10-12-1999 Council Minutes APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON OCTOBER 26, 1999 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ORANGE, CALIFORNIA OF A REGULAR MEETING October 12, 1999 The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened on October 12, 1999 at 4:30 p.m. in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. -- 4:30 P.M. SESSION I. OPENING 1.1 INVOCATION Pastor Robert Dargatz, Immanuel Lutheran Church 1.2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Councilman Murphy 1.3 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez ABSENT - None 1.4 PRESENTATIONS! ANNOUNCEMENTS! INTRODUCTIONS John Stratman, Pacific Bell, Director of External Affairs for Orange County, presented a check in amount of $4,000 to the City for the successful Concerts in the Park series. Mayor Coontz made the following announcements: . The first time celebration of the nationwide event promoted by Mayors Across the Nation, Walk Your Children to School Day was held in the City of Orange on October 6, 1999. Taft Elementary and Palmyra School children and City of Orange Police Department participated. . The Chapman Law School Dedication will be held October 20, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will be the inauguration speaker. . The 28th Annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast will be held on October. 21, 1999 at 7:30 a.m. at the Phoenix Club. -. . The "Scare Away Hunger" Community Food Drive will be held on October 28, 1999, sponsored by Second Harvest of Orange County and supported by the City of Orange and numerous civic and religious groups. The City is challenged to collect one million pounds of food. . The City, in cooperation with the Downtown Orange and Business and Professional Association, will sponsor the Trick or Treat through the Streets Harvest Fest in Old Towne Orange on October 28, 1999 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. PAGE 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 1.4 PRESENTATIONS! ANNOUNCEMENTS! INTRODUCTIONS (Continued) . The KLOS Radio Mark & Brian Halloween Parade will be held on October 29, 1999 at 7:30 a.m. --- 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Tape 358 Carole Walters, (address on file), said signatures are being obtained from individuals who do not want the bricks removed in the Plaza quadrants. Has the City received any monies from the bankruptcy? The City Attorney responded approximately $900,000 was received in a lawsuit filed on the Treasurer's Performance Bond and approximately $1 million from a lawsuit filed against KMPG Peat Marwick. Final distribution anticipated in November should enable the City to recoup all of its principal losses. Linda Hayes, 164 N. Stevens, representing citizens of west Orange potentially impacted by OCTA's CenterLine project. A copy of a no-build petition with 628 signatures, the original being mailed to OCTA, was presented to the City Clerk for the official record. Concerns were expressed with being uninformed of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and community meetings; trains and stations a few hundred feet from businesses and residents front doors; increased crime; multi-year construction; street closures and diversions; loss of business; increased accidents; adversely impacted emergency response; increased noise and litter; parking problems, and potential HazMat spills. The DEIR says the neighborhood would have no direct adverse impact. Council was urged to support the no build alternative and to exhort OCTA to take the CenterLine project to the voters, with full disclosure of the entire 87 mile potential alignments, all impacts and implications, and all funded and operational costs issues. Ms. Hayes expressed concern regarding the Chapman/Main alignment. (T2200.1.4.D) Mayor Coontz responded the Chapman/Main alignment is an issue of great concern. By state and federal law, Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) has to show alternative routes. The City Manager sent a letter to OCTA dated December 15, 1998 expressing opposition to any further studies if the Chapman alignment, under any circumstances, was presented by OCTA, and stated the reasons and objectives. Mayor Coontz made a presentation on January 25, 1999 before the OCTA Board in Orange indicating this was an issue of great concern. The rail alignment proposed on Chapman between Main Street and the SR-57 is objectionable; and that it would have a negative impact on the business community along west Chapman. Supervisor Coad, a member of the OCT A Board representing Orange also indicated it would have a negative impact on the residential areas. Mayor Coontz commented with the introduction of light rail it will seriously restrict access opportunities for the existing strip commercial, will eliminate left turn movements in and out of the commercial, and additional right-of-way will be taken to accommodate PAGE 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Continued) the rail. The new street cross section will significantly reduce the size of the parcels. The very small commercial parcels will not be suitable for any serious transit oriented high density development. Mayor Coontz encouraged individuals to write directly to OCTA, 550 S. Main Street, Orange, CA 92868 with their objections no later than October 25, 1999 so their comments could be included in the draft environmental impact report. The City Council will hold a public hearing on November 23, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. to address this issue. The Director of Public Works indicated the alignment that OCTA selects for consideration by their Board on November 8, 1999 will be presented to the City Council for appropriate action at the November 23, 1999 meeting. Speaking in opposition to the light rail system: Barbara DeNiro, (address on file) Dennis and Linda Walkwitz, 132 N. Jewell Place Lois Barke, 2022 Spruce Mara Brandman, 7319 Equitation Way, thanked Councilman Murphy and the City Attorney for assisting a resident desiring cable access to property located in a cul-de-sac. Although the East Chapman Improvement Committee has been disbanded, she asked Council to continue consideration of an east Orange committee. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Tape 836 3.1 Declaration of City Clerk, Cassandra J. Cathcart, declaring posting of City Council agenda of a regular meeting of October 12, 1999 at Orange Civic Center, Main Library at 101 N. Center Street, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia, the Eisenhower Park Bulletin Board, and summarized on Time- Warner Communications, all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting. ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk. 3.2 Request Council Confirmation of warrant registers dated September 23 and 30, 1999. ACTION: Approved. 3.3 Request approval of City Council Minutes, Regular Meeting, September 28 and Joint Adjourned Regular Meeting, September 29, 1999. ACTION: Approved. PAGE 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 3.4 Consideration to waive reading in full of all ordinances on the Agenda. ACTION: Approved. AGREEMENTS 3.5 Professional Service Agreement between the City of Orange and Major League Softball, Inc., for adult softball services. (A2100.0 AGR-1725.B) SUMMARY: Approval of a three year Agreement between the City and Major League Softball, Inc., in the amount of $62,000. The existing agreement expired September 1, 1999. Major League Softball, Inc. administers the City's adult softball program for which the contractor provides umpires and scorekeepers. ACTION: Approved the agreement and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf ofthe City. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available III Account No. 100-7014-427800 (Other Contractual Services) - $62,000. APPROPRIATIONS 3.6 Authorization of Receipt of $5,000 Grant from the California State Library (Federal Library Services and Construction Act Funds). (C2500.l) SUMMARY: The Orange Public Library applied to the California State Library (Federal Library Services and Technology Act) for a $5,000 grant to purchase young adult books, magazines and books on tape. MOTION: Authorized receipt of $5,000 grant from the California State Library and appropriated $5,000 to Account No. 100-2001-443101 (Library Books). FISCAL IMPACT: The grant award of$5,000 will augment the Library's book budget. BIDS 3.7 Award of Bid to Bremco Construction and Five Star Homes for Temporary Fire Facilities. (A2100.0 AGR-3355) SUMMARY: A Temporary Fire Apparatus Facility and Temporary Fire Station Facility have been budgeted as part of the Fire Station No.8 project. ACTION: Awarded Bid No. 989-31 to Bremco Construction in the amount of $40,389.00; awarded Bid No. 989-32 to Five Star Homes in the amount of $72,995.00; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf ofthe City. PAGE 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $113,384.00 are available in Account No. 562-3021-481200-2683 - Fire Facilities Area "C" (Temporary Fire Station No.8). -- 3.8 Purchase of an Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) vehicle from Seagrave Fire Apparatus Company. (C2500.H) SUMMARY: Purchase of an Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) vehicle for the Fire Department on a sole source basis. ACTION: Authorized purchase of an Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) vehicle from Seagrave Fire Apparatus Company in the amount. of $637,580. and authorized the City Manager to surplus the replaced units at an auction. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds in the amount of $637,580. are available in Account No. 720-5023-472102 (Vehicle Replacement Fund). CLAIMS 3.9 The City Attorney recommends that the Orange City Council deny the following Claim(s) for damages: (C3200.0) a. Charlotte Roehm b. Walter Gustafson c. Kathy Stevens d. Gardenhouse HOA FISCAL IMP ACT: None. ACTION: Denied Claims and First Amended Claim for damages and referred to City Attorney and Adjuster. CONTRACTS 3.10 Three Bridge Seismic Retrofit project over the Santa Ana River at Garden Grove Boulevard, Orangewood Avenue, and Taft Avenue. (A2100.0 AGR-2846) -- SUMMARY: The County of Orange Public Facilities and Resources Department has completed a construction of the bridge seismic retrofit work for the City of Orange. This report is a request for approval of the County's final construction costs including change orders. PAGE 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ACTION: Approved final changes to construction contract and final construction costs for 3 Bridge Seismic Retrofit project as administered by the County of Orange Public Facilities and Resources Department per City-County Cooperative Agreement No. D97- 073. FISCAL IMP ACT: No fiscal impact on the City's Capital Improvement Program budget. All construction costs are included in the State of California Seismic Retrofit Program. QUITCLAIM DEED 3.11 A recommendation to quitclaim to the State of California, Department of Transportation an abandoned SA VI well site. (D4000.0) SUMMARY: The Mayor and City Clerk are requested to quitclaim former Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company (SA VI) Well #17 located on LaVeta Avenue near the 55 Freeway in order to allow Caltrans to properly destroy the abandoned well as part of the State's freeway construction. ACTION: Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMP ACT: None. All construction costs are included in the State of California Seismic Retrofit program. RATIFICATION OF DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY 3.12 Review the existence of a local emergency as declared on April 1, 1999. (Vista Royale Tract). ACTION: Approve. RESOLUTIONS 3.13 RESOLUTION NO. 9181 (C2500.M.16.1 LLN-99-5) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving Lot Line Adjustment LL 99-5 adjusting lot lines of certain real property situated at 284 North Donneybrooke Street in the City of Orange, County of Orange, State of California. Owner: The Bayati Family Trust ACTION: Approved. PAGE 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 3.14 RESOLUTION NO. 9182 (C2500.P) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange expressing appreciation to Guadalupe A. Elizondo of the Orange Water Department and commending him for twenty-five years of loyal and dedicated service. ACTION: Approved. (REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY) 3.15 RESOLUTION NO. 9183 (C2500.M.15) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving an application for 1999-2000 grant funds from the Urban and Community Forest Program under the Trees for the Millennium Initiative. The Director of Public Works explained the State periodically provides additional grant funding, which will allow the City to plant approximately 400 trees over an 18 month period. Discussion: Barbara DeNiro, (address on file), expressed concerns with tree maintenance, placement, etc. and asked several tree related questions. Councilman Slater commented on his assistance with planting 17 trees across from Orange High School, which will improve the look of the street. Chapman University adjoins the property and will maintain the parkway and install an irrigation system. MOTION - Slater SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to approve. (REMOVED AND HEARD WITH AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.1) 3.16 RESOLUTION NO. 9184 (S4000.SA) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange temporarily closing sections of Glassell Street, Chapman Avenue, Lemon Street and Maple Avenue immediately abutting the "Plaza" area of the Downtown Business District, and temporary suspension of permit parking requirements within "Area A" (Downtown Area) for a Special Event from 12:00 Midnight thru 12:00 Noon, October 28-29, 1999. Event: KLOS Radio and the Mark & Brian Morning Show Note: Councilman Alvarez abstained on Item No. 3.16 due a potential conflict of interest with property located 131 S. Glassell Street. PAGE 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Mayor Coontz AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon ABSENT - Alvarez Moved to approve. 3.17 RESOLUTION NO. 9186 (C2500.E) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange commending William J. Little, City Manager of the City of Camarillo on his retirement from 32 years of public service. ACTION: Approved. SPECIAL EVENTS 3.18 Request for temporary suspension of permit parking restrictions within "Area A", (downtown area). (S4000.S.3.1.2) SUMMARY: Old Towne Preservation Association will host a home tour on Saturday, October 16, 1999 and Sunday, October 17,1999. Due to anticipated attendance it may be necessary to park in the surrounding residential neighborhood which restricts on-street parking except by Permit. ACTION: Approved. FISCAL IMPACT: None. 3.19 Request for temporary suspension of permit parking restrictions within "Area A", (downtown area). (S4000.S.3.1.2) SUMMARY: Chapman University will hold a dedication ceremony for their new law school building. Due to anticipated attendance it may be necessary to park in the surrounding residential neighborhood which restricts on-street parking except by Permit. This event is scheduled for Wednesday - October 20, 1999. ACTION: Approved. FISCAL IMPACT: None. MOTION - Spurgeon SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez PAGE 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) - Items Nos. 3.15 and 3.16 were removed and heard separately. Councilman Alvarez abstained on Item No. 3.16. The remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved as recommended. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ******** 4. REPORTS FROM MAYOR COONTZ 4.1 Update on South County cities proposal to locate a jail in East Orange. Mayor Coontz reported the City's efforts at this point have been to strategize how the City will be communicating with the south county cities. The City Manager has been asked to meet with Bob Dunek, City Manager of Lake Forest. Subsequent to his meeting, Mayor Coontz and Councilman Murphy will meet with south county representatives. The City has been through the long legal process of trying to prevent the County of Orange from enlarging the Theo Lacy jail. Prisoners being released into the area was one of the many issues the City resolved. The City had a Gentlemen's Agreement with the Board of Supervisors. Legally the decision made by the Board of Supervisors at that time not to allow another jail in the City of Orange cannot be adhered to with a new Board. Many people in south county do not realize the vast area to the east of Orange has already been designated for future development of the City of Orange. This issue will be discussed further in Closed Session. Councilman Alvarez commented on how quickly the south county cities have moved on the EI Toro airport issue, stressing the importance of the City moving quickly in the decision making process of the jail proposal in east Orange. Mayor Coontz further commented that the Clean and Healthy Communities Initiative will not protect the City of Orange from a jail site in east Orange. 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS Tape 1164 5.1 Report from Councilman Murphy announcing the Mark & Brian Halloween Parade. Note: This item was heard in conjunction with Consent Calendar Item No. 3.16. Councilman Murphy reported Mark and Brian from KLOS Radio are bringing the parade back to the City of Orange. KLOS Radio has spent an inordinate amount of time promoting the parade and other events going on in the City. The parade will run from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. on Friday, October 29th. KLOS will broadcoast live from the City of Orange from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The parade route will run from Chapman Avenue through the Plaza onto Glassell Street. Applications for a float or participation in the parade can be obtained by calling 1-800- 955-5567. Float applications can be downloaded on the KLOS Radio web site at PAGE 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS (Continued) www.955klos.com. The deadline for receiving applications is Friday, October 15th. The parade was last held in the City in 1995. Carole Walters, (address on file), commented that appropriate language should be used by Mark and Brian at the parade. Business owners in the Plaza are impacted by street closures. Councilman Murphy responded the Plaza was already closed on this date and time. KLOS Radio will pick up expenses ordinarily borne by the City, i.e. Trick or Treat through the Streets. The parade will hopefully bring 8,000 - 10,000 people to the Plaza area which could benefit businesses that are open. Mayor Coontz commented the contract with KLOS Radio and Mark and Brian will be on the October 26, 1999 agenda for Council's approval. 6. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS Tape 1440 6.1 Appointment to the Orange Public Library Board of Trustees. (Continued from September 14, 1999). (C2500.I.l) William Warne, 1208 E. Adams, Chairman of the Orange Public Library Board of Trustees, implored Council to take action on this item. Councilman Alvarez expressed concern to Mr. Warne with the awkward position staffwas put in at the last Board of Trustees meeting. Mr. Warne apologized for any misunderstanding, indicating his concern is for the status of the Board's membership. He merely was asking for a legal determination on the issue. Carole Walters, (address on file), expressed support for Carolyn Cavecche being reappointed. Mara Brandman, 7319 Equitation Way, commented on membership and the appointment process for Boards and Committees. Council was urged to move ahead and reappoint Carolyn Cavecche to the Board. Mayor Coontz moved to appoint Patricia Welch to the Orange Public Library Board of Trustees. Motion failed for lack of a second. Mayor Coontz moved to appoint Karen Herrera to the Orange Public Library Board of Trustees. Motion failed for lack of a second. Mayor Coontz commented that she recognizes Ms. Cavecche's abilities, but due to her long service on the Board, a change needs to be made. Councilman Slater commented that two fine individuals were nominated by the Mayor to serve on the Board. However, since Carolyn Cavecche has done a good job on the Library Board and has expressed a strong willingness to serve, he would like her to continue to participate. PAGE 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 6. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS (Continued) Councilman Murphy commented that individuals need to be recognized and their efforts rewarded. More than a difference in political opinion needs to be assessed before someone is --- removed. He supports the reappointment of Carolyn Cavecche to the position. Councilman Alvarez concurred with the comments made by Councilman Slater and Murphy. Mayor pro tern Spurgeon commented that he would have abstained if a second had been made on the Mayor's motions because he would not have voted against the Mayor's recommendation. The Mayor has to make the appointment which Council ratifies. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Tape 1995 7.1 FINDING OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Request to determine whether the issuance of a new license to sell pre-packaged alcoholic beverages, from a retail market, serves the interest of Public Convenience and Necessity, as required for license approval by the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. (Continued from September 14, 1999). (P1300.0.2) SUMMARY: Mr. K's is a specialty market located at 1100 W. Chapman Avenue (southwest corner of Chapman Avenue and Lime Street). The Planning Commission reviewed and approved a request to sell pre-packaged beer and wine through Conditional Use Permit 2296-99. City Council action is required by Section 23958.4 of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. FISCAL IMP ACT: If approved, an undetermined amount of retail sales tax revenue may be generated by applicant sales. The applicant paid a filing fee to offset city personnel costs in processing this request. Mayor Coontz noted this item was continued in order to provide the applicant the opportunity to respond to questions and concerns raised at the September 14, 1999 meeting. The Director of Community Development commented that at Council's request, notices were sent out to the surrounding property owners. Sami Odeh, 2249 N. Tustin Avenue, commented concerns with safety and concentration is also the property owners concern. The business has changed since the initial application over three years ago which the Police Chief denied. The business is now a 100% specialty grocery store, with emphasis on items consumed largely by the Spanish community. At the September 14, 1999 meeting in which his item was continued, Council made a finding of public convenience and necessity for Rite Aid Corporation, located at the southwest corner of Chapman Avenue and Esplanade Street. Mr. K's has been in business as a market for over four years with a clean record. The owners are good, responsible business people. The building is one of the cleanest and better looking grocery stores of its size in the City. The Police Department has no objection to the application. Not approving a finding of public convenience and necessity would be PAGE 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) discriminatory and unfair to business people. The market serves a need, especially for the community south of Chapman Avenue. Speaking in favor: Jim Webb, 1124 W. Chapman Avenue John Aguirre, 362 Parker Reasons: Market is convenient and not detrimental to safety. Speaking in opposition: Donice Oden, 173 S. Lime Street Pam Petersen, 172 S. Lime Street Kristen Aiello, 140 N. Lester Drive Concerns: Safety concerns; over concentration of liquor sales in the area; trucks parking on the street; liquor being sold one block from a school; and alcohol sales contribute to driving under the influence (Dill's). ApPLICANTS RESPONSE: Sami Odeh responded the owners have children and are concerned for their safety. Delivery trucks are encouraged to park in the parking lot. However, they sometimes park on the street for no more than five or ten minutes. Beer and wine would not occupy more than 2% of the store space. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Slater commented the RiteAid approval at the September 14th meeting was to replace a liquor store torn down at Chapman Avenue and Esplanade Street and not to add a liquor license. He reiterated his opposition to the issuance of an ABC license as expressed at the September 14th Council meeting. 1) There is no finding of public convenience and necessity at the location; 2) the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit 2296-99 on a 2-1 vote; 3) the market is not an example to the neighborhood; 4) according to Police Department analysis, the tract lists Part I crimes and Part II arrests at 359, which is more than 20% over the average, making it a high crime area in Orange; and 5) the area already has an over concentration of beer and wine licenses. His main concern is that the business is not an example of what the businesses on west Chapman should look like. The Planning Commission was also concerned with the parking lot planting areas not being maintained, weeded, planted, and watered properly; the trash bin was many times out of its enclosure; and there is too much signage. " PAGE 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Councilman Alvarez asked what the police record is at the location? The Police Chief responded one disturbance call was made to the market in the last three years. - Mayor pro tern Spurgeon expressed concern with the proliferation of small convenience stores, most which sell liquor. Once liquor is introduced, they become magnets for service calls. The City has a vision for west Orange. Mayor Coontz commented this is a difficult issue, as she has promoted improvements to west Orange since 1976. Concern was expressed with how merchants will be helped to improve future projects. A survey may need to be done of how many businesses on west Chapman sell liquor. Many people in the area walk to the store because they do not have vehicles. This is a different part of the community in a different cultural and income situation. Councilman Murphy commented he could not support adding an additional license in the area. If an ABC license were to lapse or a business go out, he could consider it, as was the case with RiteAid. MOTION - Slater SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to make a finding that public convenience and necessity will not be served by issuing Alcoholic Beverage Control Type 20 off sale beer and wine license for a market at 1100 West Chapman Avenue. MAYOR COONTZ COMMENTED FOR THE RECORD: "I am not voting for this for personal reasons. I look at this as just a general problem that we have, so we are not focusing on anyone applicant. I do hope that we look at the situation just as we did at one time on a number of drive through restaurants, also look at the situation regarding these types of establishments. I am not preferring one over the other. I think that these people are struggling. They are obviously managing to create a strong business. The big problem, I think, as I said before, is what you do in the interim when you have existing businesses in that area that are operating well and are addressing a need, and then you might want to make changes in the future." 7.2 Amendment to Legal Services Agreement with the Law Firm of Beam, Brobeck & West - Vista Royale. (A2100.0 AGR-2904.2) Tape 3418 SUMMARY: The City has an agreement with Beam, Brobeck & West for an amount not to exceed $250,000 to provide legal services in connection with lawsuits filed due to the Vista Royale slide. That amount has been expended and the City Attorney is requesting that an additional $200,000 be appropriated for continued legal services. PAGE 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) FISCAL IMPACT: Funds to be appropriated from unreserved balance in the sum of $200,000. The City Attorney presented the report. MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Alvarez AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to appropriate $200,000 from the Self Insurance Fund unreserved fund balance to Account No. 740-0301-426100-00106 and approve and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into an amendment to the agreement with Beam, Brobeck & West on behalf of the City in an amount not to exceed $450,000.. 7.3 Report from the Director of Public Works on the Geotechnical Consulting Contract with AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. (A2100.0 AGR-2944.3) SUMMARY: Current funding for the monitoring of ground movement is nearly depleted. Additional funding for Phase II of geotechnical consulting contract is needed to continue the monitoring and geotechnical investigation and authorization to amend the contract with AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. to continue monitoring of ground movement at Vista Royale and Peralta Point developments. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $200,000 to be appropriated from unreserved balance. The Director of Public Works presented the report. MOTION - Mayor Coontz SECOND - Slater AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to appropriate additional funding in the amount of $200,000 to Account No. 100-5012- 426700-4990-00106 (Consulting ServicesNista Royale) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute amendments to the existing contract with AGRA Earth and Environmental in increments of $1 00,000. 8. CITY MANAGER REPORTS Tape 3576 8.1 Status on Pitcher Park. (C2500.Mo4.16) The Director of Community and Library Services explained this report was generated due to concerns voiced by residents living around and adjacent to Pitcher Park through a petition submitted by Roger Young at the September 28, 1999 meeting. The City has assigned a nineteen (19) hour maintenance worker at the park to maintain the landscape and hardscape areas and will PAGE 14 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 8. CITY MANAGER REPORTS (Continued) assign a skilled maintenance worker on an as-need basis to help in the general upkeep of the park. The department has not received many complaints regarding the general maintenance of the park. A contractor was hired to re-paint the barn of color similar to the sun-faded redwood stained color. A majority of the foundation members support the new barn color. However, an attempt can be made to restore the barn back to its original color. Mayor Coontz indicated it was suggested to her that the President of the Pitcher Park Foundation Board be contacted to get the board together to provide an update on activities. Mayor Coontz and Councilman Slater serve as ad hoc members. The City needs to follow up to a foundation members suggestion that a landscape maintenance calendar be put together by someone who understands the plant growth in Pitcher Park in order to maintain the plants to their optimum. Councilman Alvarez asked if the problems at Pitcher Park were caused by vandalism or over use? The Director of Community and Library Services indicated items such as the chips in the tiles, seating tables, missing door handles, and broken grout around the flag pole have been repaired, or are scheduled for repair by the end of the week. The Pitcher Park Foundation will reconvene to access what future activities will be planned for the park. The Police Chief indicated there is regular patrol of the park between 11 :00 p.m. and 1 :00 a.m. Scheduled events are held at the park which is used on a regular basis. Mayor Coontz asked whose purview it is to work with the Pitcher Park Foundation? The Director of Community and Library Services responded the Recreation Supervisor is liaison to the foundation. Roger Young, (address on file), thanked Council for repairs made at the park, indicating a lot of damage was caused by vandalism. The Police Chiefwas thanked for the added patrol at the park. It was requested that the barn be repainted to its original color in 1992 when the park was built. A major problems is funds that have been cut for park maintenance and library services. Carole Walters, (address on file), referred to December 15, 1989 minutes regarding Pitcher Park committee members and requested the color of the barn be restored to its original color. Mayor Coontz responded that new members to the corporate board have been added since that time. - MOTION - Mayor Coontz SECOND - Spurgeon AYES -Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz. Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to receive and file the report. PAGE 15 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 9. LEGAL AFFAIRS Tape 4045 9.1 ORDINANCE NO. 21-99 (A2500.0 Truck Routes) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange amending Chapter 10.66 of the Orange Municipal Code relating to the designation of truck routes in the City. MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Spurgeon AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved that Ordinance No. 21-99 be read by title only and same was set for second reading by the preceding vote. 10. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 11. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION The City Council recessed at 6:35 to a Closed Session for the following purposes: a. Conference with Legal Counsel - anticipated litigation. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (one potential case): Siting of County Jail in Orange's Sphere oflnfluence b. Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 - existing litigation. 1. Vista Royale HOA v. City of Orange, et aI., Orange County Superior Case No. 78 02 84 2. Barbara 1. Singer vs. Orange Hills Baptist Church, et aI., Orange County Superior Case No. 800690 c. Conference with real property negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8: Property: 25 acre parcel near the intersection of Spring Street and McPherson Road in Orange; Negotiating Parties: City of Orange and Union Pacific Railroad; Under Negotiation: Price of Terms d. Conference with labor negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: City Negotiator: Steven Pham; Employee Organizations: All City Groups (This item was not discussed). e. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the City Attorney, City Manager, or City Council prior to such recess unless the motion to recess indicates any ofthe matters will not be considered in Closed Session. PAGE 16 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 7:00 P.M. SESSION PRESENTATION Tape 4141 -. Al Pollack, Umpire and Chief for Central Orange Bobby Sox, presented certificates to twelve girls recognized as National Champions at the National Fastpitch Softball All Star Tournament. 12. PUBLIC COMMENTS Tape 4454 Mayor Coontz reiterated comments made at the 4:30 p.m. session regarding OCTA's CenterLine Project. Spoke in opposition to OCTA's CenterLine Project: Dee Hutchinson, 442 S. Crest Road Jennifer Christian, 155 N. Stevens Street Patricia Dougherty, 130 N. Flower Street, urged Council to request OCTA to use the no build option. Lois Barke, 2022 Spruce Reasons: OCT A's lack of notification or notification not received in a timely manner; OCTA did not communicate its plan; residents were misinformed; OCTA's poor public relations; light rail does not solve urban transit problems and is not a good use of $104 billion; light rail does not address the diverse needs of increasing senior population; impact on property values, quality of life, and ongoing construction for 5-7 years; the City should respond to their needs. Mayor Coontz and Councilmembers concurred with the concerns expressed by the residents and expressed support in their fight against OCTA's proposed CenterLine project. Councilman Slater indicated OCTA wants the project to happen, which can only be justified with ridership projections. Residents need to be as vigilant as the City will be in fighting the project. Mayor Coontz asked what the City can do to provide notification to the community prior to the November 23rd public hearing? An explanation was requested of the process involved. - The Director of Public Works suggested notification be sent 1,14 mile north of Chapman Avenue, 1,14 mile east of Main Street, 1,14 mile south of La Veta Avenue, and 1,14 mile on either side of The City Drive. On November 8, 1999 OCTA will release their preferred alignment for the Board's consideration. There could be variations or alternatives proposed at that time. On November 23, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. the City Council will consider support of the proposed alignment or could choose to support the no build option. On December 13, 1999 the OCTA Board will consider the alignment and take action on whether to proceed to the next phase, which is the preliminary engineering phase necessary to generate more detailed information for the preparation of the final environmental document. December 13th is the key date as to whether the OCT A Board will PAGE 17 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 12. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Continued) proceed any further with the project. OCTA needs to get to an approximate 35% level of design completion in order to do the detailed environmental evaluation necessary for the project, which would probably commence in the March or April, 2000. The final action on the environmental documents would follow the design period, another six months to a year. Mayor Coontz requested a timeline be prepared, included in the mailed notification, and made available to the public. Councilman Murphy suggested the timeline also be included on the City's web site. In response to concerns, the Director of Public Works further explained December 13th would be the key date for the OCT A Board to decide whether they will proceed any further with the project. OCTA has invested approximately $6.5 million in the project to date; the next phase is estimated at approximately $30 million. It is not expected that OCTA will take an affirmative action to approve the project and move ahead, as the California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Protection Act must first be complied with. The Board could take action on December 13th to not proceed with the project. ******** Expressed concern with construction problems at ChapmanlMain: Shelley Perras, 1441 Chapman Avenue, (Fantastic Sams) (S4000.S.3) John Hong, 1443 W. Chapman Avenue, (John's Beauty Supply) Linda Dang, 1445 W. Chapman Avenue, (Video Mart) Barbara DeNiro, (address on file), commented on two incidents she has witnessed which were caused by construction projects. Reasons: Blocked driveways; negative impact on business; lack of supervision of contractors; contractors work too slow; construction is taking too long. The Director of Public Works indicated the private contractor has done work for the City in the past. It is anticipated construction will be completed by October 31, 1999. Two memorandums were addressed dated October 12, 1999 prepared by Public Works staff relative to complaints received from Fantastic Sams and follow-up action taken. Information has been provided through the City's Public Relations Officer on the project. Mayor Coontz commented that supervision and communication with the business owners is needed. PAGE 18 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS Tape 6920 13.1 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 5-99; NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1607-99; LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE FACILITIES (A2500.0 AMD-5-99) - Time set for a public hearing to consider a proposal to amend the City Zoning Ordinance relating to allowing large family daycare homes on properties zoned R-l in compliance with State Law. NOTE: Negative Declaration 1607-99 was prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts of this project. The Director of Community Development reported large family daycare homes are defined by State law as homes that provide care for nine (9) to fourteen (14) children for a less than 24 hour basis in a single-family residence. The homes are allowed in R-l single family residential zones and subject to a limited set of conditions which relate only to separation from other day care facilities, traffic control, parking, noise, and regulations adopted by the State Fire Marshal. State law requires that a non-discretionary permit be issued. Cities have the option of one of three processing methods: 1) approval by right; 2) subject to limited State conditions (administrative approval); or 3) require a use permit subject to a public hearing and the same limited conditions allowed by the State. Since the State law was adopted in 1984, the City has opted to require the use permit option, which at times has created difficult situations, since the City has very limited discretion in approving large family day care homes. Rather than to raise expectations of neighborhoods by conducting hearing with limitations, it has been suggested the State criteria be codified. If the proposal complies with the criteria, it would be approved. Criteria that large family day care homes must comply with are as follows: 1) The business be operated in a single-family residence on property residentially zoned. 2) No other licensed large-family day care home be located within 600 feet of the exterior property boundaries of the proposed home. 3) The Noise Ordinance of the OMC (Chapter 8) be complied with at all times, and hours of outdoor play activities shall only be permitted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4) Two enclosed parking spaces must be maintained for parking purposes only. 5) The facility shall be licensed by the State's Department of Social Services. 6) The facility shall comply with State Fire Marshal standards for large-family day care facilities. 7) No sign advertising the business shall be allowed. 8) Compliance with all development standards for single-family residential structures IS - required. 9) Submit a site plan identifying pedestrian access to/from loading area shall be provided. Mayor Coontz asked how the changes compare with other cities? The Director of Community Development responded a summary of comparisons taken of other cities in the County is included with the agenda report. It is proposed the separation between large day care facilities be 600 feet. Most cities use the 300 foot separation. However, the larger the separation between facilities, the more risk for potential litigation. PAGE 19 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) Councilman Alvarez asked which department is responsible for ensuring compliance with the conditional use permit? Which department does an annual inspection? Mayor Coontz responded the Fire Marshal performs inspections. Barbara DeNiro, (address on file), expressed concern with the notification area being limited to 100 feet and difficulty in finding the location of the present day care facilities on the map included with the background staff information. Are enclosed parking spaces maintained? Are the required on-site parking spaces monitored by the Fire and Police Department currently being adhered to? How many attendants are required at the facility? Do the facilities have the same traffic and parking requirements as single-family residences in the City? The Director of Community Development responded the 100 feet radius from the outside boundary of the day care facility is set by State law. The purpose of the map is to show the general location of large day care facilities within the City. Approximately twenty-five (25) family day care homes are currently licensed in Orange, which are widely spread throughout the City. Two enclosed spaces are required for parking. Inspections are made if complaints are received from neighbors. Councilman Alvarez expressed concern and asked if Council has the discretion to increase the notification area? The Director of Community Development explained that in 1984 the City opted to have a modified conditional use permit process, using the State's 100 foot radius requirement at the time. It is proposed that this be an administrative approval process, which would not include notification. State law regulates these day care facilities. The City has no discretion. As much regulation is being imposed as possible, without misleading neighborhoods into thinking the City has more discretion than exists. Mayor Coontz commented Council needs to be made aware once a year of proposed changes to State law on these types of facilities. Bob Bennyhoff, 10642 Morada Drive, urged Council to approve the recommendation and not notify the neighborhoods, as he encountered a similar situation in Orange Park Acres in the Broadmoor area in which the neighborhood was notified. THERE BEING NO FURTHER SPEAKERS, MAYOR COONTZ CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION - Slater SECOND - Alvarez AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez Moved to approve Negative Declaration 1607-99 and Ordinance Amendment No. 5-99 as outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. PC-51-99.. PAGE 20 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 12, 1999 14. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT - None 15. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION - Mayor Coontz SECOND - Murphy AYES - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz, Spurgeon, Alvarez THE CITY COUNCIL RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION AT 8:37 P.M. AND RECONVENED FROM CLOSED SESSION AT9:47 P.M. The City Council adjourned at 9:47 p.m. ~$J~/..uC CASSANDRA J. CA CART, CMC CITY CLERK / - PAGE 21