8/14/2007 - Council Minutes - CC Minutes Adj APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON AUGUST 28,2007 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ORANGE, CALIFORNIA August 14,2007 The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened an Adjourned Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 7:00 P.M. JOINT STUDY SESSION WITH PLANNING COMMISSION 1. OPENING 1.2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 1.3 ROLL CALL City Council PRESENT - Smith, Murphy, Cavecche, Dumitru, Bilodeau ABSENT - None Planning Commission PRESENT - Imboden, Bonina, Steiner, Whitaker, Merino ABSENT - None 1.4 PRESENTATIONSI ANNOUNCEMENTSI INTRODUCTIONS 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Joe Frayne, spoke on the status of the Railroad Right-of-Way between LaVeta and Fairhaven. Duane Jerome, spoke on the future of the Val Verde Mobile Home Park. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR - None. , 4. REPORTS FROM MAYOR CA VECCHE _ None. S. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS _ None. Page I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adjourned Regular Meeting August 14,2007 6. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 7.1 Report on the Comprehensive General Plan Update. (C2300.E) Alice Angus, Community Development Director, reviewed the status and timeline of the proposed General Plan Update. Speakers . Shirley Grindle - suggested that if Y orba Park were developed and park rights transferred, that it be replaced in its entirety, and not just the dog park; and spoke on problems associated with a mixed use designation. . Bruce Woockman - spoke on the Lincoln Avenue designations. . Augie Morales - spoke on the Cypress Street neighborhood; suggesting that it needs to retain its sense of historic community. . Becky Palomino - spoke on the Cypress Street neighborhood; suggesting that it needs to retain its sense of historic community. . Lois Barke - spoke on West Orange; asking that the density not be increased. . Refugio Sanchez - spoke on the Cypress Street neighborhood. . Marty Poort - spoke on the need to integrate this General Plan with the Orange Park Acres Specific Plan and the East Orange General Plan. . Sergio Sendowsky - spoke on the need to protect residential neighborhoods in the West Katella Avenue focus area. . Jeff Frankel - expressed concern that there was too much overall density proposed in the Plan and not enough open space; and suggested the Old Towne focus area boundary be expanded to include the Cypress Street neighborhood. . Joel Robinson - suggested utilizing Y orba Park as a passive park area. . Sue Oberrnayer - spoke on problems associated with a mixed use designation and the need to integrate this Plan with the Orange Park Acres Specific Plan and the East Orange Plan. Chapman Avenue I Tustin Street Ms. Angus noted that at the last Study Session there was discussion on the possibility of allowing development on the Y orba Park site with a transfer of development rights to allow a park on another site. Councilmember Smith stated she was interested in looking at other possibilities for Y orba Park since it can not be used as a park because of the current methane problems; and that it might be better served as a development, as long as the park rights can be transferred to another location. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adjourned Regular Meeting August 14,2007 Councilmember Bilodeau agreed that the Yorba Park site should have a commercial overlay; and wanted to ensure that if the site were developed, another site could be found for the dog park. Mayor Cavecche stated she would be interested to see what a developer could do with the Yorba Park site; that she would not support a dense residential development at that site; that there should not be any access off Chapman; and wanted to ensure that the surrounding residential neighborhoods were protected from any major impacts. Old Towne Councilmember Smith noted this is a complicated area, pointing out that all types of zoning are included in the one square mile of Old Towne. She was concerned about a mixed use designation being proposed, because the only way to accomplish a mixed use in some areas would be to construct new buildings, but the historic buildings in this area should not be demolished. She also stated it was inappropriate for a mixed use designation on sites that need to retain historic uses, such as church sites; and suggested that this entire area be reviewed on a block by block basis. She commented on the area south of Almond, which is one of the few R-3 neighborhoods in Orange but which is proposed for low density, being income property for many owners. She commented that the focus area does not reflect what is on the National Historic Register; and also suggested that the Killefer Park site be included in one of the focus areas. She stated she could not support the proposed plan. Chairman Imboden stated it was irresponsible to move to a 1.5 Floor Area Ratio if the streetscapes are to be preserved; and agreed there needs to be a block by block inventory and a more creative approach for this area. Commissioner Whitaker noted that downzoning of already historic multi-family houses can create legal non-conforming uses. Mayor Cavecche commented that some of the existing designations were simply renamed and shifted over to a new proposal, but that this is the time to clean up some of the designations; and agreed with looking at the boundaries to encompass the Cypress Street area. Councilmember Murphy suggested keeping the Old Towne Mixed Use designation for this area, instead of renaming it to Neighborhood Mixed Use, as it delineates Old Towne from other areas; and agreed he did not want to create any legal non-conforming uses. Councilmember Smith also suggested that certain areas along the railroad tracks are underutilized and need to be enhanced, without changing the historic nature. Mayor Cavecche stated she was in favor of downzoning the southern areas of Old Towne; was concerned with housing near railroad tracks and wanted to ensure that the Quiet Zones were considered along with this Plan. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adjourned Regular Meeting August 14,2007 Industrial Commissioner Whitaker suggested an overlay to allow mixed uses in the Industrial area. Mayor Cavecche wanted to ensure that a fiscal analysis was done for this area. Commissioner Merino stated that although he was in support of the residential area on Cully Drive, he wanted to ensure that a long term problem was not being created with a residential designation on that street. Lemon Street Corridor Councilmember Smith stated her support for enhancing this residential area with creativity. Mayor Cavecche agreed that with the improvements in this area, there could be a synergy developed and an area available for required new housing. Eckhoff I Collins Councilmember Smith suggested this is an area of missed opportunities, that because this is so close to Anaheim sporting events, she suggested different designations to encourage other and more creative business opportunities. She noted that Orange is getting the traffic from the Anaheim events, but not capitalizing on it. Mayor Cavecche suggested an office-professional designation just north of Orangewood since that is what is currently there, with light industrial north of that. Commissioner Whitaker agreed the area would be better served with a mixed use to include commercial and retail. Chairman Imboden asked for additional information on the three story height limit restriction in this area. Lincoln Avenue Mayor pro tem Dumitru suggested the Resource Area designation on Glassell be removed, as it is an obsolete designation; and questioned the mixed use designation for existing church properties. Commissioner Whitaker reiterated his suggestion not to create any legal non-conforming uses. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adjourned Regular Meeting August 14,2007 Councilmember Murphy questioned the proposal to change the commercial designation along Lincoln, suggesting there may be other ways to create a more positive change in this area. Chairman Imboden suggested this area would benefit by a block by block historic inventory. Commissioner Merino questioned how the proposed designations strengthen the character of the area. Mayor Cavecche noted this area is similar to Old Towne in some of the uses; that there is a great deal of potential for this area; but was concerned about creating more density. She suggested this area be looked at more specifically with possibly more commercial rather than residential. West Katella Avenue Corridor Mayor Cavecche suggested there is a great deal of opportunity in this area and there needs to be more creative thinking with possibly a mixed use, as long as the nearby residential neighborhoods are protected. General Discussion Mayor pro tem Dumitru asked for clarification on the focus areas and why some areas were not included; suggesting there are areas in East Orange that should be looked at. Ms. Angus explained that the focus areas are areas where changes are being proposed; but that the entire City is included in the General Plan. Mayor Cavecche stated that the Orange Park Acres Specific Plan and the East Orange Plan need to be acknowledged in this General Plan update, but she is not willing to make any changes in the East Orange area at this time. Ms. Angus reiterated that this Plan does not do away with any current Specific Plan. 8. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER - None. 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adjourned Regular Meeting 9. LEGAL AFFAIRS - None. 10. ADJOURNMENT The City Council adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ~ August 14,2007 Declaration of City Clerk, Mary E. Murphy, declaring posting of the City Council Agenda of an Adjoumed Regular Meeting of June 12, 2007 at Orange Civic Center kiosk and Police Facility at 1107 North Batavia and Main Public Library at 407 E. Chapman Avenue; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said Adjourned Regular Meeting. 6