RES-10546 Establishment of Underground Utility DistrictRESOLUTION NO. 10546 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO: (1) ESTABLISH AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT ALONG MAPLE AVENUE FROM GLASSELL STREET TO CYPRESS STREET, OLIVE STREET FROM MAPLE AVENUE TO ALMOND AVENUE, LEMON STREET FROM MAPLE AVENUE TO CHAPMAN AVENUE, CYPRESS STREET FROM MAPLE AVENUE TO CHAPMAN AVENUE, AND ALMOND AVENUE FROM GLASSELL STREET TO CYPRESS STREET; (2) AUTHORIZE THE CONVERSION OF THE EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATION FACILITIES AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES TO UNDERGROUND LOCATIONS; AND (3) SET THE TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. WHEREAS, the City of Orange (the "City ") is a municipal corporation, exercising governmental functions and powers and organized and existing under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, Southern California Edison ( "SCE ") will, at its expense, replace its existing overhead electric facilities with underground facilities along public streets and roads, and on public lands and private property across which rights -of -way satisfactory to SCE have been obtained, provided that the City Council has: a. Determined, after consultation with SCE and after holding a public hearing thereon, that such undergrounding is in the general public interest for one or more of the following reasons: i) Such undergrounding will avoid or eliminate an unusually heavy concentration of overhead electric facilities; ii) The street or road or right -of -way is extensively used by the general public and carries a heavy volume of pedestrian or vehicular traffic; and iii) The street or road or right -of -way adjoins or passes through a civic area or public recreation area or an area of unusual scenic interest to the general public. b. Adopted an ordinance creating an underground district in the area in which both the existing and new facilities are and will be located requiring, among other things, (1) that all existing overhead communication and electric distribution facilities in such district shall be removed, (2) that each property served from such electric overhead facilities shall have installed in accordance with SCE's rules for underground service, all electrical facility changes on the premises necessary to receive service from the underground facilities of SCE as soon as it is available, and (3) authorizing SCE to discontinue its overhead service. WHEREAS, SCE has expressed its willingness to convert its existing overhead distribution facilities (herein referred to as the "SCE Distribution Facilities ") to underground locations along Maple Avenue from Glassell Street to Cypress Street, along Olive Street from Maple Avenue to Almond Avenue, along Lemon Street from Maple Avenue to Chapman Avenue, along Cypress Street from Maple Avenue to Chapman Avenue, and along Almond Avenue from Glassell Street to Cypress Street, which area is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and generally depicted on that certain map attached hereto as Exhibit B (herein referred to as the "District Boundaries "), using funds allocated, or to become available for allocation, to the City of Orange under SCE's Rule 20 -A for undergrounding. The undergrounding of the SCE Distribution Facilities will include the installation of pads and vaults for transformers and associated equipment, conduits, ducts, boxes, pole bases and other related work in connection with the underground system in accordance with SCE's specifications and the installation of no more than 100 feet of each customer's underground electric service lateral occasioned by the undergrounding, which, together with the SCE Distribution Facilities, will be referred to herein as the "Project "; and WHEREAS, Chapter 12.44 of the Orange Municipal authorizes the City Council to initiate proceedings for the creation of underground utility districts within areas of the City within which poles, overhead wires, and associated overhead structures will be prohibited; and WHEREAS, Section 12.44.030 of the Orange Municipal Code authorizes the City Council to call a public hearing to ascertain whether the public necessity, health, safety or welfare requires the removal of poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures within designated areas of the City and the underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated services to affected property owners; and WHEREAS, Section 12.44.030 of the Orange Municipal Code requires the City Clerk to notify all affected property owners, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll, and concerned utilities by mail of the time and place of such public hearing at least fifteen 15) days prior to the date thereof, and WHEREAS, Chapter 12.44 of the Orange Municipal Code authorizes the creation of an underground utility district by the adoption of a resolution, rather than by the adoption of an ordinance; and WHEREAS, this City Council desires to establish an underground utility district within the District Boundaries, which, if established, shall be designated and known as Underground Utility District No. 16; and 2 WHEREAS, this City Council desires to set a hearing for all persons interested in the proposed establishment of an underground utility district within the District Boundaries and the conversion of the existing overhead electric and communication facilities and associated structures within the District Boundaries to underground locations. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council resolves, on the basis of the facts set forth in the agenda report presented to it and any testimony received at the meeting at which this matter was considered, as follows: Section 1 . The foregoing recitals are true and correct. Section 2 . A hearing for all persons interested in (a) the proposed establishment of an underground utility district along Maple Avenue from Glassell Street to Cypress Street, Olive Street from Maple Avenue to Almond avenue, Lemon Street from Maple Avenue to Chapman Avenue, Cypress Street from Maple Avenue to Chapman Avenue, and Almond Avenue from Glassell Street to Cypress Street (the "District Boundaries "), which area is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and generally depicted on that certain map attached hereto as Exhibit B ; and (b) the conversion of the existing overhead electric and communication facilities and associated structures within the District Boundaries to underground locations, shall be held on May 24, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chambers of the City of Orange located at 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. Section 3 . The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to notify all affected property owners as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and also to notify all utilities affected by this proposal, by a notice through the United States mail, of the time and place of said hearing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date thereof. ADOPTED this 26 day of April, 2011 ATTEST: Mary ,Fi.. a ,City Clerk, City e 3 I, MARY E. MURPHY, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Orange at a regular meeting thereof held on the 26 day of April, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Whitaker, Smith, Cavecche NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Dumitru, Bilodeau ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None Mary E urp y, City Clerk, Orange 4