following notes: " To reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, the use
of Low -VOC coatings with VOC contents less than those required by SCAQMD
Rule 1113 shall be implemented. (MM
AQ-1)13. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the property owner shall submit
a letter to the Community Development Department identifying that a
certified archeologist has been hired to ensure that the following actions
are implemented:a. The archeologist must be present at the pre-
grading conference in order to establish procedures for temporarily
halting or redirecting work to permit the sampling, identification, and
evaluation of artifacts if potentially significant artifacts are uncovered.
If artifacts are uncovered and determined to be significant,
the archeological observer shall determine appropriate actions in cooperation
withthe property owner/developer for
exploration or salvage.b. Specimens that are collected prior to or during the
grading process will be donated to an appropriate educational
or research institution.c. Any archaeological work onsite shall be conducted
under the direction of the certified archaeologist. If any artifacts
are discovered during grading operations when the archaeological monitor
is not present,grading shall be diverted around the area until the
monitor can
survey the area.d. A final report detailing the findings and disposition
of the specimens shall be submitted to the Community
Development Director. Upon completion of the grading, the archaeologist shall notify
the City when the final report
will be submitted.Should any cultural resources pursuantto Section 15064.5 of
the California Public Resources Code be encountered during excavations associated with
this project, all work shall halt until a qualified archaeologist can assess the
find and make recommendations for further
actions. (MM CR-1)14. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the
property owner/developer shall submit a letter to the Community Development
Department identifying that a certified paleontologist has been hired to ensure that
following actions are implemented:a. The paleontologist must be present at
the pre-grading conference in order to establish procedures
for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the sampling,
if potentially significant specimens are uncovered. If specimens are
uncovered and determined to be significant, the paleontological
observer shall determine appropriate actions in cooperation with the
property owner/developer for exploration and/or salvage.
b. Specimens that are collected prior to or during the grading process will
be donated to an appropriate educational or research institution.
c. Any paleontologist work onsite shall be conducted under the direction
of the certified archaeologist. If any specimens are discovered during
grading operations when the paleontological monitor is not present,
grading shall be diverted around the area until the monitor can survey
the area.
d. A final report detailing the findings and disposition of the specimens
shall be submitted to the Community Development Department. Upon
completion of the grading, the paleontologist shall notify the City
when the final report will be submitted. (MM CR-
2)15. Should any human remains be encountered during excavations associated with
this project, all work shall halt and the County Coroner shall be notified (
Public Resources Code Section 5097.98). The Coroner will determine whether the
remains are of forensic interest. If the Coroner, with the aid of aCity-
approved archaeologist,determines that the remains are prehistoric, he/she will contact the
Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The NAHC will be responsible for
designating the most likely descendant (MLD) who will be responsible for ultimate disposition
of the remains, as required by Section 7050.5 of the California Health and
Safety Code.The MLD will make his/her recommendations within 24 hours of their
notification by the NAHC. This recommendation may include scientific removal
and nondestructive analysis of human remains and items associated with Native
American burials Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5). (
MM CR-3)16. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the property
owner/developer shall submit to the City Engineer for review and approval, a soils
and geotechnical report for the area to be graded, based on proposed grading and prepared
by an engineering geologist and geotechnical engineer. All grading shall be in
conformance with Title 16 of the Orange Municipal
Code. (MM G-1)17. Prior to the issuance of any buildingpermits, the
property owner/developer shall submit for review and approval, detailed foundation
design information for the subject building(s), prepared by a civil engineer, based
on recommendations by a
18. Prior to the issuance of each building permit, the property owner/developer shall
submit a report prepared by a geotechnical engineer for review and approval which
shall investigate the subject foundation excavation to determine if soft layers are
present immediately beneath the footing site and to ensure that compressibility does
not underlie the footing. (MM G-
3)19. During grading activities, the propertyowner/developer shall implement
standard practices for all applicable codes and ordinances to prevent erosion. (MM
G-4)20. If determined necessary by the City Engineer and Chief Building Official, prior
to the issuance of any grading permit, theproperty owner/developer shall
submit additional boring samples from other areas of the property. (
MM G-5)21. Prior to issuance of building permits, the property owner/developer
shall submitto the City's Traffic Engineer a final site plan, restricting turning movements
to right in and right out and left in for the project
driveway. (MM T-1)22. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the property
owner/developer shall submit to the City's Traffic Engineer a final landscape plan
specifying that the landscaping for the project's west boundary complies with the city's
line of
sight requirements.MM T-2)23. Prior to the issuance ofany grading permits, the City'
s Traffic Engineer shall review the sight distance at the project access in conjunction
with the preparation of final grading, landscaping, and
street improvement plans. (MM T-3)24. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits the
applicant shall obtain approval of a Final Project WQMP for review and
approval to the Public Works Department.25. Prior to the issuance of Certificates of
Occupancy (for use), the applicant shall demonstrate the
following to the Public Works Department:a. All structural BMPs described in the
Project WQMP have been constructed and installed in conformance
with the approved plans and specifications.b. The applicant is prepared to implement
all non-
structural BMPs described in the project WQMP c. An adequate number of copies of the
project's approved final Project
WQMP are available for the future occupiers.26. Prior to the issuance of
a grading permit (including grubbing, clearing, surface mining, or paving permits
as appropriate) the applicant shall demonstrate that coverage has been obtained
under California's General Permit for Stormwater providing a copy of the Notice of
Intent (NOI) submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board and a copy of
the subsequent notification of the issuance of a Waste Discharge Identification (WDID) Number or
other proof of filing. A copy of the current SWPPP required by the General Permit shall
be kept at the project site and be available
27. Prior to City approval of the landscape plans, the applicant shall review the approved
Water Quality Management Plan and ensure the proposed landscape plans are
consistent with the project grading plans and show applicable Best Management
Practices such as grass swales, detention basins, grass or vegetated buffers, filters,
permeable pavers, etc.
28. The applicant shall install defensible landscape around the drainage basin area, so as
to discourage the loitering and habitation of vagrants in this area, and maintain the
security of the area proximate to the fast food restaurant's drive thru lane.
29. All rooftop equipment shall be painted the same color as the roof material.
30. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, a final landscape plan shall be brought to
the DRC for review and approval.
31. A minimum of one foot candle shall be maintained on all surfaces of the parking lot,
from dusk until the termination of business every operating day. The applicant shall
ensure that lighting on the site shall be directed, controlled, and screened in such a
manner so as to refrain from shining directly on surrounding properties.
32. The applicant shall also submit improvement plans to the Water Division for new fire
hydrants, domestic water services, fire services, landscape services, and any other
new installations or relocations affecting the public water facilities for review and
approval prior to the issuance of any building permits.
33. Prior to the issuance of any building permits the applicant shall be responsible for the
installation/relocation of the proposed/existing public water facilities as necessitated
by the proposal to a location and of a design as approved by the Water Division.
34. The applicant shall be responsible for the installation of necessary fire hydrants and
fire services as determined by the Fire Department and Water Division.
35. During the plan check process, the Water Division shall approve the type and location
of fire service (detector check) devices.
36. Each building shall be protected with a separate fire service unless otherwise
approved by the Fire Department and Water Division.
37. A minimum twenty-foot (20') separation shall be maintained from the public
water facilities to the proposed buildings and structures unless otherwise approved by
the Water
Division.38. A six-foot minimum clearance and cone-foot minimum vertical
clearance shall be maintained between the City water mains, laterals, services, meters,
fire hydrants and all other utilities except sewer unless otherwise approved by
the Water Division.39. Each building/unit shall be metered separately unless otherwise
approved by
40. The applicant shall satisfy all water main connections, plan check, inspection charges,
and water bond requirements for the installation of the water system, as determined
by the Water Division prior to approval of the water plan.
41. The applicant shall provide material submittals for all proposed public water facili~ies
to the Water Division inspector for approval of a minimum of fourteen-calendar
days prior to
construction.42. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy, the
applicant shall pay applicable plan check and building permit fees. Building permits shall
be obtained for all construction work, as required by the City of Orange,
Community Development Department's Building Division. Failure to obtain the
required building permits will be cause for revocation of this
permit.43. All structures shall comply with the requirements of Municipal Code -Chapter 15.
52 Building Security
Standards).44. The applicant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City, its
officers,agents and employees from any and all liability or claims that may be brought
against the City arising out of its approval of this permits, save and except that caused by
the City's active
negligence.45. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, including all
city regulations. Violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be
cause for revocation of this
permit.46. Conditional Use Permit No. 2724-08, Major Site Plan Review No.
0557-08, and Design Review Committee No. 4368-08 shall become void if
not used within two years from the date of approval. Time extensions may be granted for
up to oneyear,pursuant to O.M.C.
Section Prior to Building Permit Issuance, the applicant shall pay all
applicable impact fees to the City of Orange, including fire impact fees, school fees,
police facility fees, traffic impact fees, and other applicable city
or other agency fees.48. These conditions shall be reprinted on the first page
of the construction documents when submitting to the Building Department for
the plan check process.ADOPTED this 25th
of August, 2009 a V Ca ecc e,
Mary E. ,City Clerk, Ci y ange
I, MARY E. MURPHY, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of
the City of Orange at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25th day of August, 2009, by the
following vote:
AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Smith, Murphy, Cavecche, Dumitru, Bilodeau
Mary E. urp ,City Clerk, City range