02-05-2020 DRC MinutesAPPROVED BY THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITEE ON FEBRUARY 20, 2020 Page 1 of 4 FINAL MINUTES CITY OF ORANGE February 5, 2020 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE 5:30 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Marissa Moshier, Historic Preservation Planner Kelly Ribuffo, Associate Planner Jessica Wang, Administrative Specialist Simonne Fannin, Recording Secretary REGULAR SESSION 1. OPENING: 1.1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair McDermott called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 1.2 FLAG SALUTE: Committee Member Skorpanich led the flag salute. 1.3 ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Committee Members McDermott, Fox, Skorpanich, and Imboden ABSENT: Committee Member McCormack 1.4 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Opportunity for members of the public to address the Design Review Committee (DRC) on matters not listed on the Agenda. There were no speakers. 2. CONSENT ITEMS: Committee Member McCormack arrived to the meeting. 2.1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 18, 2019 2.2 DESIGN REVIEW NO. 4980-19 – CAESAR RESIDENCE  Final determination on the site plan for a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit behind an existing single-family residence. The property is a contributing historic resource within the Old Towne Historic District. The proposal was approved with conditions by the Design Review Committee on November 6, 2019.  Address: 166 N. Cambridge Street  Staff Contact: Kelly Ribuffo, (714) 744-7223, kribuffo@cityoforange.org  DRC Action: Final Determination DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES February 5, 2020 Page 2 of 4 A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as emended to Staff. MOTION: Fox SECOND: Skorpanich AYES: McCormack, Fox, Skorpanich, McDermott, and Imboden NOES: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED 3. AGENDA ITEMS: Continued Items: None New Agenda Items: 3.1 DESIGN REVIEW NO. 4982-19 – CLAPP RESIDENCE  A proposal for a 312 square foot addition to the rear of a single-family residence. The property is a contributing resource to the Old Towne Historic District and has an active Mills Act Contract.  Address: 173 S. Cypress Street  Staff Contact: Kelly Ribuffo, (714) 744-7223, kribuffo@cityoforange.org  DRC Action: Final Determination Kelly Ribuffo, Associate Planner, provided an overview of the project consistent with the staff report. Liz Clapp, applicant, was available to speak on behalf of the project. Chair McDermott opened the public hearing. Jeff Frankel, representing the Old Towne Preservation Association, spoke in support of the project. The Committee had comments and questions on the following:  The material of the columns on the back porch.  Design and material of the new and existing windows.  Corrections to keynotes and callouts on the plans.  Size, placement, and style of windows to meet egress requirements.  Removal of rough sawn siding in key notes on the plans.  Offset of the addition from the historic house.  Attic vent on the addition should match the vent on the rear of the existing house.  Demarcation between the new and old should match the one that exists. A motion was made to approve Design Review No. 4982-19 – Clapp Residence based on the findings and conditions in the staff report with additional conditions:  Correct keynotes on the plans so that they point to the proper materials.  Details shall be revised to replace rough sawn lumber with surfaced or S4S lumber. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES February 5, 2020 Page 3 of 4  The line of demarcation between the 1952 addition and current proposal shall have trim boards that match the existing vertical trim board between the 1915 and 1952 portion of the house.  If the existing windows, as proposed, do not meet Building Code's egress, the bedroom window that faces the porch could be a single casement or made larger.  The 1”x3” apron shall be called out under the windowsills in detail 2 A4.  If the addition results in an attic, the attic ventilation shall match the rear gable vent on the existing house. MOTION: Fox SECOND: Skorpanich AYES: McCormack, Fox, Skorpanich, McDermott, and Imboden NOES: None ABSENT: None MOTION CARRIED RECESS: 6:04 - 6:06 p.m. 3.2 DESIGN REVIEW NO. 4977-19 – RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE EXPANSION  A second preliminary review for a proposed 20,026 square foot addition to the Orange County Ronald McDonald House. A surface parking lot will be provided on the south side of the property. A historic single-family residence at 802 W. Culver Avenue will be incorporated into the site and converted to office use. The applicant is requesting comments from the Design Review Committee on changes made to the design after the preliminary review on December 4, 2019.  Address: 383 S. Batavia Street and 802 W. Culver Avenue, Old Towne Historic District  Staff Contact: Marissa Moshier, (714) 744-7243, mmoshier@cityoforange.org  DRC Action: Preliminary Review Marissa Moshier, Historic Preservation Planner, provided an overview of the expansion consistent with the staff report. Noel Burcellis, applicant; Eric Pan, architect; Bob Stone, landscape architect; and Jan van Dijs, project manager, spoke on behalf of the project and explained revisions that were made per the Committee and neighborhood concerns. Chair McDermott opened the public hearing. Speaking in Opposition:  Linda Duyette, resident of the neighborhood at 370 S. Clark Street.  Joe Schneider, resident of the neighborhood at 378 S. Clark Street.  Paula Acken, resident of the neighborhood at 388 S. Clark Street.  Shari Carter, resident of the neighborhood at 743 W. Culver Avenue.  Jeff Frankel, representing the Old Towne Preservation Association. Speaking in Favor: None. The public hearing was closed. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES February 5, 2020 Page 4 of 4 Chair McDermott and Committee Member Skorpanich disclosed that they had met with the applicant since the last meeting to be briefed on the project. Chair McDermott reiterated that the Planning Commission and City Council will have final approval on the zoning, sewer and storm drain issues raised by neighbors. The Committee’s discussion would focus only on historic preservation and the aesthetic properties of the project. The Committee had comments and questions on the following:  Whether there will there be any physical changes to the historic material on the Culver property. Mr. van Dijs stated the Culver property was purchased in order to relocate the storm drain line; there is no plan to change any aspects of the house except to add a handicap ramp and playground.  Size and mass are still not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood.  Limitations on planting trees on the south property line caused by sewer and storm drain connections and rerouting options for the Ronald McDonald house.  Consideration of setbacks from the property lines under the existing zoning versus the proposed zoning as related to neighborhood expectations.  Use, landscape plan restrictions and depth of storm drain pipe on the easement.  Historic resources around the project and the potential impacts to them.  The Culver home was moved to preserve the house and legacy grove in conjunction with the Sycamore Medical Building project.  Whether or not the design team looked into designing the project within the envelope of what the current single-family residential zoning allows.  Roofline anomalies on the plans.  The need for more creativity in reinterpreting the program and site.  Whether or not the applicant has a plan for preserving the neighbor's avocado tree.  The expansion could be separated and placed on the southwest corner of the lot away from the neighbors.  An L shaped building and redesigned parking could reduce the mass.  The need for the project design to respect the historic district.  The fact that a third to a quarter of the trees will hang over the neighbor's property line in order to meet the landscape requirements is not sensitive to the neighbors.  The civil engineer did not consider any other options for the storm drain. Chair McDermott advised the applicant to reconsider the design based on all the comments from the Committee and neighbors. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Chair McDermott adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. The regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2020 has been canceled. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber.