01-01-2020 DRC Notice of Cancellation �� �
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Tl�e Reg��lar Meeting of the City of Ot•ange Design Review Committee schedu�ed for:
DATE: Jai��zary 1, 2a20
TIME: 5:30 p.rtn.
LOCATION: City Council Chan�bers, 300 E. Chapman Ave�ll�e, Orailge, California 928b6
Has been cancelled.
The next Regu�ar Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in t��e
Council Cha�libers.
Willian�R. Crouch
Communi�y Development Director
Declaration of Community Developmeilt Director, William R. CroLlch, declaci�ig posting of
Meeting Notice C�zcellation o�tiie Rebular rneeting of 3anuaty 1, 2020, at Oranbe Civic Center
kiosk, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia, and the Main Public Library at 407 E. Chapman; all
of said locations being in tlie City of Orange and Pz•eely accessible to n�einbers of the public at
Ieast 72 hours before said Regular Meetin�.