9/11/2007 - City Council Minutes - CC Minutes Reg Meeting APPROVED BY THE DIRECTORS ON SEPTEMBER 25, 2007 ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ORANGE, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING September 11, 2007 The Orange Redevelopment Agency of the City of Orange, California convened on September 11,2007 at 4:30 p.m. in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange California. 4:30 P.M. SESSION 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT - Smith, Murphy, Cavecche, Dumitru, Bilodeau ABSENT - None. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS - NONE. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR 3.1 Request Agency confirmation of warrant registers dated August 9, 16 and 21, 2007. ACTION: Approved. 3.2 Request approval of Redevelopment Agency Minutes, Regular Meeting of August 28, 2007. (RC2500.DA) ACTION: Approved. 3.3 Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreement providing for Agency reimbursement to the City of Orange for the Agency's share of costs incurred for a street monument and entry sign. (RA2100.0 Agr-5137) (See related City Council Minutes Item No.3 .18) SUMMARY: The Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreement provides for Agency reimbursement to the City of Orange for the Agency's share of costs incurred for a street monument and entry sign to be located at Tustin Street and Seba Avenue in an amount not to exceed $65,000. RESOLUTION NO. ORA-0468 Resolution of the Orange Redevelopment Agency approving and authorizing the execution of a Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreement by and between the City of Orange and the Orange Redevelopment Agency for a street monument and entry sign on Tustin Street in the vicinity of Seba Avenue. ACTION: Adopted Resolution No. ORA-0468; and appropriated $65,000 from the unreserved balance of the Tustin Project - Taxable Bonds Fund to Account 914-9800- 485100-3100 (Street Monument and Entry Signs) for construction and administration. PAGE 1 ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES September 11, 2007 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) FISCAL IMP ACT: Sufficient funds are available in the Tustin Project - Taxable Bonds Fund for this project. The total estimated cost is approximately $65,000, comprised of award of contract in the amount of $54,000, contingency estimated to be 10% or $5,400 and construction engineering estimated to be 10% or $5,400. MOTION - SECOND - AYES Murphy Smith Smith, Murphy, Cavecche, Dumitru, Bilodeau All items on the Consent Calendar were approved as recommended. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ******** 4. REPORTS FROM DIRECTORS - None. 5. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None. 6. REPORTS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - None. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 7.1 Status Report of Small Business Assistance Programs for Orange Merged and Amended Redevelopment Project Area. (C2500G.1.10) SUMMARY: This report provides a one-year status report and recommendations for modifications to the Small Business Assistance Programs which provide loans to property owners or tenants for the purpose of rehabilitating commercial and industrial property within the Orange Merged and Amended Redevelopment Project Area. Discussion - Barbara Messick, Project Manager, provided a report. In response to Council questions, she explained that there are an additional six applications being processed in addition to the current applications; $397,000 of the $1 million in the program has been allocated, leaving a balance of approximately $600,000 still available; and that either a property owner or a business can apply for assistance. City Attorney David DeBerry explained that one of the requirements for assistance through the Redevelopment Agency is the use of prevailing wages. Councilmember Smith noted that Old Towne is a very successful economic magnet in Orange and this program is helping to revitalize the area and preserve its heritage. PAGE 2 ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES September 11, 2007 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Mayor Cavecche noted this program is available to all businesses within the Project Area, and not just Old Towne. RESOLUTION NO. ORA-469 A Resolution of the Orange Redevelopment Agency amending and restating the Orange Redevelopment Agency's Small Business Assistance Programs for the Orange Merged and Amended Redevelopment Project Area. MOTION - Smith SECOND - Murphy AYES - Smith, Murphy, Cavecche, Dumitru, Bilodeau Moved to receive and file the report; and adopt Resolution No. ORA-0469. FISCAL IMP ACT: Funds were originally appropriated with the adoption of the Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program budget for FY 07-08 and there is no fiscal impact for the recommended changes to the program. 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS - None. 9. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Note: The Agency did not recess. a. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the General Counsel, Executive Director of the Board of Directors prior to such recess unless the motion to recess indicates any of the matters will not be considered in Closed Session. 10. ADJOURNMENT - The Agency adjourned at 4:48 p.m. Declaration of the Clerk of the Orange Redevelopment Agency, Mary E. Murphy, declaring posting of Orange Redevelopment Agency Agenda of a regular meeting of September 11, 2007 at Orange Civic Center kiosk, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia, and the Main Public Library at 407 E. Chapman; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting. PAGE 3