Notice of Cancellation CTC 1-15-2020CITY OF ORANGE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT www.cityoforange.org TRAFFIC DIVISION MAINTENANCE DIVISION ENGINEERING DIVISION WATER DIVISION (714)744-5536 (714)532-6480 (714)744-5544 (714)288-2475 FAX:(714)744-5573 FAX:(714)532-6444 FAX:(714)744-5573 FAX:(714)744-2973 ORANGE CIVIC CENTER 300 E. CHAPMAN AVENUE ORANGE, CA 92866-1591 P.O. BOX 449 CTC Mtg Cancellation Notice [N:/Traffic/CTC] PUBLIC NOTICE CANCELLATION OF CITY TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING The Regular Meeting of the City Traffic Commission on January 15,2020,has been cancelled. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Traffic Commission will be held Wednesday – February 12, 2020,beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, located at 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions concerning this cancellation. Thank you. Dated this 13th day of January 2020. Francisco Vasquez Recording Secretary Public Works Department City Traffic Commission (714) 744-5537 fvasquez@cityoforange.org