RES-10917 Metrolink Parking Structure ProjectRESOLUTION NO. 10917
WHEREAS, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is working to expand
Metrolink service in Orange County and at full roll out projects that the Orange station will need
900 parking spaces to accommodate demand; and
WHEREAS, the Orange Transportation Center (OTC) currently has 375 spaces; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to construct a parking structure in cooperation with OCTA
and in early 2009 entered into a cooperative agreement with OCTA to plan for a new parking
structure to serve the OTC and the Metrolink Service Expansion; and
WHEREAS, the City retained a design firm to prepare project concepts and design plans
and held a series of community workshops between 2010 and 2013; and
WHEREAS, schematic design plans for the Metrolink Parking Structure Project were
completed in 2014; and
WHEREAS, the City determined that a Parcel Map, Site Plan Review and Design Review
were necessary and /or desired to accommodate the proposed project; and
WHEREAS, approval and development of the project involves a discretionary action by
the City of Orange, a public agency, and is therefore subject to the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and
WHEREAS, an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) No. 1832 -14
was prepared in accordance with CEQA requirements and concluded that the environmental
impacts of the Metrolink Parking Structure Project would be less than significant with the
incorporation of mitigation measures; and
WHEREAS, MND No. 1832 -14 was circulated for public review for at least 30 days as
required by CEQA, with the comment period beginning June 10, 2015 and ending on July 15,
2015; and
WHEREAS, on May 27, 2015, City departments reviewed the Metrolink Parking
Structure Project and recommended the project proceed to hearings subject to certain requirements
and conditions; and
WHEREAS, on November 4, 2015, the City's Design Review Committee reviewed the
Metrolink Parking Structure Project including the information presented in the staff report and in
MND 1832 -14 and recommended approval subject to conditions by a vote of three ayes and none
opposed; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a duly advertised public hearing on
December 7, 2015, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support
of or opposition to the Project; and
WHEREAS, on December 7, 2015, the Planning Commission reviewed the Metrolink
Parking Structure Project including the information presented in the staff report and in Final MND
1832 -14 and, having received public testimony on the item, recommended approval subject to
conditions by a vote of four ayes and none opposed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, having considered the Metrolink Parking Structure Project
at a duly advertised public hearing held on January 12, 2016 including reviewing and considering
the information presented in the staff report and Final MND No. 1832 -14 and having received
public testimony on the item.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Orange
hereby approves Tentative Parcel Map No. 0005 -14, Major Site Plan Review No. 0649 -10, and
Design Review No. 4675 -13 for the Metrolink Parking Structure Project, based on the following
Tentative Parcel Map No. 0005 -14 (Also Referred To As No. 2015 -162)
The proposed parcel map complies with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and Title
16, Subdivisions, of the Orange Municipal Code, and all other resolutions and ordinances of
this City, including, but not limited to, requirements concerning area, improvements and
design, floodwater drainage control, appropriate improved public roads, sanitary disposal
facilities, water supply availability, public safety facilities and environmental protection.
The Tentative Parcel Map complies with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and
Title 16, Subdivisions, of the Orange Municipal Code and all other resolutions and ordinances
of this City. The Parcel Map is proposed to combine and reorganize the existing 12 lots on the
site into four lots whose boundaries coincide with the limits of the bike plaza area, parking
structure, and construction staging area. Public street and utility easements would also be
established with the Parcel Map. Site planning requirements related to area, improvements and
design, floodwater drainage control, appropriate improved public roads, sanitary disposal
facilities, water supply availability, public safety facilities and environmental protection have
Reso. No. 10917 2
been addressed either via project design components shown on the proposed plans or through
conditions of approval. Therefore, the project meets this finding.
Major Site Plan Review No. 0649 -10
1. The project design is compatible with surrounding development and neighborhoods.
The parking structure has been designed to comply with the Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties, Old Towne Design Standards, Santa Fe
Depot Specific Plan and Southwest Design Standards. These standards call for new
development to be compatible with surrounding development and with the Old Towne
historic district. To minimize the visual impact of the new structure, the parking structure
was designed with two levels of below - ground parking, minimizing the above - ground
portion of the structure and limiting structure height. By limiting the height to two stories
28 feet), the proposed structure is in keeping with the maximum height of other commercial,
industrial, and institutional buildings of the historic district (which are generally one to two
stories). Although the massing and scale will be greater than those small commercial and
residential buildings immediately adjacent to the project site, there are examples of buildings
within the historic district of similar or greater massing and scale that are similarly
interspersed with small residential buildings. As such, the scale and design of the parking
structure is consistent with the pattern of mixed use development in Old Towne and
references historic industrial buildings to ensure design compatibility. Therefore, the project
meets this finding.
2. The project conforms to City development standards and any applicable special design
guidelines or specific plan requirements.
The project includes a Zone Change to OTMU -15 (SP). With the approval of the Zone
Change, the project has been designed to comply with applicable development standards of
the proposed zoning district. Furthermore, the project is subject the Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties, Old Towne Design Standards, Santa Fe
Depot Specific Plan (particularly the Design Guidelines for Historic Buildings) and
Southwest Design Standards. The project complies with these design standards and
guidelines and with the provisions of the Santa Fe Depot Specific Plan (with the exception
of the street tree species choice along Maple Avenue discussed below). Compliance with
these design standards and guidelines is specifically detailed in the project's historic
resources report (included as an attachment to MND 1832 -14 and incorporated herein by
reference). Therefore, the project meets this finding.
Regarding the street tree species selection on Maple Avenue, the project's plans call for the
Lavender Trumpet Tree on Maple Avenue while the Depot Specific Plan calls for Sweet
Gum (Liquid Amber). In recent years, the City has avoided planting new Liquid Amber trees
due to damage to City sidewalks this species' root system has caused. As such, the City
desires to amend the Depot Specific Plan to reflect this practice. However, this change has
not yet been made. To address this inconsistency, staff has included a condition requiring
staff to bring forward for City Council consideration an amendment to the Depot Specific
Plan to allow for the street tree species shown on the project's landscape plan. The condition
Reso. No. 10917 3
states that tree species installed shall be consistent with the Depot Specific Plan as approved
at the time of tree installation. Therefore, regardless of the outcome of the future Depot
Specific Plan amendment, the street trees installed will comply with approved City standards
and design guidelines. Therefore, the project meets this finding.
3. The project provides for safe and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation, both on-
and off -site.
This issue was reviewed by the City's SMART committee and vehicular and pedestrian
circulation, both on- and off -site, were found to be safe and adequate. The project proposes
to take access from new driveways on Lemon Street and Maple Avenue driveway, which
have been designed to meet City standards. The project includes restriping a turn pocket on
Lemon Street to provide adequate storage for vehicles turning left into the driveway. In
addition, widened sidewalks, large street trees and pedestrian and vehicular lighting are
proposed along Lemon Street and Maple Avenue to allow for an enhanced pedestrian
experience. The design of the vehicular and pedestrian network for the site supports the goals
and policies of the Circulation & Mobility Element of the General Plan which focus on
achieving safe and comprehensive circulation that sustains quality of life in Orange
neighborhoods. Therefore, the project meets this finding.
4. City services are available and adequate to serve the project.
This issue was reviewed by the City's SMART committee and City services were found to
be sufficient to serve the project.. The project is an infill development located on a site that is
already developed with a surface parking lot in an area of the City that is essentially built
out. As such, City services are already available in the area to serve the site. Therefore, the
project meets this finding.
S. The project has been designed to fully mitigate or substantially minimize adverse
environmental effects.
MND No. 1832 -14 analyzes the environmental impacts of the project and requires mitigation
measures related to biological resources (potential for impacts to nesting birds during tree
removal), cultural resources (potential for undocumented buried resources unearthed during
excavation activities and construction- related impacts to adjacent historic buildings),
noise /vibration (potential for construction- related noise and vibration impacts to adjacent
buildings) and traffic (potential for incremental increases in traffic at surrounding roadways
and intersections). Mitigation measures have been required to reduce the environmental
effects of the project to a less than significant level. Therefore, the project meets this finding.
Design Review No. 4675 -13
1. In the Old Towne Historic District, the proposed work conforms to the prescriptive standards
and design criteria referenced and /or recommended by the Design Review Committee or
other reviewing body for the project.
Reso. No. 10917 4
The project is located within the Old Towne Historic District and has been designed to
comply with the Old Towne Design Standards. Specifically, the project complies with the
four criteria in the Standards which are applicable to new construction in the district, related
to compatibility of new construction with surrounding development and require new
construction to have no adverse impacts to a historic resource or district. Compliance is
detailed in the project's historic resources report (included as an attachment to MND 1832-
14 which is incorporated herein by reference). The report concludes that although the project
introduces new construction into an established historic district, the project is generally
compatible with the surrounding area and would not have an adverse effect to historic
resources or the district as a whole. Therefore, the project meets this finding.
2. In any National Register Historic District, the proposed work complies with the Secretary of
the Interior's standards and guidelines.
The project is located within the National Register - listed Old Towne Historic District and
has been designed to comply with the Old Towne Design Standards and the Secretary of the
Interior's standards and guidelines for the treatment of historic properties. The project
complies with SOI Standards for Rehabilitation, Standard 8, 9 and 10 and with the SOI's
guidelines related to "setting" in a historic district. Compliance with these standards and
guidelines is detailed in the project's historic resources report (included as an attachment to
MND 1832 -14 which is incorporated herein by reference). This finding is further supported
by the letter from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) dated November 2, 2015,
which concurs with the City's findings concluding that the project will have no adverse effect
on historic properties. Therefore, the project meets this finding.
3. The project design upholds community aesthetics through the use of an internally consistent,
integrated design theme and is consistent with all adopted specific plans, applicable design
standards and their required findings.
The project has an internally consistent, integrated design theme through the use of consistent
materials, colors and design elements that communicate a specific architectural style that is
compatible with the surrounding area. The proposed design elements such as the brick
facade, structure openings, mullions, elevator towers, and the pilasters on all four elevations
help to create a structure with visual interest that is also compatible in scale and style with
other large commercial and industrial buildings in the surrounding area. Appropriate
landscaping is proposed at the building foundation line along Maple Avenue and Lemon
Street to soften the building. Widened sidewalks, large street trees in 7' wide tree wells, and
pedestrian and vehicular lighting are also proposed to enhance the streetscape. Signage is
limited to parking structure identification signage and uses appropriate materials and colors.
An equipment enclosure is proposed along the northwest side of the structure to house the
SCE transformer. The enclosure is designed with similar materials and colors as the parking
structure and will screen the project's mechanical equipment. Therefore, the project has an
integrated design theme and has been designed as a high quality project.
In addition, the project site is located within the Santa Fe Depot Specific Plan area. The
Depot Specific Plan identifies the Lemon Street site as the future location of a parking
Reso. No. 10917 5
structure. Further, the design of the structure is consistent with the Specific Plan's Design
Guidelines for Historic Buildings and specifically the criteria for new construction.
Compliance with the Depot Specific Plan is detailed in the project's historic resources report
included as an attachment to MND 1832 -14 which is incorporated herein by reference).
4. For infill residential development, as specified in the City of Orange infill residential design
guidelines, the new structures) or addition are compatible with the scale, massing,
orientation, and articulation of'the surrounding development and will preserve or enhance
existing neighborhood character.
The project is not residential in nature. Therefore, this finding does not apply.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following conditions shall be imposed:
1. The project shall conform in substance and be maintained in general conformance with plans
and exhibits labeled Exhibit A in the City Council staff report, including modifications
required by the conditions of approval, as approved by the City Council.
2. The City and its contractor shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws.
This project is approved as a precise plan. After approval, if changes are proposed, a changed
plan may be submitted to the Community Development Director for approval. If the
Community Development Director determines that the proposed change complies with the
provisions and the spirit and intent of the approval action, and that the action would have
been the same for the changed plan as for the approved plan, the Community Development
Director may approve the changed plan without requiring a new public hearing.
4. All project Mitigation Measures shall be are hereby incorporated as conditions of approval
and shall be implemented as described in MND No. 1832 -14 and its associated Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program.
Design Review Committee Conditions
5. The detailed design for the future public art component (when undertaken) shall be reviewed
and approved by the DRC.
6. Staff shall bring forward for City Council consideration an amendment to the Depot Specific
Plan to allow for the tree species shown on the Parking Structure's landscape plan. Tree
species installed on Lemon Street and Maple Avenue shall be consistent with the Depot
Specific Plan approved at the time of tree installation.
7. Tree grate shall be as specified in the Depot Specific Plan for style.
Reso. No. 10917
8. On Landscape Plan L7.01 that the Nandina (S3) and Prunus Caroliniana (S4) along the
perimeter of the building shall have the following placement: the S3 to be in front of the
panels that have openings and the S4 to be in front of panels that are solid and shall be
maintained at a 6' height using 6' stakes.
9. With regard to lighting, the LW 1 s in the service yard shall be mounted below the 6' fence
10. The detailing of the brick at the two elevator towers shall come back to the DRC with a subtle
pattern at the blade sign portion of the fagade prior to the start of construction.
11. DRC recommends to the Planning Commission and City Council that the street trees be
automatically irrigated to support as large a canopy as possible against the long and tall
building elevation.
ADOPTED this 12th day of January 2016.
Teresd E. Smith, Mayor, City of Orange
Mary E. ity C erk, City o O ge
I, MARY E. MURPHY, City Clerk of the City of Orange, California, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Orange
at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12th day of January 2016, by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Whitaker, Smith, Murphy
Mary E. City Clerk, CiTyy0f,10, range
Reso. No. 10917