RES-10895 Denying Tentative TractRESOLUTION NO. 10895
TENTATIVE TRACT 0036 -15 (17645) FOR
WHEREAS, Tentative Tract 0036 -15 (17645) was filed by The Olson Company, Doris
Nguyen in accordance with the provisions of the City of Orange Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, Tentative Tract 0036 -15 (17645) was processed in the time and manner
prescribed by state and local law; and
WHEREAS, on August 12, 2015, the Staff Review Committee reviewed Tentative Tract
0036 -15 (17645) and recommended that the application proceed; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted two duly advertised public meetings on
September 9, 2015, and October 5, 2015, for the purpose of considering Tentative Tract 0036 -15
17645) for the triangularly- shaped property located north of the southeasterly terminus of
Washington Avenue and Hamlin Street and, at their October 10, 2015, meeting, the Planning
Commission approved a motion on Planning Commission Resolution PC 28 -15 recommending
that the City Council deny the request. The Commission vote was 2 to 1, with one abstention and
one absence; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Orange
hereby denies Tentative Tract 0036 -15 (17645) for residential condominium purposes based on
the following findings:
General Plan:
1. The project must be consistent with the goals and policies stated within the City's
General Plan.
Without a defined site plan and number of units, which evidence indicates exists
and has been shared with the community, it cannot be determined that the project
would be consistent with the General Plan, specifically the below General Plan
Goals and Policies:
Land Use Element
Number Statement Potential Non - consistency
Policy Balance economic gains The project could be incompatible with
1.2 from new development surrounding neighborhoods if improper
while preserving the heights or density were to result,
character and densities of especially with regard to development
residential neighborhoods.along interfacing perimeters.
Policy Ensure that new Without accompanying plans, it is
1.4 development reflects unknown if resulting development
existing design standards,would reflect contextual design to
qualities, and features that adjacent development or be sensitive to
are in context with nearby privacy of adjacent dwellings.
Policy Minimize effects of new Same as above.
1.6 development on the privacy
and character of
Goal Advance development Without a fully defined project it is
6.0 activity that is mutually unknown if the development would be
beneficial to both the beneficial to the environment or
environment and the community. Specific areas of concern
Without a specified density or unit
configuration, potential future
project impacts could cause blight to
the area via traffic or parking
Health, safety, and /or aesthetic
impacts could arise to on and /or off -
site residents due to project density
impacts in the form of inadequate
circulation, fire access, or
interference with access to proposed
Safe and adequate vehicular and
pedestrian circulation, both on and
off -site, may not result.
Adequate ingress and egress to the
site may not occur.
It is unknown if adequate water
su ply or water pressure for
Resolution No. 10895
Resolution No. 10895
It is unknown if adequate water
supply or water pressure for
firefighting will be available for the
density proposed at the time of a
future project. It is also unknown
how water quality best management
practices will be implemented on-
Policy Ensure that new Without accompanying plans, it is
6.1 development is compatible unknown if resulting development
with the style and design of would reflect contextual design to
established structures and adjacent development or be sensitive to
the surrounding privacy of adjacent dwellings.
Policy Reduce pollutant runoff It is unknown what Best Management
6.5 from new development and Practices would be utilized or where
urban runoff to the they would be located for a future
maximum extent project. Hence the effectiveness of a
practicable.Water Quality Management Plan cannot
be determined.
Policy Enhance the walkability of Walkability enhancements cannot be
6.6 both new and current evaluated without a plan.
Policy Maximize landscaping It is not known how much area a future
6.8 along streetscapes and plan would or could allocate toward
within development streetscape and development
projects to enhance public landscaping features. Hence
health and environmental compliance with the policy remains
Policy Mitigate adverse air, noise, Without an environmental analysis of a
6.10 circulation, and other known site layout, it is unknown how
environmental impacts sound walls, landscape buffers, and
caused by new traffic control measures would mitigate
development adjacent to adverse air, noise, circulation, and other
existing neighborhoods environmental impacts.
through use of sound walls,
landscaping buffers, speed
limits, and other traffic
control measures.
Resolution No. 10895
GOAL Encourage active If the tentative tract map is approved, a
8.0 involvement of residents,final map may be filed. Therefore,
businesses, and agencies in without a tract map accompanying a
the planning and decision future site plan, future project review
making process.could terminate at the Planning
demands, and sustains
Commission, rather than the City
quality of life in
Council, unless appealed. Absence of
an additional public meeting at the City
Council for the future site plan review
could be viewed as discouraging active
involvement in the process.
Policy Continue to provide Same as above.
8.1 opportunities for public
impacts in the form of inadequate
education and involvement
circulation, fire access, or
in land use planning
interference with access to proposed
decisions through public
hearings, community
Safe and adequate vehicular and
meetings, study sessions,
pedestrian circulation, both on and
electronic media, and any
off-site, ma not result.
other appropriate and
available means.
Circulation and Mobility Element
Number Statement Potential Non - consistent
GOAL Provide a safe, efficient, and Without a fully defined project
1.0 comprehensive circulation Specific areas of concern include:
system that serves local
needs, meets forecasted Without a specified density or unit
demands, and sustains configuration, potential future
quality of life in project impacts could cause blight the area via traffic or parking
Health, safety, and /or aesthetic
impacts could arise to on and /or off -
site residents due to project density
impacts in the form of inadequate
circulation, fire access, or
interference with access to proposed
Safe and adequate vehicular and
pedestrian circulation, both on and
off-site, ma not result.
Resolution No. 10895
Adequate ingress and egress to the
site mav not occur.
Growth Management Element
Number Statement Potential Non - consistency
GOAL Reduce traffic congestion Without knowing future density, a
1.0 within the City.traffic analysis cannot be conducted to
reduce the amount of
know if there will be traffic impacts.
Policy Reduce pollutant runoff It is unknown what Best Management
2.14 from new development by Practices would be utilized or where
requiring use of the most they would be located for a future
effective Best Management project. Hence the effectiveness of a
Practices (BMPs) currently Water Quality Management Plan
available.cannot be determined.
Public Safety Element
Number Statement Potential Non - consistency
Policy Employ strategies and Without a site plan, it is unknown what
2.4 design features that will strategies would be used to reduce
reduce the amount of impervious surface area.
impervious surface (i.e.
focal points by neighboring properties.
paved area) within new
development projects.
Policy Minimize the amount of Without a site plan, the amount of
2.15 impervious surfaces and impervious surface area is unknown.
associated urban runoff The use and type of Best Management
pollutants in new Practices to minimize pollutant runoff
development and significant is also unknown.
redevelopment throughout
the community.
Natural Resource Element
Number Statement Potential Non-consistenc
Policy Encourage the retention and Without a site layout and building
7.5 enhancement of scenic elevations, it is not known if a future
corridors and visual focal project would hinder views to visual
points within the focal points by neighboring properties.
Resolution No. 10895
Public Protect lives and property of Without a site plan, it cannot be known
Safety,Orange residents and if adequate emergency vehicle service
GOAL businesses from urban and to the site can be accommodated for a
3.0 wildland fire hazards.proposed layout and density. It can
needs of residents and
also not be determined if adequate
access to dwellings for firefighting
purposes can be accommodated, which
would prevent fire spread to off -site
Policy Provide adequate fire Same as above.
3.4 equipment access and fire
less than currently available.
Policy 1.1
suppression resources to all
Same as above.
developed and open space
Infrastructure Element
Number Statement Potential Non - consistent
Infrastructure,Ensure water, sewer,Without a site and utility plan showing
GOAL 1.0 and storm drain site layout, number of units, location of
systems that meet the infrastructure, it is not known if
needs of residents and infrastructure for the project will be
businesses.adequate. Also, prediction of future
water need and availability cannot be
assumed without knowing the number
of units and baseline for water supply.
Hence future water supply could be
less than currently available.
Policy 1.1 Provide sufficient Same as above.
levels of water, sewer,
and storm drain
service throughout the
Comm unit .
Urban Design Element
Number Statement Potential Non - consistent
GOAL Encourage contextually Without a site plan showing the site
6.0 appropriate infill layout and building elevations, it cannot
development projects and be known if the infill development
property renovations.project is contextually appropriate.
Resolution No. 10895
Policy Encourage consistent high Without knowing the site, building, and
6.1 quality design of landscape design, it cannot be
development projects, and determined that the project would be of
provide development high quality design. With just a
standards that ensure tentative tract map, it cannot be
building and site design that determined that development standards
is well integrated with of the municipal code, which implement
infrastructure and the General Plan, will be able to be
circulations stems.adhered to.
Policy Ensure that new infill Same as above.
6.2 development contributes
positively to the quality of
the surrounding corridor or
neighborhood, including the
potential to provide
additional park space, and
minimize the visibility of
on -site parking.
Tentative Tract Map:
1. The requirements for the filing of subdivision maps shall be governed by the
provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and the provisions of Title 16 of the Orange
Municipal Code (OMC). All maps shall comply with the provisions of the
Subdivision Map Act, the City Zoning Ordinance, Title 16 of the OMC, and any
other ordinance, statute or law pertaining to the use, sale, leasing or subdivision of
land. California Government Code Section 66474 states: "A legislative body of a
city or county shall deny approval of a tentative map, or a parcel map for which a
tentative map was not required, if it makes any of the following findings: "
a) That the proposed map is not consistent with applicable general and specific
plans as specified in Section 65451.
As stated in the General Plan findings, which cites potential areas of
inconsistency with the General Plan, the project cannot be determined to be
consistent with the General Plan because it will rely on a future plan, which
evidence indicates exists and has been vetted with the community, however,
has not been submitted or evaluated by the Planning Commission in
conjunction with the proposed map.
Resolution No. 10895
This finding cannot be met.
b) That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent
with applicable general and specific plans.
As stated above and in the General Plan findings, which cites potential areas
of inconsistency with the General Plan, the project design or improvement
cannot be determined to be consistent with the General Plan because it will
rely on a future plan not submitted with the proposed map.
This finding cannot be met.
c) That the site is not physically suitable for the type of development.
The site is likely physically suitable for residential condominium development,
as the zoning and General Plan permit but, the tract map for condominium
purposes invites carte blanche for unit counts, within the General Plan density
limits, for future site plan submittal. It is not known how many units, within
the permissible General Plan range, would be suitable for the site. A threshold
may exist whereby a proposed density is not physically suitable, especially
given the single story overlay designation for the site.
The lack of an associated site plan which this Commission believes exists, but
has not been submitted with the proposed map, causes this finding not to be
d) That the site is not physically suitable for the proposed density ofdevelopment.
The density of development is not known and depends on a future site plan
being approved.
Without knowing a specific density, this finding cannot be made.
e) That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are likely to
cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure
fish or wildlife or their habitat.
There is no design of the subdivision included with the tentative tract map,
however evidence at the hearing indicates that one exists. Therefore, an
evaluation of environmental damage, including aesthetic impacts, cannot be
fully examined and determined by the Planning Commission by reviewing a
segmented portion of the project.
Resolution No. 10895 8
This finding cannot be made.
f) That the design of the subdivision or type of improvements is likely to cause
serious public health problems.
There is no design of the subdivision included with the tentative tract map,
however evidence at the hearing indicates that one exists. Therefore, an
evaluation of public health problems, such as those related to circulation,
firefighting and emergency vehicle access, cannot be fully examined and
evaluated by reviewing a segmented portion of the project.
This finding cannot be made.
g) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will conflict
with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of,
property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the governing
body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for
use, will be provided, and that these will be substantially equivalent to ones
previously acquired by the public. This subsection shall apply only to
easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of
competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to a legislative body
to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access
through or use ofproperty within the proposed subdivision.
There are no known easements for public access purposes on the property.
This finding can be made.
In addition to the statutory exemption from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines 15270 for projects rejected or disapproved by a public agency,
the City Council finds as follows:
Evidence introduced into the record indicated that the tentative tract map approval sought by the
Applicant was one step, or a segmented part, of a project as a whole that would lead to development
of the site. Over the past two years the Applicant has had numerous discussions with the
neighborhood regarding their project and recently held a community meeting to discuss
development of the site. The Applicant has developed and provided detailed site plans to the
community which reflect their desire to develop the site. The Applicant repeatedly reassured the
Planning Commission that it was their intent to develop the site in a manner consistent with the
plans and information shared with the community. The Applicant testified that the community hasseenthenutsandboltsoftheirsiteplanandwaswellawareofwhattheyintendtodeveloponthe
site and that it had been discussed and shared with members of the community many times. The
Resolution No. 10895 9
Applicant stated that they will bring the actual development plans under a separate application.
Based upon the testimony of the Applicant and information received into the record, the City
Council denies the Applicant's request for tentative tract map approval because it is a segmented
action of a whole project, as defined by California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines
ADOPTED this 10" day of November, 2015.
q L'M-
E. Smith, ayor, it eofOrg
Mary E., , City Cle , ity ge
I, MARY E. MURPHY, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Orange
at a regular meeting thereof held on the 10 of November, 2015, by the following vote:
Alvarez, Murphy, Nichols
Whitaker, Smith
Mary E. M , City Cler ange
Resolution No. 10895 10