4/25/2006 - City Council Minutes - CC Minutes Reg Meeting APPROVED BY THE DIRECTORS ON MAY 9, 2006 ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ORANGE, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING April 25, 2006 4:30 P.M. SESSION 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Smith, Ambriz, Murphy, Cavecche, Dumitru None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None 3. CONSENT CALENDAR 3.1 Request Agency confirmation of warrant registers dated April 6 and 13, 2006. ACTION: Approved. 3.2 Reqnest approval of Redevelopment Agency Minutes, Regular Meeting of April 11, 2006. (RC2500.D.4) ACTION: Approved. (REMOVED AND HEARD SEP ARA TEL Y) 3.3 First Amendment to Attorney Services Agreement with the Law Firm of Kane, Ballmer & Berkman to perform additional legal services for the Orange Redevelopment Agency. (RA2100.0 Agr-3138.D.1) SUMMARY: The Agency, acting through its General Counsel, desires to increase the not- to-exceed contract amount with the Law Finn of Kane, Ballmer & Berkman for the balance of Fiscal Year 2005-06 from $30,000 to $50,000. Kane, Ballmer & Berkman, in association with the General Counsel, assists the General Counsel in specific transactional matters and provides advice and assistance in other legal matters assigned from time to time. Discussion - In response to questions from Director Ambriz, David DeBerry stated that the agreement was originally signed by the Executive Director because it was under the $30,000 limit; however, this amendment would raise it past the limit, requiring Council approval. He also stated that redevelopment funds were being used for this contract. MOTION - SECOND AYES Ambriz Smith Smith, Ambriz, Murphy, Cavecche, Dumitru Moved to I) Approve the First Amendment to Attorney Services Agreement with the Law Finn of Kane, Ballmer & Berkman; and 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute and the City Clerk to attest the First Amendment to Attorney Services Agreement with Kane, Ballmer & Berkman. PAGE 1 ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES April 25, 2006 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) FISCAL IMP ACT: Sufficient funding has been appropriated and is available for this purpose in Account Number 940-9800-42611-0000 (Orange Merged Capital Projects-Legal Services) and Account Number 941-9800-42611-0000 (Orange Merged Housing Fund-Legal Services). 3.4 Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreement between the Orange Redevelopment Agency and the City of Orange relating to the rehabilitation of portions of Glassell Street of benefit to the Orange Merged and Amended Redevelopment Project Area. (RA2100.0 Agr-4881) (See related City Council Minutes Item No. 3.17). SUMMARY: Orange Redevelopment Agency reimbursement to the City of Orange of the Agency's share of costs incurred for the rehabilitation of those portions of Glassell Street between Almond Avenue and Chapman Avenue and between Chapman Avenue and Maple Avenue (exclusive of the traffic circle intersection of Chapman Avenue and Glassell Street). RESOLUTION NO. ORA-0452 A Resolution of the Orange Redevelopment Agency approving and authorizing the execution of a Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreement by and between the City of Orange and the Orange Redevelopment Agency for the rehabilitation of portions of Glassell Street. ACTION: I) Adopted Resolution No. ORA-0452; and 2) Transferred $29,500 from account 940-9800-481105-9119 (Merged Capital Projects - South Grand Parking Lot) to 940-9800-481105-3116 (Merged Capital Projects - Rehabilitation of Miscellaneous City Streets). FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds are available in account 940-9800-41105-9119 to be transferred to account number 940-9800-481105-3116. MOTION SECOND AYES Smith Dumitru Smith, Ambriz, Murphy, Cavecche, Dumitru Item 3.3 was removed and heard separately. All other items on the Consent Calendar were approved as recommended. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ******** PAGE 2 ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES April 25, 2006 4. REPORTS FROM DIRECTORS - None 5. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None 6. REPORTS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - None 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - None 8. LEGAL AFFAIRS - None 9. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION NOTE: The Agency did not recess. a. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the General Counsel, Executive Director of the Board of Directors prior to such recess unless the motion to recess indicates any of the matters will not be considered in Closed Session. 10. ADJOURNMENT - The Agency adjourned at 6:30 p.m. The next regular Orange Redevelopment Agency meeting will be May 9, 2006. Declaration of the Clerk of the Orange Redevelopment Agency, Mary E. Murphy, declaring posting of Orange Redevelopment Agency Agenda of a regular meeting of April 25, 2006 at Orange Civic Center, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia, and Shaffer Park; all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the pnblic at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting. ~ MA.1{Y URPHY AGENCY CLERK PAGE 3