07-20-1999 Council Minutes Adj Regular
The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened on July 20, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. in an
Adjourned Regular Meeting in the Weimer Room, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California.
Led by Mayor Coontz
PRESENT - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon
ABSENT - Alvarez - NOTE: Councilman Alvarez arrived at 5:10 p.m.
PRESENT: Pruett, Romero, Carlton
ABSENT: Bosch, Smith
PRESENT: Petronella
ABSENT: Sciarra, Yarger, Poutsma, Fortier
All items on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and are enacted by one motion
approving the recommended action listed on the Agenda. Any member of the City
Council, staff or the public may request an item be removed from the Consent Calendar
for discussion or separate action. Unless otherwise specified in the request to remove an
item from the Consent Calendar, all items removed shall be considered immediately
following action on the remaining items on the Consent Calendar.
3.1 Declaration of City Clerk, Cassandra J. Cathcart, declaring posting of City Council
agenda of an Adjourned Regular Meeting of July 20, 1999 at Orange Civic Center,
Main Library at 101 N. Center Street, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia, the
Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board, and summarized on Time-Warner
Communications, all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely
accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said
Adjourned Regular Meeting.
JULY 20, 1999
ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a
public record in the Office of the City Clerk.
MOTION - Murphy
SECOND - Slater
AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon
ABSENT - Alvarez
All items were approved as recommended.
4.1 Presentation by Purkiss Rose RSI regarding Master Plan for Park Facilities,
Recreation and Community Services.
Steve Rose representing Purkiss Rose RSI gave the presentation which described an organized
structure for acquisition and development of future recreation facilities to meet the needs of the
City. Mr. Rose presented the following recommendations which will provide for a well planned
and balanced park system:
Facility Improvements 1) continue to encourage and support relationships with volunteer
organizations that provide recreation for the community; 2) explore use of vacant commercial
and industrial space for recreation progranuning; 3) review existing joint use agreements
between the City and School District to improve and expand the City's ability to provide more
recreation program for the community; and 4) continue coordinating scheduling of all outdoor
and joint-use recreation facilities through the Community Services Department.
Specific Parks. Recreation and Leisure Services Policies - Develop specific policies for
acquisition, design and maintenance of recreation space.
Acquisition Priorities - 1) continue to negotiate with developers for design and development of
parks and 2) size and configuration of park land should meet Master Plan objectives.
Fundin~ Strate~y 1) continue to research and develop a non-profit 5013c foundation,
developing a strategy to solicit funds for development of specific facilities listed in the Capital
Improvement Plan; 2) continue to develop facilities jointly with the School District with site
specific joint-use agreements; 3) actively track and pursue any special grant funds; 4) explore
and pursue private/public partnerships to assist in development and ongoing maintenance of
recreation facilities; and 5) develop an adopt-a-park program to encourage volunteers to provide
maintenance and replacement equipment or plant materials for neighborhood parks.
Exhibits were presented that depicted primary recreational uses and where the City needs were
JULY 20, 1999
Council/Plannin~ Commission Questions:
Councilman Alvarez asked how many schools would it take in a joint use scenario? Mr. Rose
indicated if all the schools were taken into account, the City would still be significantly short.
All the schools represent approximately 130 acres of recreation space that would be available. If
only 50% were used it would cover approximately 65 acres ofthe need.
Mayor Coontz indicated, as a companion piece to the inventory of park space, the City's adopted
Master Plan of Horse Trails, Master Plan of Bike Ways, should be referred to in the document. It
should also be noted that Limestone Canyon Park, Irvine Park and Santiago Oaks Park are
Regional parks with the City's sphere of influence.
Councilman Alvarez asked if the study included the Chapman Athletic Field and Santiago? Mr.
Rose indicated they were included.
Councilman Slater asked how the standard of three acres per 1,000 population was arrived at?
Also, the newer planned communities in South County, what is their standard? Mr. Rose
indicated it varied between 3 and 5 acres per 1,000. Many new communities have more available
land and the opportunity to go toward the higher number. Three is average throughout Orange
County, however very few cities are able to achieve that. The City of Orange is 1.54. The
Quimby Act says we cannot go over 5 acres per thousand. The Community Services Manager
commented in the Subdivision Map Act there is a State statute that identifies three acres per
1,000 as a standard.
Councilman Murphy asked for clarification on the active versus passive parks. Mr. Rose
commented they reviewed the future plans and the tremendous amount of open space which will
more than exceed the City's long term needs for passive space.
Planning Commissioner Carlton noted in Section 2, the Recreation Resource Inventory is listed
with the EI Modena Basin at 7.37 acres, but is not listed on Map 2A. Mr. Lang commented he
will add that location to Map 2A.
Planning Commissioner Pruett suggested laying over the Zoning Map on the park site map to
show industrial and commercial areas. The City Manager felt there was value in this suggestion
because the City is evaluating commercial and industrial space utilizing the existing facilities for
certain types of recreation activities.
Public Speakers:
Jean Heinlein, asked how shared space with the schools was derived? Mr. Lang commented they
were looking at the potential for open space at the schools.
Councilman Alvarez asked if the consultant had looked at potential sites? It was indicated they
JULY 20, 1999
Carole Walters, asked if the school district had been included. Mr. Land commented the school
board was invited to this meeting and are present. Ms. Walters felt the City was more concerned
about making money in the parks and spoke in opposition to sports parks. Ms. Walters asked if
it was a done deal at Spring and Walnut. The City Manager remarked the City is still in the
process of negotiations. There are no solid plans for development at this time.
Barbara DeNiro, asked if anyone in the County was invited because of what happened with the
Strawberry Field; and the City should reach out to the neighborhoods affected by the parks and
meet with the residents providing a questionnaire in order to return information. How much is in
the City coffers for parks? The City should pay for play.
The Director of Community Services reported he has a memo to Ms. DeNiro answering all her
questions submitted in writing. With respect to lighted fields, the City is deficient. Public notice
will be given to the affected neighborhoods. The Park Acquisition Fund has approximately $1.2
million. The City Manager reported the $2 million set aside at the County for the Strawberry
property is still there. When the City comes up with a plan, the County has to approve it as well
as the State and at that time the money will be released.
Lupe Hurtado, EI Modena, asked about the property off Hewes next to the EI Modena Library.
He thought this could be a dangerous area. Mr. Hurtado asked about the Strawberry Field and
the $9 million it cost. East Orange needs parks. It was suggested that Supervisor Coad be
contacted regarding this issue.
The City Manager explained the Strawberry Field property was owned by the County and never
given to the City. The City was given approximately $1.8 million which was used for
McPherson site development. In response to Mr. Hertado, the City Manager indicated the lake
he was referring to is part of the retention basin for the Orange County Water District and the
City has no control over the basin.
Bob Bennyhoff, Orange Park Acres, commented the City lacks parks and hopes the Fieldstone
project and Sully Miller which has 195 acres will help fill the void in East Orange.
Sue Craig, resident, commented on the possibility for small neighborhood parks and the public
notification process.
Laura Thomas, OP A, asked if staff had numbers on how many people participated in specific
sports. The Director of Community Services responded their number count dealt with organized
youth sports rather than golf and equestrian. Ms. Thomas asked in moving forward with the
Master Plan will there be consideration for people who are not in organized sports? Mr. Rose
indicated golf did come high on the list. Ms. Thomas commented it is important that Villa Park
residents are counted as a part of this and the City get their feedback. OPA has a different need
such as horse arenas, steep hiking, etc.
JULY 20, 1999
Jolm Martinez, asked if this project will be coordinated with Rancho Santiago College? The City
Manager responded some of the land that appears to be tied up by the college is owned by The
Irvine Company and the college is in negotiations with them for land development. There have
been preliminary discussions with the City for joint-use.
Ann Cole - commented about girl scout sport events.
Carole Walters, discussed the problems related to lighting of fields.
Michelle Esparza, spoke in support ofthe Master Plan for Parks.
Marty Jackobson, asked if any schools had been identified as having the best location?
Mayor Coontz responded the school sites have been identified in a general way showing
possibilities only.
Teri Sergeant, School Board Member, asked when Council would need comments back?
The Director of Community Development indicated as soon as possible.
Mr. Rose noted they did not interview the School Board as individuals. The Community
Services department worked through the Director of Planning and Facilities Bill Florey.
Ms. Heinline asked what a Master Plan was. The consultant explained.
End of Speakers
The Director of Community Services explained the next step is to finalize the document, present
it to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council for final adoption. It was further
recommended that staff work with Purkiss Rose to develop a Master Plan Development Fee
Study to identify whether or not the City compares favorably with surrounding cities or whether
the City is deficient and needs to address that element.
Mayor Coontz recommended instituting an action policy as a Council to move the issues forward
so the document does not end up on the shelf. This will result in a large amount of work due to
land use issues.
Councilman Murphy remarked the key is to use this as a starting point and measurement of how
the City compares to other cities.
Mayor Coontz felt it was important to recognize over the decades parks and recreation have
changed. Over the past twenty years women have become involved in sports which has doubled
the participation. There have been periods of change and it is important to keep track of the
JULY 20, 1999
interest levels now and in the future. This plan needs to be reviewed every couple of years to
see if the City is on track with the needs and desires of the community. Also, the City has
always had an alliance with the school district as Council has worked together on various
RECESS - The City Council/Planning Commission and Traffic Commission recessed at 6:15
p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m.
4.2 Presentation by the Orange County Transportation Authority regarding the
CenterLine Project (urban rail) status and upcoming milestones.
NOTE: Mayor pro tern Spurgeon stated, on the advice of the City Attorney, because he owns
property near the area of Chapman and La Veta, he will abstain from the proceedings and left the
Alistair Baillie, IBI Group, Consulting Project Manager for OCTA, presented an update for
Council which included the following: upcoming events; overview of transit support guidelines
presented to Council on August 24, 1999; milestone presentation; OCT A request staff to review
and select guidelines which will be appropriate for the City in order to proceed; September 20,
1999 there will be a public review for the City; November 16, 1999, a study session with
Council; November 23, 1999, presentation to Council for action; and December 13,1999, OCTA
Board decides.
Marsha Bousquet, IBI Group, Project Manager, presented Milestone 5 which included the
following: create a set of guidelines for transit support development guidelines; Policy Paper on
the foundation for City land use action; handbook for Centerline Communities; Guidelines for
Station Area Development; Station Area parking guidelines; and Joint Development Strategy.
Mr. Baillie described the route and alignment concerning their desire to build a station at the
Orange Drive-In site on State College Blvd. which will connect to The City Drive and the Block.
The Block is proposed to have two split stations.
Councilman Slater asked what was the cooperation level of Santa Ana in relation to the route
further south on the City Drive and down La Veta at Main Street; and where will the station be
east of the 57 Freeway?
Mr. Baillie commented they are having ongoing meetings with the City's staff and the City of
Santa Ana trying to stay on the north side of the 22 Freeway (east of the SR-57). The proposed
solution discussed with City staff is a one-way system through Santa Ana, running north bound
on Main St. and South bound on Broadway utilizing the Bedford Bridge.
Barbara DeNiro asked the following: Is it going down Chapman; is redevelopment money
involved; parking issues and proposed costs.
JULY 20,1999
Mr. Baillie commented it is not going down Chapman. No redevelopment funds will be used
and they are looking at park and ride as a parking solution. The proposed costs are
approximately $1.2 billion for 28 miles and will include right-of-way costs for the system.
Dinah Minteer, OCTA Project Manager, commented it is not OCTA's intent if a vehicular road
lane is removed to then acquire property and widen the road back to the original number of lanes.
The street level right-of-way acquisition does not include that. Councilman Murphy indicated it
would have to include some costs born by the City to make up for the right-of-way or the other
entity involved.
Traffic Commissioner Petronelle asked how much will it cost?
Mr. Baillie indicated the fares would be comparable to bus fares.
Bob Bennyhoff, commented the intersection of Main and LaVeta is one of the most intense
intersections in the City and asked how will this work?
Mr. Baillie remarked they are looking at an at-grade line through the intersection of Main Street
and LaVeta Avenue. One northbound station will be located on Main Street opposite the OCTA
office at Town & Country. A second station will be located on westbound LaVeta west of Main
Street. It will be a single track with a single platform.
Pat Regge representing Spieker Properties, asked the location of the station at the Doubletree
Hotel and at the Block. Mr. Baillie indicated it will be on Chapman directly east of the
Doubletree Hotel. The split station for The Block will be at Justice Way.
Councilman Slater asked about the no build alternative - does it remain an option throughout the
study? Ms. Minteer answered yes, the already approved transportation improvements in the
county would move forward but it would not have the rail component. Measure M funds set
aside for the rail system would have to go through a series of actions possibly back to the voters
to recommit those funds.
Mayor Coontz asked the specifics of the rail portion of the Measure M funds.
Ms. Minteer indicated it was general and did not define the project nor type. They will get back
to the City Manager with the language.
Councilman Alvarez asked if all cities were on board? Mr. Baillie commented Santa Ana is still
discussing issues.
Chris Nate representing Lee & Associated Real Estate asked what negative impacts construction
will have on businesses along the route.
JULY 20, 1999
Ms. Minteer responded construction impacts will be addressed in the mitigation and monitoring
plan. There will be several years of construction and will be working closely with the cities to
maintain street operations. The current timeline, if everything proceeded on schedule, has
construction beginning in 2003.
5. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION - The City Council did not recess to Closed
The City Council adjourned at 7:20 p.m.