11/26/2002 - Council Minutes - CC Minutes Reg Meeting APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 10, 2002 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ORANGE, CALIFORNIA OF A REGULAR MEETING November 26, 2002 The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened on Noyember 26,2002 at 4:30 p.m. in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Ayenue, Orange, California. 4:30 P.M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.1 INVOCATION Giyen by Mr. Warren Johnson, The Salyation Army 1.2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Mayor Murphy 1.3 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche ABSENT - None 1.4 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/ INTRODUCTIONS The following employees receiyed Employee Service Awards: Stanley Taylor - Police (not present); William Gifford ~ Police (not present); Julie Schnieder ~ Finance (not present); Dayid Natiyidad - Police (not present); Jeffrey Walloch - Police; Joseph DeFancesco - Water; Roy Peterson ~ Police. Recognition was given to the Finance Department and Glenn Kaye, Purchasing Officer, for receiying the 2002 National Purchasing Institute Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award, Mayor Murphy introduced students in the audience from Villa Park High School and Canyon High School. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR TAPE 350 All items on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and are enacted by one motion approying the recommended action listed on the Agenda. Any member of the City Council, staff or the public may request an item be remoyed from the Consent Calendar for discussion or separate action. Unless otherwise specified in the request to remove an item from the Consent Calendar, all items remoyed shall be considered immediately following action on the remaining items on the Consent Calendar. PAGE 1 -r CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 3.1 Declaration of City Clerk, Cassandra J. Cathcart, declaring posting of City Council agenda of a regular meeting of Noyember 26, 2002 at Orange Civic Center, Main Library at 101 N. Center Street, Police facility at 11 07 North Batayia, Shaffer Park, summarized on Time-Warner Communications and ayailable on the City's Website www.cityoforange.org, all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting. ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk. 3.2 Request Council Confirmation of warrant registers dated November 7,14,2002. ACTION: Approved. 3.3 Request approyal of City Council Minutes, Regular Meeting Noyember 12, 2002. ACTION: Continued to December 10, 2002. 3.4 Consideration to waive reading in full of all ordinances on the Agenda. ACTION: Approyed. 3.5 Receive and file the City Treasurer's Report for the period ending October 31, 2002. ACTION: Approyed. AGREEMENTS 3.6 Agreement Regarding Proposed Stream or Lake Alteration between the City of Orange and the State of California, Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) for Santiago Creek Trail from City of Orange/City of Santa Ana Boundary line to east of Tustin Street. (A2100.0 AGR-4170) SUMMARY: The Santiago Creek Trail Project will construct an under-crossing at Cambridge Street. The under-crossing construction will include grading, planting, paving in CDFG jurisdiction area. As a result the City is responsible to mitigate 1.16 acres of riparian habitat within the City owned open space in the Creek. ACTION: Approyed Streambed Alteration Agreement with CDFG and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program and available in the following accounts: 245-5011-486700-6099 550-5011-486700-6099 $90,250 (AB 2766 Air Pollution Reduction) $94,800 (Reimbursable Capital Projects) PAGE 2 ---.1"- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 3.7 Consulting Services Agreement with Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. to proyide consulting services associated with preparing an Enyironmental Impact Report for deyelopment proposals for Santiago Hills II and East Orange. (A2IOO.0 AGR-4171) SUMMARY: Staff expects that The Irvine Company will soon be submitting applications associated with development proposals for Santiago Hills II and East Orange. To comply with the California Enyironmental Quality Act, it is expected that an Enyironmental Impact Report will need to be prepared to assess the impact of these proposals on the enyironment. In such cases, an environmental consultant is usually retained to perform the work required. ACTION: Continued to December 10,2002. FISCAL IMPACT: Since this work is related to a land use deyelopment proposal, the applicant, The Irvine Company will fully pay for the services rendered under this Agreement. There will be no fiscal impact to the City. 3.8 Award of Professional Seryices Agreement for Utility Statement and Business License Statement Printing and Mailing Services. (A2100.0 AGR-4I72) SUMMARY: This agreement authorizes the outsourcing of printing and mailing services for the Utility Services Diyision and the General Revenue Division of the Finance Department which will result in a reduction of printing and postage costs. ACTION: Approved the agreement with DataProse Inc. for Utility Statement Printing and Mailing Services in an amount not to exceed $57,000 and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds in the amount of $45,000 are ayailable in Account No. 600-1222-427100 (Utility Billing contractual Services) and $12,000 in Account No. 100-1221-427100 (General Reyenue Contractual Services). 3.9 Contract with Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company for Employee Life and Long Term Disability Insurances Effectiye January I, 2003. (A2IOO.0 AGR-4173, 4174,4175)) SUMMARY: Based on the 2003 Life and Long Term Disability Marketing Report conducted by the City's broker, Mercer Human Resource Consulting, staff is recommending a new 36-rnonth contract with Reliance Standard Insurance Company for employee Life Insurance and Long Term Disability insurance coyerage. ACTION: Continued to December 10, 2002. FISCAL IMPACT: The current budget and projected budget for the Fiscal year 2003- 2004 contain adequate funding to accept the new Reliance Standard Life and Long Term PAGE 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 26, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Disability programs. The terms of Reliance Standard life and disability contracts include a 36-month contract with a 14% reduction in premium ($23,137.00), for each year of the contract. The City's current insurance carrier, Standard Life was not able to match the reduced premium rates or a multi-year contract. BIDS 3.10 Rejection of Bids - Bid No. 023-02; Project No. D-I37; Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Cooperative Project - Sacramento Street Storm Drain Improvements east of the SR-55 Freeway between Katella Ayenue and Garfield Ayenue; and authorization to re-advertise for bids. (C2500.M.17) SUMMARY: The bids were opened on October 10, 2002. Eight (8) formal bids were receiyed for this project ranging from $73,663.00 to $173,450.00. The apparent low bidder is Ross A. Guy and Son, Inc. of Fallbrook for $73,663.00. The Engineer's Estimate is $77,325.75, which is 4.79% higher than low bid. Ross A. Guy and Son, Inc. has claimed one mistake in its submittal and requested to be relieyed of its bid and to haye its bid bond released, ACTION: 1) Accepted Ross A. Guy and Son's request to withdraw its bid. 2) Rejected all bids received and authorize the re-adyertisement of this project. FISCAL IMPACT: None. 3.11 CLAIMS (C3200.0) The City Attorney recommends that the Orange City Council deny the following Claim(s) for damages: a. George Cretekos ACTION: Denied Claim(s) for damages and referred to City Attorney and Adjuster. CONTRACTS 3.12 Final Acceptance of Bid 012-55; SP-3376; Street Rehabilitation Improyements for Wanda Road from Katella Ayenue to Santiago Boulevard and authorization to file Notice of Completion with the County Recorder (No staff report reQuired). (A2IOO.0 AGR-4125) SUMMARY: Bid 012-55; SP-3376; Street Rehabilitation Improyernents for Wanda Road from Katella Ayenue to Santiago Boulevard. Contractor: Ruiz Engineering Company. Staff recommends acceptance of improvements. PAGE 4 -----r-.----.-----------...-------. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ACTION: Accepted public work improyement, authorized release of Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company of Maryland, Bond No. 08647038 in the amount of $175,586.05, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Notice of Cornpletion. FISCAL IMP ACT: None. DONATIONS 3.13 Accept donation from Vans Skate Park for use in the Fire Tools and Equipment Budget. (C2500.H) SUMMARY: Vans Skate Park hosted a 9/11 fundraiser and donated the proceeds to augment the Fire Department's Tools and Equipment budget. The check was written in the amount of$783.04. ACTION: Accepted donation in the amount of $783.04 for use in Fire Tools and Equipment budget and appropriated the funds to Account No. 100-3021-446500 (Fire Equipment). FISCAL IMPACT: The $783.04 donation will augment the Fire Tools and Equipment budget. RESOLUTIONS (REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY) 3.14 RESOLUTION NO. 9673 (C2500.E) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange authorizing the City Manager to accept certain donations on behalf of the City. (Continued from Noyember 12, 2002) Councilmember Cayecche explained this was continued from the last Council meeting because she needed additional information on the reasoning behind this. She understands there are some people who give donations to the City who do not want to be recognized at the Councillevel; but her concern is that the Council is able to recognize those who do wish to be recognized. She also noted the Council will be receiving a quarterly report on donations, and suggested these reports could be agendized. MOTION - Cayecche SECOND - Murphy AYES - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cavecche ACTION: Approyed PAGE 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 3.15 RESOLUTION NO. 9680 (C2500.D) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange expressing appreciatIOn to Councilmember Daniel R. Slater for eight years of dedicated and outstanding service to the citizens of Orange. ACTION: Approved. (REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY) 3.16 RESOLUTION NO. 9681 (A2IOO.0 AGR-1147.C) TAPE 420 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approving Second Amended and Restated Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement creating the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency. Council Discussion Councilmember Coontz stated, as representatiye to the Transportation Corridor Agency, the City of Orange has been inyolyed since the mid 1970's as a major player in the yision to establish what became the Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency. Orange was one of the first cities to recognize the yalue ofthe Corridor as a connection route to the SR-91 and a parallel to the SR-55. Her emphasis as a representative has been to address regional issues, and at the same time focus on issues important to the City of Orange. As one example, when the Foothill Corridor opened, it was important to proyide community informational meetings and provide smooth access from the Corridor into Orange through Agency cooperation with the City's Police and Public Works Departments. The City is now looking at a new issue ~ the merging of the Foothill Eastern Corridor Agency with the San Joaquin Hills Corridor Agency. After a great deal of study and analysis by the staff and members of the agencies, membership of both agencies yoted unanimously to do so, but it is necessary to go back to each of the respective Councils for initial approyal. The two agencies already operate as a transportation system and it is envisioned that the consolidation of the Corridor Agencies will provide financial sayings to both the toll road users and the respectiye agencies. Councilmernber Coontz then introduced members of the Transportation Corridor Agency. Wally Kreutzen, Chief Executiye Officer, Transportation Corridor Agency, introduced himself and members of his staff. Councilmember Cayecche stated she was surprised this was put on the Consent Calendar as she did not consider it a Consent item; and hoped the Council would have receiyed briefings prior to this coming before the Council. She was not prepared to vote on this item at this time. This is an important issue and deserves more study. She understands PAGE 6 -----,- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) the financial implications and the positiye points for the San Joaquin Corridor Agency, but the Foothill Eastern Corridor Agency is being handled very well. She suggested this be continued to another meeting and ask the Agency to proyide briefings to the Council. Councilmember Coontz stated, as a designated representatiye to the TCA, it is her obligation to bring issues forward that are controyersial or important. These types of items are regularly on the Consent Calendar and proyide an opportunity for indiyiduals from the agencies to speak to the issue. The issues of the Corridor Agencies are complicated and haye taken a long time. The members voted unanimously to approye the initial decisions that are being made. Both agencies are yery successful and hard working with huge issues before them. There are issues with the San Joaquin Corridor Agency, but the predictions and projections for utilization of the San Joaquin Corridor have not yet met the goals. Howeyer, this is like the SR-55 and SR-57 when they first opened, which were wide open freeways. But it was soon realized they were regional highways and not just community access ways. She stated she was ready to approye this Resolution. Councilmember Slater, an alternate member to the TCA, eXplained this action is to allow the progress to continue in terms of looking into it. The Council is not authorizing the merger - that is to come later after further financial study. He asked what the Council's involyements are at this time and if this issue will come back before the Council. Wally Kreutzen stated this is a permissive amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement which states that in the future, if the TCA staff and financial consultants can provide a yiable plan of finance to both Boards, that provides a rational basis for moving forward with consolidation, the Council is giying to their representatiye on the TCA Board, the opportunity to vote for that in the future. Both roads are open right now. San Joaquin Hills is under performing to current proj ections. Foothill Eastern is oyer performing, but to a large degree because of what was learned from San Joaquin Hills. What was learned from the San Joaquin on a financial side was applied to the Foothill Eastern. There are four major pieces that are moving in the Foothill Eastern area right now: 1) what will aCTA do relative to the SR-91; 2) what is the impact of The Irvine Company's recent announcement of placing an additional 11,000 acres into the open space; 3) what is the impact of the reuse ofEl Toro; and 4) what is the impact of Rancho Mission Viejo. There is no gnarantee the Foothill Eastern will not be in a similar financial scenario in the future; but both Boards haye commissioned independent traffic and reyenue studies which can be used to assess whether or not consolidation is yiable. This issue will not come back to the Council. It will come back before the two JP A Boards of the TCA at a later date. The members who are representatiyes from their respectiye cities or counties will yote on whether they believe this should go forward. Councilmember Cayecche asked when this will come back before the TCA Board. PAGE 7 - r..------------------- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Mr. Kreutzen stated whether or not there will be a yiable plan of finance will be before the TCA Board about April 2003. Councilrnember Slater asked what other cities haye yoted on this. Mr. Kreutzen stated San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Yorba Linda, Laguna Niguel and Aliso Viejo have already yoted in fayor of this. Irvine, Newport Beach and Laguna Hills had agendized it for the same day as Orange. Some councils in these cities haye been briefed, others haye not; and typically this has been a Consent Calendar item in those cities. Councilmember Coontz stated there is an opportunity at a later date to speak more directly regarding the financial issues after more studies and traffic revenue has been completed. This is the initial basic affirmation. Mayor pro tern Alyarez asked if this is essentially giying the approval for the two boards begin the process of the merger? Mr. Kreutzen agreed that if at a later date a yiable plan of finance exists, the merger process will begin. Councilmernber Coontz stated a briefing can be made ayailable for the Council at that time. Mayor pro tern Alyarez asked if it was ever recommended that the one financially yiable board assume the responsibilities rather than a merger; and if it will be a bigger board? Councilmember Coontz stated they will be merged together with representation from all cities inyolyed. She noted a smaller board was originally proposed, but this was not yiable because people did not want to be left out. There are crossovers on the two Boards and some people haye participation on both boards. If combined, then eyery city inyolyed will haye participation. Mr. Kreutzen stated the new proposed board will be a 21 member board. Everyone that currently has a seat on the existing boards will haye a seat on the new board. In answer to why the Foothill Eastern Board doesn't assume the San Joaquin Board, there are issues dealing with the Internal Reyenue Service and the issuance of public debt. It is necessary to create a new organization. Councilmember Slater stated he had high regard for Mr. Kreutzen who has been inyolved with the Boards for many years. He asked if it didn't make sense to merge the two boards anyway. He stated he would like to vote on this as he has been involyed in this for eight years. Mr. Kreutzen agreed there should neyer haye been two boards anyway. It also proyides an opportunity to start over with fiye years of reyenue experience. PAGE 8 _.u_.__.___.__ 1___ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Councilmember Cayecche stated this is the only opportunity she has to yote on this and she still has unanswered questions. She is not prepared to yote at this time and would prefer to haye briefings in order to make a more educated yote. This is a large regional issue which affects the whole County. Mayor Murphy asked if there would be any implications if this were continued to December? Mr. Kreutzen stated there would not be any implications if it were continued. Councilmember Coontz stated that members of the Council may not realize the extent to which the members of the two Boards are inyolyed with financial issues and policy issues. The idea is to get this going and there will be ample opportunity to come back with a briefing to hopefully direct the Council representative to properly yote on this Issue. Mayor Murphy stated that if one Councilmember has reservations and requests additional information, and there is no critical time constraint, he would like to continue the item. MOTION - Cayecche SECOND - Slater AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche Moyed to continue to December 10, 2002 for gathering offurtber information. MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Coontz AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche Items 3.3, 3.7 and 3.9 were continued to December 10,2002. Items 3.14 and 3.16 were remoyed and heard separately. All other items on the Consent Calendar were approyed as recommended. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ******** 4. REPORTS FROM MAYOR MURPHY - None. S. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS - None. 6. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None. PAGE 9 . -" -r--..---------------------- -- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS TAPE 980 7.1 Consideration of appeal submitted by Jim Osowski regarding the decision of the City Traffic Commission approving the request to install red curb markings in front of the business complex at 675 N. Eckhoff St. (A4000.0) SUMMARY: The basis for this appeal ofthe decision of the City Traffic Commission is the loss of on-street parking in front of the appellant's business. Note: Letter dated Noyember 25, 2002 was received from Jim Osowski, withdrawing his appeal. Council Discussion Councilmember Cayecche stated she had gone out to the site and noticed a lot of red curbs in the area; and asked for the reasoning behind this. The Public Works Director explained it is not uncommon to haye a lot ofred curbs in industrial areas because of safety related issues and the parking of large vehicles. He noted the adjacent properties appear to haye ample on-site parking. In response to questions by Mayor pro tern Alyarez, the Public Works Director further explained the majority of the requests for red curbs are initiated from adjacent property owners who haye problems with site distance adjacent to driveways. Some red curbs are initiated by the City if they are near a stop sign, a roadway width is needed for travel or to accommodate left turn lanes. Councilrnember Slater asked about the maintenance ofred curbs and the posting of No Parking. The Public Works Director stated signs can be used in lieu of red curbs, but painted curbs are cheaper to maintain than signs and are usually used for parking restrictions of usually less than 200 feet. Compliance is also better with red curbs as they are more yisible than signs. MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Alyarez AYES - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche ACTION: Accept letter from Jim Osowski and withdraw this item. TAPE 1295 7.2 Proposed Cellular Antennas at El Modena Park (A2100.0 AGR-4149, 4150) SUMMARY: Reyiew and consider prior Council authorization (October 22, 2002 Council meeting) to execute cellular antenna agreements with Sprint PCS and Cingular Wireless. Council Discussion Mayor pro tern Alyarez asked this be brought back before the Council as the original Agenda packet which did not include copies ofthe leases. Since then, he has reyiewed the leases. His PAGE 10 ,______________.n _ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) concerns include that the City needs to be notified when the cellular proyiders come into the park; proyiders being able to sublease the antennas and sublease contractors would then be able to come into the park without City knowledge; and that the area of the cellular antennas is near the park restrooms, and he was not comfortable with workers coming into the park in that area where children could be. He was concerned about liability issues in that the lease allows 24 hour access and there would be no way to know if someone was servicing the antennas after the park was closed. He suggested notification be required from the cellular proyiders whenever they need to service the antennas. Mayor Murphy noted the cellular facility is an adjunct area to the park restroom and although it is attached, it has separate access. The restrooms would also be locked after the park was closed. Mayor pro tern Alyarez stated there needs to be an approying body with control oyer improvements; and asked if the City codes address the possibility for this type of industry to change their requirements or expand their needs which is another area of the lease that needs to be addressed. The Community Deyelopment Director stated cellular antenna sites are reviewed by the Staff Review Committee, Design Reyiew Committee and sometimes the Planning Commission. The plans are conditioned and if the antenna company wants to change the plan, it would require an amendment to the original approyed plan. Mayor pro tern Alvarez also expressed concern about the lease renewals as the lease calls for automatic renewals; and there needs to be a reyiew by the City before leases are renewed. Councilmember Coontz spoke on the positiye aspects of this lease. The City has been deyoid of wireless communication sites and she appreciated the fact that a site was found for this use. She noted the antennas are not real yisible as designed, and there haye also been improyements to the park. She complimented the companies and appreciated the business that is being brought to the City. Mayor Murphy asked about the termination clause in the lease. The City Attorney explained Council could direct staff to bring back a review of the leases before the exercise of any option. He also stated staff is currently looking at model ordinances and agreements for cell sites on city property. The City Manager explained he has had personal experience dealing with cellular providers. It is important to understand that these types of providers do not want anything less than long term leases because of the capital inyestments that are made and the considerable compensation paid for the amount of square footage and access. He stated the serviceability areas are graded A, B or C, depending on the amount of calls serviced through the particular antenna. This particular antenna site is a Class C site and is being installed mainly for infill to prevent call drop offs in that area. This antenna is being used by two companies and will handle a small amount of calls. PAGE 11 n----T CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) It can be reasonably monitored and comments made by Mayor pro tern Alyarez can be incorporated into future leases. Mayor pro tern Alyarez stated it is important for Orange to have a mechanism for a review of these sites. Other cities are extremely tough on wireless companies and he did not want Orange to be yiewed as an easy place to corne in and put up antennas. Councilmember Cayecche appreciated the concerns raised by Mayor pro tern Alyarez; and also appreciated the cellular carriers doing the improyements at the park with the restrooms and landscaping. She asked about the reyiew process and the transferability of the leases. The Community Development Director stated this project has already gone through the Staff Review Committee, Design Review Committee and the Planning Commission and a Conditional Use Permit has been issued and the visual aspects approyed. The City Attorney explained there is an assignment proyision in the leases. The agreement allows Sprint to assign their lease without the City's consent but only to entities that either they control or entities that control Sprint. Any other assignments have to be approyed by the City. The Cingular lease, howeyer, does allow assignment strictly upon notice to the City and no approval is required. Councilmember Cayecche stated she did not haye a concern with the providers going into the park after hours, but did haye a concern with them being on the property during park hours. If someone goes into a public park under the auspices that the City has giyen them legal permission to do so, she has a concern of not knowing they are there and not having an understanding of who is actually doing the work. She asked about other leases with other entities where they are given access to public parks. She asked about the liability if someone under contract with the City is in a park. The City Attorney stated the City could ensure that cell proyiders inform the City if they are going to be in the park after hours. In terms of them being in the park during park hours, the City really has no control oyer who goes into a public park. As for liability, the City does require insurance from contractors and there is actually more protection if there is a contract. The Community Services Manager explained the City has numerous contracts for landscape maintenance and custodial services for City parks and the City is not necessarily knowledgeable of the indiyiduals who are in the park. Sometimes these contractors are in the parks after hours; howeyer, emergency numbers are proyided by the contractors and they all have identification. This information is also ayailable to the Police and Fire Departments. There are also contracts with sports organizations who haye people in the park after hours. Any calls that the City receiyes about these people in the parks are handled administratively with the contractors; and to date, there haye not been any problems. PAGE 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Councilmember Coontz stated a copy of the Conditional Use Permit should haye been included in the packet for reference; and asked about returning the Conditional Use Permit for reyiew for a comfort level and what it would cover. In the past, Council has designated they would like something to come back for review, strictly for comfort. The Community Deyelopment Director stated the Conditional Use Permit did not have a condition for any type of annual reyiew; and once a CUP has been granted, it is difficult to add additional conditions. Any physical change or improvement to the antennas would require the CUP to come back, but there is no language in this particular CUP that has any type of reyiew period. The City Attorney explained the Council can ask for a reyiew of a Conditional Use Permit at any time, but can not change the CUP if there are no violations. Mayor Murphy noted the two biggest items that seem to be of concern are a reyiew process prior to any sort of ongoing renewal and some sort of noticing prior to service and support on site. He asked the representatives from Sprint and Cingular if they were able to agree to a stipulation of noticing prior to service on the cell sites. Shannon McDonald from Cingular Wireless and Plo Mead from Sprint introduced themselyes and stated they were agreeable to a noticing requirement. Mayor Murphy stated that with the stipulation from the cellular companies and the direction to staff to review these leases, this would deal with the concerns on these existing leases and let these go forward. The City could then include the experience learned from these leases in the model agreement that is being drafted by staff. Mayor pro tern Alvarez stated his biggest concern is the automatic renewal of the leases. Shannon McDonald stated one of the conditions in the Conditional Use Permit proyides for a fiye year review. Councilrnember Coontz again stated it was important to know what the stipulations of the Conditional Use Permit are when looking at these leases; and the CUP could be aligned with the leases. Mayor pro tem Alyarez suggested it would be prudent if Staff were to take the comments made and go back with the two companies and tighten up some of the issues in the leases. Councilmember Slater stated he had no problems with these leases, and suggested, in a broader perspective, if the City could explore the possibility of getting a consultant to help with these leases to make sure the City is getting the biggest bang for the buck and in garnering the most profits. He suggested a consultant could point out other potential cell sites and market the City. He wants these cell sites to be aesthetically pleasing and yet there may be revenue the City is PAGE 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 26, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) missing out on and there may be points to these leases the City should know more about. He trusts staff to do the best they can, but this is fairly new technology. For the record, Councilmember Slater stated he hoped future Councils will consider at least exploring this possibility. Mayor pro tern Alyarez agreed with Councilmember Slater's comments. He stated he did not mean to be hard on the cellular companies and knows the leases are generous leases; but this giyes the City an opportunity to look at this industry for the future. Councilmember Coontz requested the Council be proyided a copy of the Conditional Use Permit; and the Conditional Use Permit does not have to be copied into the lease agreement as it is a separate action. MOTION - Alyarez SECOND - Coontz AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche Moyed to direct staffto reyiew: 1) Notification to the City be at the anniyersary of the five year lease terms prior to renewal. 2) Ask the companies to notify the City if companies are coming onto park sites after business hours; 3) The need to define more clearly how maintenance is going to happen as companies are coming into the park; 4) Continue to Decernber 10, 2002 to get clarification on these issues and also on the subletting issue where the City needs to giye some sort of consent; that it needs to be defined between the companies and the City as to at what point there needs to be some sort of consent for subletting. 5) Include the Conditional Use Permit when leases are brought back. 8. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER - None. 9. LEGAL AFFAIRS TAPE 2870 9.1 ORDINANCE NO 13-02 (SECOND READING) (A2500.0 Campaign Contributions) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange amending Section 2.10.020 and Rescinding Section 2.1O.050C of the Orange Municipal Code pertaining to Campaign Contribution Limitations. MOTION - Slater SECOND - Cavecche AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche Moyed, with regrets, that Ordinance No. 13-02 be read by title only and same was approyed and adopted by the preceding yote. PAGE 14 -r-~--~----_._.._- ------------ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 9. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) 9.2 ORDINANCE NO. 14-02 (SECOND READING) (A2S00.0 Telephones, Public) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange adding Chapter 5.81 to the Orange Municipal Code establishing regulations for exterior pay telephone facilities. MOTION - Slater SECOND - Alyarez AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche Moyed that Ordinance No. 14-02 be read by title only and same was approyed and adopted by the preceding yote. Councilrnember Coontz asked if the City gets money from the use of pay telephones in City facilities; and pointed out the need for the City to also follow these regulations. 10. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 11. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION The City Council recessed at 6: 10 p.m. Note: There was no Closed Session. a. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the City Attorney, City Manager, or City Council prior to such recess unless the motion to recess indicates any of the matters will not be considered in Closed Session. TAPE 2960 7:00 P.M. SESSION 12. PUBLIC COMMENTS The following people spoke in support of strict code enforcement throughout the City and in support of the existing RV Ordinance. Their concerns also include how RV's negatively affect property values; the need to enforce the existing RV Ordinance; safety issues involyed with RVs parked on residential properties; and the formation of VOICE - Volunteers of Orange In Code Enforcement. Mel Vernon, address on file, submitted pictures and list of code enforcement yiolations Jerry Julian, 2707 E. Chestnut Bonnie Henderson, 1654 Klamath Place Ed Boykin, 2701 E. Chestnut Paul Henderson, 1654 Klamath Place PAGE 15 ------- T---- ---------- ------ ------ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 26, 2002 12. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Continued) Councilmember Slater thanked the citizens for coming to the meeting and for their comments; and asked the City Manager to direct Code Enforcement to follow up on the list of violations submitted. 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS 13.1 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16405-02; MINOR SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 230-02, HAL BAERG (T4000.0 TRT 16405-02) Time set for public hearing to consider a proposed subdiyision of 6.37 acres into six parcels, each of which will become acre or larger in size, and to create lots without direct access to public streets, upon property located approximately 500 feet south of Santiago Canyon Road and east of Jamestown Way. The subject site is located within the boundaries of the Orange Park Acres Plan. Note: Faxed letter receiyed Noyember 20, 2002 from the applicant requesting a continuance of the public hearing to the next available Council meeting. MOTION - Alyarez SECOND - Coontz AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cavecche Moyed to continue to January 14, 2003. 14. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT - None. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION - Slater SECOND - Alyarez AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche The City Council adjourned at 7:20 p.m. to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on December 3, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. for the Oath of Office Ceremony. ~{/!:rAA'~ CASSANDRA A HCART, CMC CITY CLERK I!JAlL!!1i MAYOR PAGE 16 ~~ ~r -- _u