11/12/2002 - Council Minutes - CC Minutes Reg Meeting APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 10, 2002 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ORANGE, CALIFORNIA OF A REGULAR MEETING Noyember 12,2002 The City Council of the City of Orange, California conyened on November 12, 2002 at 4:30 p.m. in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 E. Chapman Ayenue, Orange, California. 4:30 P.M. SESSION 1. OPENING 1.1 INVOCATION Giyen by Pastor Torn Copple, Spirit and Truth Worship Center I.2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Staff Sergeant Gloria Salce from Orange Hi~h School Marines JROTC in honor of the Marine Corps 227th birthday on Noyember 10' . 1.3 ROLL CALL PRESENT - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche ABSENT - None Note: Mayor Murphy left the Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. due to a business trip. 1.4 PRESENTATIONS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/ INTRODUCTIONS Mayor's Achievement Award was presented to Police Corporal Mike Streed for his expertise in forensic artistry, which assisted with the Samantha Runnion police investigation. Keith Regan, Executiye Director, Orange Senior Center, submitted the Annual Audit of the Orange Senior Center; and proyided an update on services proyided by the Senior Center. Proclamation, honoring National Children's Book Week, Noyember 18-24, 2002, was presented to Mike Learakos, President of the City of Orange Public Library Foundation. Mr. Learakos stated a Book Fair will be held Sunday, November 24'h at Barnes and Noble Book Store in Orange to help raise money for a new expanded Main Library. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS TAPE 685 Eddie Grijalva, 8467 Peony Circle, Buena Park, asked that McPherson Street behind Grijalya Park be cleaned up and submitted pictures of problems which have become eyesores. The City Manager's Office was directed to look into this. PAGE 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Continued) Councilmember Slater requested a letter be sent to the apartment complex on Prospect Street near Grijalva Park asking them to take down the barbed wire fence along the back ofthe apartment complex as it presents a bad image. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR All items on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and are enacted by one motion approving the recommended action listed on the Agenda. Any member of the City Council, staff or the public may request an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion or separate action. Unless otherwise specified in the request to remoye an item from the Consent Calendar, all items remoyed shall be considered immediately following action on the remaining items on the Consent Calendar. 3.1 Declaration of City Clerk, Cassandra J. Cathcart, declaring posting of City Council agenda of a regular meeting of Noyember 12, 2002 at Orange Ciyic Center, Main Library at 101 N. Center Street, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia, Shaffer Park, summarized on Time-Warner Communications and available on the City's Website www.cityoforange.org, all of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said regular meeting. ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk. 3.2 Request Council Confirmation of warrant registers dated October 17, 24, 31, 2002. ACTION: Approyed. 3.3 Request approval of City Council Minutes, Regular Meeting, October 22, 2002. ACTION: item. Approyed. Note: Councilmember Coontz and Slater abstained on this 3.4 Consideration to waiye reading in full of all ordinances on the Agenda. ACTION: Approyed. AGREEMENTS 3.5 Amendment No. 2 to Master Plan of Sewers Agreement (Contract No. 0011) between the City of Orange and the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Cooperatiye Projects Program. (A2100.0 AGR-3675.2) PAGE 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 12, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) SUMMARY: The amendment extends the term of the original contract for an additional six (6) months in order to allow the City to satisfy all terms and conditions of the original contract. ACTION: Approyed Amendment No.2 to the contract between the City of Orange and the Orange County Sanitation District and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Amendments on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMP ACT: No fiscal impact. Funds have been previously appropriated for the projects. 3.6 No. 0012) between the City of Orange and the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Cooperatiye Projects Program. (A2100.0 AGR-3676.2) SUMMARY: The amendment extends the term of the original contract for an additional six (6) months in order to allow the City to satisfy all terms and conditions of the original contract. ACTION: Approyed Amendment No.2 to the contract between the City of Orange and the Orange County Sanitation District and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Amendments on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMP ACT: No fiscal impact. Funds haye been preyiously appropriated for the projects. ALLOCATIONS 3.7 Assembly Bill (AB) 3229 grant money for funding of Police support personnel (C2500.K) SUMMARY: AB 3229 makes funds ayailable under the FY 2002 Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS) Program in the Goyernor's budget. The City of Orange was awarded $264,056.70 and proposes to continue funding the ciyilian police support positions using FY 2002 AB 3229 COPS Program Funds. These positions enhance the Police Department's ability to place sworn Police Officers in the field. ACTION: Allocated $264,056.70 FY 2002 COPS grant award to continue funding four (4) full-time and two (2) part-time ciyilian positions through June 30, 2004. FISCAL IMP ACT: The City of Orange was awarded $264,056.70 through the FY 2002 COPS grant program. These funds have been placed in a separate fund (354 - AB 3229 Supplemental Law Enforcement Services) and cannot be transferred to or intermingled with other funds, except to facilitate appropriation and expenditures by the statute. Interest earnings in Fund 354 will also be allocated to payroll expenditures for the six (6) positions. This award will support the allocation plan and the approval does not require a budget adjustment. PAGE 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 3.8 CLAIMS (C3200.0) The City Attorney recommends that the Orange City Council deny the following Claim(s) for damages: a. Edgar Bravo through his guardian Araceli Bravo b. Tina Louise McRae c. Sheila Fee ACTION: Denied Claim(s) for damages and referred to City Attorney and Adjuster. CONTRACTS 3.9 Final Acceptance of Bid 012-43; SP-3362 Belmont Park and SP-3393 El Modena Park Upgrades and authorization to file Notice of Completion with the County Recorder (No staffreport required). (A2100.0 AGR-4004) SUMMARY: Bid 012-43; SP-3362; Belmont Park and SP-3393 EI Modena Park Contractor: TK Engineering Company. Staff recommends acceptance ofimproyements. ACTION: Accepted public work improvement, authorized release of Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company of Iowa. Bond No. FC900100195 in the amount of $305,290.00, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Notice of Completion. FISCAL IMP ACT: None. 3.10 Final Acceptance of Bid 012-46; SP-3332 Newport Boulevard Rehabilitation between Canyon View Ayenue and White Oak Ridge and authorization to file Notice of Completion with the County Recorder (No staff report required). (A2100.0 AGR-4047) SUMMARY: Bid 012-46; SP-3332; Newport Boulevard Rehabilitation between Canyon View Avenue and White Oak Ridge. Contractor: R.I. Noble Company. Staff recommends acceptance ofimproyements. ACTION: Accepted public work improvement, authorized release of Travelers Casualty and Surety Company. Bond No. 83 SB 013851075 BCM, in the amount of $148,726.00, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Notice of Completion. FISCAL IMPACT: None. 3.11 Final Acceptance of Bid 012-17; SP-3375 Taft Branch Library Remodel and authorization to file Notice of Completion with the County Recorder (No staff report required). (A2100.0 AGR-3913) PAGE 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 12,2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) SUMMARY: Bid 012-17; SP-3375; Taft Branch Library Remodel. Contractor: Klassic Engineering and Construction, Inc. Staffrecommends acceptance of improvements. ACTION: Accepted public work improyement, authorized release of Deyelopers Surety and Indemnity Company of Iowa. Bond No. 832089P in the amount of $720,000.00, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Notice of Completion. FISCAL IMP ACT: None. 3.12 Final Acceptance of Bid 012-45; SP-3331-Chapman Ayenue Rehabilitation, between Lewis Street and Manchester Ayenue and authorization to file Notice of Completion with the County Recorder (No staff report required). (A2100.0 AGR-4046) SUMMARY: Bid 012-45; SP-3331; Chapman Avenue Rehabilitation between Lewis Street and Manchester Ayenue. Contractor: RJ. Noble Company. Staff recommends acceptance of improyements. ACTION: Accepted public work improvement, authorized release of Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Connecticut. Bond No. 103851074 in the amount of $242,409.30, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Notice of Completion. FISCAL IMP ACT: None. 3.13 Award of Contracts - Bid No. 023-09; (I) Project No. SP-3390, AHRP Project - Hewes Street Rehabilitation from Marmon Avenue to Chapman Ayenue; (2) Project No. SP-3391, Prospect Street Rehabilitation from La Veta Ayenue to Chapman Ayenue; (3) and SP-3392 - Yorba Street Rehabilitation from Palmyra Ayenue to Chapman Ayenue. (A2IOO.0 AGR-4166) SUMMARY: The bids were opened on October 17,2002. Seven (7) bidders responded to the invitation for bids. The apparent low bidder is R. J. Noble Company of Orange for $671,458.41 for the total of the three projects. The Engineer's Estimate is $812,175.00. ACTION: I)Awarded a contract in the amount of $221,660.42 to R. J. Noble Company, 15505 E. Lincoln Ayenue, Orange, CA 92865 for Hewes Street Rehabilitation from Mannon Avenue to Chapman Avenue (SP-3390), and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City. 2) Awarded a contract in the amount of $287,858.94 to R. J. Noble Company, 15505 E. Lincoln Avenue, Orange, CA 92865 for Prospect Street Rehabilitation from La Veta Avenue to Chapman Ayenue (SP-3391), and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City. 3) Awarded a contract in the amount of $161,939.05 to R. J. Noble Company, 15505 E. Lincoln Avenue, Orange, CA 92865 for Yorba Street Rehabilitation from Palmyra Avenue to Chapman Avenue (SP-3392), and 4) authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City. PAGE 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) FISCAL IMP ACT: Funds are budgeted and are ayailable in the Capital Improyement Program in the following accounts: 1) Hewes Street Rehabilitation from Marmon Ayenue to Chapman Avenue (SP-3390) 550-5011-483300-3423 $113,802 AHRP 500-5011-483300-3423 $159.706 Capital Projects Total $273,508 2) Prospect Street Rehabilitation from La Veta Avenue to Chapman Avenue (SP-3391) 550-5011-483300-4029 $181,955 AHRP 500-5011-483300-4029 $259.560 Capital Projects Total $441,515 3) Yorba Street Rehabilitation from Palmyra Ayenue to Chapman Avenue (SP-3392) 550-5011-483300-3908 $ 88,133 AHRP 500-5011-483300-3908 $123.608 Capital Projects Total $211,741 Total $926,764 FACILITIES 3.14 Request to open and use the Main Library and its parking lot on Sunday afternoon, December 8, 2002, for an invitation-only reception prior to the City's Tree Lighting Ceremony. (C2500.I) SUMMARY: The City of Orange Public Library Foundation, Inc. (Library Foundation) seeks City Council authorization to open and use the Main Library and its parking lot from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, December 8, 2002. This would be for an invitation-only reception prior to the City's Tree Lighting Ceremony, to thank Library Foundation donors and supporters and to promote the Library Foundation's Main Library Expansion Campaign. ACTION: Approved request and allowed Library Foundation use of the Main Library and its parking lot from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, December 8, 2002, for an invitation- only reception. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of 1.5 hours' electrical power usage at the Main Library is the only direct fiscal impact involyed. Indirectly, a few staff members - e.g., the Library Director and Senior Librarians - will adjust their work schedules so they can be present that afternoon; no oyertime will be charged. No library supplies are inyolved. PAGE 6 '-~'--'---'-~---r-"~--'---"----'-'-'-"'-- .. I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) FUND TRANSFER 3.15 Fund transfer to purchase report file label maker for Police Records Bureau (C2500.K) SUMMARY: The label maker currently used by the Records Bureau for all police reports is over 15 years old and can no longer be repaired. Staff would like to purchase a new machine from Document Control Solutions in an amount not to exceed $5,259. ACTION: Transferred $5,259 from 356-4011-481200-2313 (Police Locker Room CIP) to account number 356-4013-471301 (Records-Equipment) to purchase a label maker. FISCAL IMP ACT: After the transfer, sufficient funds will be ayailable in account 356- 4013-471301. GRANTS 3.16 Arterial Highway Rehabilitation Program (AHRP) grant awarded to the City of Orange (H1200.A.1) SUMMARY: Amend 2002-2003 Capital Improyement Program Budget to include AHRP Grant projects awarded on September 9, 2002, to the City of Orange by the Orange County Transportation Authority, and allocate funding. ACTION: Approve the addition of four arterial highway rehabilitation projects to the City of Orange 2002-2003 Capitallmproyement Program Budget as follows: I) Appropriated the following from Fund 272 (Gas Tax 2105) unappropriated reserves to: 272-5011-483300-3224 $122,960 Glassell Street Phase I Rehab-Walnut Ave. to Mayfair 272-5011-483300-3211 $ 89,269 Chapman Rehab AHRP 02-03-Loretta Dr. to Hewes St. 272-5011-483300-3223 $144,846 Garden Grove Blvd.-230 ft. e/o City Dr. to Park Vine St. 272-5011-483300-3212 $ 99.189 The City Drive Rehab-Garden Grove to s/o SR-22 Fwy. $456,264 2) Appropriated the following from Fund 262 (Traffic Improvement, Measure M) unappropriated reserves to: 262-5011-483300-3224 $212,228 Glassell Street Phase I Rehab-Walnut Ave. to Mayfair 262-5011-483300-3223 $144,846 Garden Grove Blvd.-230 ft. e/o City Dr. to Park Vine St. 262-5011-483300-3212 $ 99.190 The City Drive Rehab-Garden Grove to s/o SR-22 Fwy. $456,264 3) Amended the revenue budget to reflect the expected receipt of$I,382,500 from OCTA into 550-5011-264900 and appropriated the following to Fund 550 (Reimbursable Capital Projects): 550-5011-483300-3224 550-5011-483300-3211 550-5011-483300-3223 550-5011-483300-3212 $279,324 $696,450 $241,410 $165,316 $1,382,500 Glassell Street Phase 1 Rehab-Walnut Ave. to Mayfair Chapman Rehab AHRP 02-03-Loretta Dr. to Hewes St. Garden Grove Blvd.-230 ft. e/o City Dr. to Park Vine St. The City Drive Rehab-Garden Grove to s/o SR-22 Fwy. PAGE 7 T-- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Noyember 12, 2002 4) Authorized the transfer of $739,331.00 from Account No. 272-5011-483300-3112 (Arterial Street Maintenance) to Account No. 272-5011-483300-3211 (Chapman Rehab. AHRP 02-03). FISCAL IMP ACT: Upon completion ofrecommended appropriations and transfers funds shall be available in the following accounts: 272-5011-483300-3224 262-5011-483300-3224 550-5011-483300-3224 272-5011-483300-3211 550-5011-483300-3211 272-5011-483300-3223 262-5011-483300-3223 550-5011-483300-3223 272-5011-483300-3212 262-5011-483300-3212 550-5011-483300-3212 $122,960.00 $212,228.00 $279,324.00 $828,600.00 $696,450.00 $144,846.00 $144,846.00 $24 I ,410.00 $ 99,189.00 $ 99,190.00 $165,316.00 $3,034,359.00 (Gas Tax 2105) (Measure M Turnback) (OCTA) (Gas Tax 2105) (OCTA) (Gas Tax 2105) (Measure M Turnback) (OCTA) (Gas Tax 2105) (Measure M Turnback) (OCTA) 3.17 Authorization to appropriate $27,500 in federal matching grant funds for the Historic Orange Preseryation Online local history project and to amend the City's revenue budget accordingly. (C2500.I) SUMMARY: Orange Public Library has been awarded the final $27,500 in federal Library Services and Technology Act matching grant funds for Historic Orange Preservation Online (HOPO). The grant will expand Orange Public Library's Local History website online to provide public access to information and images of the agricultural industry in Orange, the City's inventory of the 1,237 historic homes and businesses in the Old Towne Orange Historic District, and Eichler homes in Orange. The Council accepted and allocated the initial $21,500 of this grant money at its October 22, 2002, meeting. City Council authorization is needed to appropriate the remaining $27,500 and to amend the reyenue budget accordingly. ACTIONS: (1) Amended revenue budget to add $27,500 from Historic Orange Preservation Online grant funds (to Account No. 100-2011-261500-9930); and (2) Appropriated $27,500 in Historic Orange Preservation Online grant funds as follows: $12,600 to 100-2011-426700-9930 (Other Prof & Contractual Services) $ 5,900 to 100-2011-441101-9930 (General Office Supplies) $ 9,000 to 100-2011-449100-9930 (Minor Office Equipment) FISCAL IMPACT: The City initially received $21,500 in federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) matching funds, administered by the California State Library, to begin this project. The Library has now received approval for release of the remaining PAGE 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 12, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) $27,500. The total grant application - a $73,865 yalue requiring 1/3 local match - includes $17,865 of in-kind contributions from our Library, e.g., the estimated yalue of Library staff time. Because this project is one of the Main Library's major workplan objectives for FY 02-03, that staff time has been planned in existing workloads. The $4,500 previously accepted and allocated on October 22, 2002, for appropriation partially offsets that $17,865. PURCHASES 3.18 Purchase of Police Department uniforms and accessories from Carmen's Uniforms, Inc. through a cooperatiye purchasing agreement. (C2500.K) SUMMARY: This is a request that the City Council authorize purchase of uniforms and accessories from Carmen's Uniforms, Inc. through a cooperative purchasing agreement in the amount of $40,000. ACTION: Authorized purchase of Police Department uniforms from Carmen's Uniforms, Inc. in the amount of $40,000. FISCAL IMP ACT: Sufficient funds in the amount of $40,000 are budgeted and available in Acct No. 100-4011-441300, Uniforms and Clothing. 3.19 Purchase one (1) Toro 580-D Groundmaster Mower. (C2500.M.4) SUMMARY: Purchase one (1) Toro 580-0 Mower from Turf Star under a GSA agreement #GS-00F-0087M to replace current unit number 740, a 1988 mower, in the Community Services Department. ACTION: I) Authorized purchase of a Toro 580-0 Mower from Turf Star Inc. in the amount of $62,861.46, pursuant to GSA Agreement No. GS-00F-0087M, and 2) Authorized the City Manager to declare the replaced mower surplus and dispose of the equipment at an auction. FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds in account No. 720-5023-472102 Motor Vehicle Replacement. 3.20 Purchase of a Financial System Unix Seryer Replacement through a cooperatiye purchasing agreement. (C2500.J.2) Note: Mayor Murphy abstained on this item due to an employment conflict. SUMMARY: Approye purchase under CMAS (California Multiple Award Schedule) Contract No. 3-94-70-0011 in the amount of $59,500 from Systems Technologies Associates for the replacement of the Financial System file server. PAGE 9 r CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ACTION: Authorized the purchase of the file server equipment and installation in the amount of$59,500 from Systems Technologies Associates. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds in the amount of $59,500 are budgeted in Account No. 790-1601-481303-9640 (MIS- Computer Replacement) RESOLUTIONS 3.21 RESOLUTION NO. 9663 (C2500.M.4) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange authorizing the application for grant funds pursuant to the Per Capita Grant Program under the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2000 for certain eligible projects within the City of Orange. ACTION: Approved. 3.22 RESOLUTION NO. 9675 (C2500.M.4.9) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange authorizing an application for block grant funds for the rehabilitation of certain improvements at Hart Park from the Roberti-Z'berg-Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Grant Program under the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air and Coastal Protection Bond Act of2000. ACTION: Approyed. 3.23 RESOLUTION NO. 9671 (C2500.J.5.4) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange authorizing the destruction of certain city records as provided by Section 34090 of the Goyernment Code of the State of California. ACTION: Approved. 3.24 RESOLUTION NO. 9672 (C2500.J.4) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange regarding the 2002 Christmas Holiday Closure. ACTION: Approyed. (REMOVED AND HEARD SEPARATELY) 3.25 RESOLUTION NO. 9673 (C2500.E) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange authorizing the City Manager to accept certain donations on behalf of the City. PAGE 10 ----.----~---------T.-.----.---------.---------.. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Councilmember Cayecche asked this item be continued for further study. MOTION - Cavecche SECOND - Alyarez AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cavecche ACTION: Continued to Noyember 26,2002 Council meeting. 3.26 RESOLUTION NO. 9674 (C2500.M.16.1 LLN 2002-09) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange approying Lot Line Adjustment LL 2002-09 adjusting lot lines of certain real property situated at 461 and 462 N. Carlisle Place in the City of Orange, County of Orange, State of California. Owners: George Adams and Brent Sepulyeda. ACTION: Approved. 3.27 RESOLUTION NO. 9678 (S4000.S.4) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange temporarily closing sections of Glassell Street and Chapman Ayenue immediately abutting the Plaza area of the downtown business district for an approved special event. December 8, 2002 - Tree Lighting Ceremony ACTION: Approved. 3.28 RESOLUTION NO. 9679 (S4000.S.3.IO) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Orange changing the title and description of Capital1mproyement Project No. 6456, (Street Lights: Conversion to City Owned) to Installation of Safety Lighting. ACTION: Approyed. MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Slater AYES - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche Councilmember Coontz and Councilmember Slater abstained on Item 3.3. Murphy abstained on Item 3.20. Item 3.25 was removed and heard separately. items on the Consent Calendar were approved as recommended. Mayor All other END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ******** PAGE 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 4. REPORTS FROM MAYOR MURPHY - None. 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS TAPE 840 5.1 Mayor Murphy and Councilmember Slater - Direct the Park Planning and Deyelopment Commission to proyide a recommendation on opening of a dog park on a temporary basis at Yorba Park. Councilmember Slater stated it was not his intent to direct the Park Planning and Development Commission to approye the opening of a dog park and to subvert any process with regard to the environmental report or public comments. The Park Commission has been asked to look at Y orba Park in is entirety, but preliminary estimates for development of that park are approximately $1.8 million, and those funds are not ayailable at this time. Currently, the park is not being used at all, and before the Park Commission meets on December 12th, he would like to ask the Commission to look at opening a dog park on a temporary basis so there can be some utilization of the park in the interim. This is to be done in consideration of the enyironmental process and with public comments. The Commission will also look at other temporary uses and come back to the Council with a recommendation. Mayor Murphy noted the dog park debate seems to come down to pro-location and anti-location, and would like to ask the Park Planning and Development Commission to look at interim uses or the potential for doing something more quickly than what it would take to do a multi-million dollar project. A dog park needs to be carefully examined, but the Commission needs to look at all possible interim uses, such as picnic space and fields. He did not want to see a project be recommended in its entirety and then be sent back and forth between the Commission and the Council because of a lack of funding, but would rather give the Park Commission all the tools ayailable to develop even a portion of the park. Councilmember Coontz expressed concern that promises were made to the Dog Park Association, and if promises were made, the City needs to at least look at the feasibility of a dog park. She agreed with the suggestion of a temporary use as she did not want to see Yorba Park sit yacant for a long time. She commended the Park Planning and Development Commission for the work they do and agreed the Commission should perhaps look at the park in a different way. Mayor pro tern Alvarez stated it was his recollection the Council never made a definite commitment that a dog park would be at Y orba Park; and he did not feel the Council should comment on the site until the environmental documentation has been completed and been made ayailable for reyiew. He also stated the City does not haye the discretionary funds to proceed with any park at this location at this time. Public Comments TAPE 1330 Mary Dargatz, 2534 E. Burly, stated that directing the Park Planning and Deyelopment Commission to look at even a temporary use is an action and should not be done before the environmental documentation is complete; and expressed concern that a temporary use will become a permanent use. She submitted her written comments for the record. PAGE 12 --.--.-...T--- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS (Continued) Jerry Carroll, 354 S. Tracy Lane, stated this action seems to be a way of circumyenting the process; noting the public has always been told that no action would be taken until the process was complete, and asked for no action until the environmental document is released. Suzanne Counts, 247 S. Rosalind Driye, expressed concern about funding for the park. She stated the nearby residents received notices about the December Ith Park Commission meeting, and any action at this time would be circumyenting that process. Roger Bonzer, 2548 E. Burly, asked the Council to wait for the enyironmental document to be released and asked if a temporary use would have an end time and if this was the only location being considered for a temporary use. Thomas More, 209 Calle Aha, stated development of the entire park may neyer come about because of the lack of funding, and applauded the Council for doing something rather than nothing. Jerry Rickrneyer, 2535 E. Burly, stated once a temporary use is in place, it will be difficult to take it away, and did not like the idea ofa single use for such a large piece of property. Rick Cryder, 307 S. Wrightwood, stated the park has been closed since August 1998 and would like to see it reopened; and it is a good idea to use private dollars to help with a public park. Council Comments Councilmember Coontz noted the enyironmental documents would be released Friday, November 15th and the Park Planning and Deyeloprnent Commission meets on December 12th. Mayor Murphy noted a temporary use would just be an additional option for the Park Commission to consider rather than an all or nothing plan, and it is not the Council's intent to ignore or circumyent the process. He clarified the wording on the Agenda so as not to raise concerns of this being a single item issue, as much as it is a process issue, to make sure the Park Commission is equipped with everything they need to move forward. The City Attorney addressed concerns about the process. He stated all that is being considered right now is for the Park Planning and Development Commission to take a look at the park and include in their recommendations whether or not an interim use would be appropriate, noting that any proposed mitigation measures in the enyironmental document would be implemented eyen for a temporary use. He cited the similarities between this and Grijalva Park which was done in phases because of a lack of funding. In response to questions by Councilmember Cavecche, the City Attorney further stated the Park Planning and Development Commission could recommend interim uses on their own, but if the Council asks the Commission to consider those uses, then the Commission is directed to respond to the Council. PAGE 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS (Continued) Councilmember Coontz noted there have been interim uses on other park sites in the past; and emphasized that the process is in place. She suggested the Park Commission look at interim uses and maybe none of the items discussed will be recommended if they are not supported by the enyironmental documents, and there will be plenty of time to respond to the environmental documents. Mayor pro tern Alvarez stated that more appropriate wording for the Agenda should have been to direct the Park Planning and Deyelopment Commission to look at individual uses that are being proposed for Yorba Park; and then direct that the ErR, which is coming forward, be sent to the Commission first so they can look at the uses and the EIR and apply the information from that document. Councilmember Coontz asked for clarification on the EIR as it was her understanding that the EIR addresses yarious uses for Y orba Park and how they would affect the surrounding area. Howeyer, other issues such as the school, YMCA and traffic are separate issues. The Community Deyelopment Director stated what is being prepared is an environmental assessment and a draft mitigated negative declaration. In terms of adjoining uses, while the environmental document does not haye to fully consider them, and the City does not have to mitigate them, the document does discuss the adjoining uses and the impact they have on the existing park site; and makes some suggestions as to whether or not the school district is fully handling their traffic. It is not part of the park project to mitigate for that surrounding use. Councilmember Slater clarified that he does not want to propose anything that the City does not haye the money for; rather to consider temporary uses and not specifically what those temporary uses should be. Councilmember Cayecche expressed concern that a vote against this item would be perceiyed as a vote against the dog park, which is not true in her case. Howeyer, it is important to note that it is being perceiyed that the Council is getting involved in a process just a few weeks before they should. She understands the point in directing the Park Commission to consider temporary uses, but belieyes the Park Commission should look at this project and trusts they will come forward with possible uses after looking at the environmental documents. For the record, Councilmernber Cavecche is yery supportiye of a dog park in the City of Orange and has spent the last 18 months with the Edison Company and with the Water District, desperately trying to get a dog park opened. However, she could not support this at this time. MOTION - Slater SECOND - Murphy AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz NOES - Cayecche PAGE 14 ~------- ~---~~-~T---~-~-- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS (Continued) Moved to direct the Park Planning and DeYelopment Commission, upon a thorough reyiew ofthe environmental documentation and upon thorough public input, to proyide a recommendation on not just the entire master plan of Y orba Park, as they are currently planning to do, but also consider potential temporary uses at Y orba Park. NON-AGENDA ITEM Councilmember Coontz and Slater thanked all those inyolved with the Noyember II th Veterans Day celebration and Council agreed this be calendared as an annual event. 6. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - None. 8. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER 8.1 Presentation of the Fourth Quarter 2001-2002 Budget Report for the period July I, 2001 through June 30, 2002. (C2500.EA) SUMMARY: This Fourth Quarter Report helps inform the City Council of departmental performance for the quarter, including progress toward the achieyement of departmental goals and completion of major capital improvement projects, and summarizes the results of the City's financial operations. The Assistant City Manager provided a brief report. The Council stated the City is being run in an efficient manner and appreciated the hard work by all the departments. MOTION - Murphy SECOND - Alyarez AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche ACTION: Received and filed the Fourth Quarter 2001-2002 Budget Report. 9. LEGAL AFFAIRS 9.1 ORDINANCE NO 13-02 (FIRST READING) (A2500.0 Campaign Contributions) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange amending Section 2.10.020 and Rescinding Section 2.1O.050C of the Orange Municipal Code pertaining to Campaign Contribution Limitations. PAGE 15 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 9. LEGAL AFFAIRS (Continued) MOTION - Slater SECOND - Cayecche AYES - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche Moved, with regrets and under protest, that Ordinance No. 13-02 be read by title only and same was set for second reading by the preceding yote. 10. RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 11. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION The City Council recessed at 6: 10 p.m. to a Closed Session for the following purposes: a. Conference with Legal Counsel ~ Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Goyemment Code Section 54956.9(b). One potential case, Orange Unified School District redeyelopment tax claim. b. To consider and take possible action upon such other matters as are orally announced by the City Attorney, City Manager, or City Council prior to such recess unless the motion to recess indicates any of the matters will not be considered in Closed Session. 7:00 P.M. SESSION 12. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None. 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS TAPE 2900 13.1 ORDINANCE NO. 14-02 - EXTERIOR PAY TELEPHONE FACILITIES (A2500.0 Telephones, Public) Time set for public hearing to consider adoption of Ordinance No. 14-02 (first reading), adding Chapter 5.81, Exterior Pay Telephone Facilities, to the Orange Municipal Code to establish placement, maintenance and operational standards for exterior pay telephones. This project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Enyironmental Quality Act per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15305. The Community Deyelopment Director proyided a summary of the report, noting there are no controls currently for the installation of pay telephones, either for placement or for the collection of reyenue. The pay phone industry has reyiewed this Ordinance and there will be a two year amortization period for conformance to this Ordinance. PAGE 16 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 12, 2002 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) Council Ouestions Mayor pro tem Alyarez asked if there was an inyentory of phones which do not meet these new regulations, if notices were sent out, and if there is any standardization of what types of phones will be approyed. The Community Development Director stated individual notices did not go out, but staff did meet with representatives from pay phone proyiders and with Pac Bell. Staff did a cursory reyiew of pay phones throughout the City and many will probably not meet the criteria. Major providers will be sent a letter with the new regulations. This Ordinance does not fully dictate the design of pay phones or require compliance with Old Towne standards, but deals more with safety features and in making sure they are not nuisances. Councilmember Slater stated that seyeral years ago he saw pay phones being installed everywhere with no regulations in place; and complimented staff for their efforts in putting this Ordinance together. He asked about placement of phones on public and private property. The Community Deyeloprnent Director stated a pay phone can not be located within front setback areas or required landscaped areas, and can not be located in such a manner so that people waiting to use it would cause a nuisance by spilling onto a public right-of-way. Councilmember Coontz stated safety is the main issue and suggested the City needs to also adhere to these regulations with City pay phones. MAYOR MURPHY OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING THERE BEING NO SPEAKERS, MAYOR MURPHY CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING MOTION - Slater SECOND - Alvarez AYES - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cayecche Find the Ordinance categorically exempt from the proyisions of the California Enyironmental Quality Act per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15305. ORDINANCE NO. 14-02 (FIRST READING) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orange adding Chapter 5.81 to the Orange Municipal Code establishing regulations for exterior pay telephone facilities. MOTION - Slater SECOND - Alyarez AYES - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cavecche PAGE 17 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) Moved that Ordinance No. 14-02 be read by title only and same was set for second reading by the preceding vote. TAPE 3250 13.2 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2002-01, ZONE CHANGE 1213-02, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2413-02, VARIANCE 2109-02, MAJOR SITE PLAN REVIEW 227-02, MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1695-02 TRICO REALTY (e2S00.E. GPA 2002-01) Time set for public hearing to allow development of a 97,360 sq. ft. medical office building and the relocation of a residential structure on a 2.25 acre site addressed as 411 to 421 S. Batayia and 802 W. Culver Ayenue within the Old Towne Historic District. General Plan Amendment 2002-01 to change the land use designation from low medium residential to office professional on Batavia Street. Zone Change No. 1213-02 to change the zoning from R3 (multi-family residential) and R2 (duplex residential) to OP (Office Professional) on Batavia Street. Conditional Use Permit No. 2413-02 to allow a two story building height of 32 feet for the new medical office building in the Old Towne District; Variance No. 2109-02 to reduce the required perimeter landscaping by two feet from the required eight feet to six feet and to waiye the required 60 feet of loading area for the medical office proj ect. Major Site Plan Review 227-02 to approve the project Master Plan and relocate a historic structure from Batayia Street to Culver Ayenue. Mitigated Negative Declaration 1695-02 has been prepared for this project in accordance with the proyisions of the California Enyironmental Quality Act per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15070 et. seq. The Community Deyelopment Director reyiewed the site plan, elevations and the General Plan and zoning designations. Council Ouestions TAPE 3445 Councilmember Cayecche asked about the coating on the tilt up building, and screening the mechanical equipment on the roof to make sure the maximum height of the equipment is no taller than the minimum height of the parapet. The Community Deyelopment Director stated the Planning Commission recommended that the particulars of the coating treatment go back to the Design Reyiew Committee for final approyal. The plans also indicate that the equipment is below the height of the parapet, but suggested the applicant could stipulate to that. PAGE 18 -_._._.__._----~---_._------, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 12, 2002 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) Councilmember Coontz asked how this building relates to other medical buildings in the area; and stressed the importance of proyiding breaks in the perimeter landscaping for pedestrian access from one building to another with clear directions to the medical offices. She also asked about the fayade at the entrance to the buildings. The Community Development Director stated the fayade at the entrance pops out approximately two to four feet and it did go through the Design Review Committee; and suggested the applicant address the issue of pedestrian access. Mayor pro tern Alyarez asked about the variance for landscaping reduction and if it would set a precedence for the landscaping on the property to the north. The Community Development Director stated the Variance should not set a precedence for the lot to the north. The subject site does have additional trees and landscaping in front and the yariance takes into account the parking requirements. Applicant TAPE 3750 Mike Harrison, Applicant, 201 Paularino, Costa Mesa, submitted samples of the texture coating for the building. He stated the tilt up construction provides a good quality and will be built in a way that is consistent with the Spanish Colonial Reyiyal architecture. The architectural features of the building will also be appropriate for Old Towne. For screening the equipment, the parapet height on the building will be aboye the top level of the air conditioning equipment. This is accomplished by sloping the roof down towards the center of the building in a few locations in order to proyide that screening element, which ayoids having to add extra screening which would not be as compatible with the Old Towne design. With regard to access, the building is fairly distinctive which will help with identification There will be no fence between this project and the Batayia Woods development to the south and east. They will offer some opportunities for pedestrian access, but it is not a formal part of the plan. The Applicant is not anticipating an additional landscape variance for the lot to the north, and they intend to use that lot for an expansion of the Ronald McDonald House. Also, the house that is being moyed will be sold for residential purposes. Council Comments Councilmember Coontz stressed the importance of pedestrian access and asked if the applicant would be willing to add reciprocal pedestrian access between his project and the adjacent buildings. Mr. Harrison stated he was not sure how to do this in a formal way. PAGE 19 T CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12,2002 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) The Community Development Director stated there are no walls surrounding the property, just landscaping. She suggested a condition that the applicant try to obtain something from the adjacent property owners as to whether they are agreeable to a pedestrian access, but if the adj acent owners are not, the question then arises if this proj ect should be held up for that reason. Mr. Harrison stated they can put the appropriate access up to their property line. Mayor pro tern Alvarez asked about the texture coating, expressing concern about a stucco texture in Old Towne, which looks more like a tract house stucco and not something that conforms to Old Towne design guidelines. He asked if there are guidelines for the use of stucco. Mr. Harrison reiterated this coating is subject to going back to the Design Review Committee for final approval. Previous discussions with the Design Review Committee were that the Committee did not want a smooth appearance of concrete, and yet they also did not feel it necessary to impose a plaster surface. The Community Development Director stated the Design Reyiew Committee has not yet seen the texture coating samples submitted by the applicant; and the Planning Commission recommended there be some texturing of the building and the details of that go back to the Design Reyiew Committee. The Design Reyiew Committee is familiar with what this type of building should look like and will be looking for samples of materials to meet those standards. Note: Mayor Murphy left the meeting at 7:35 p.m. to attend a business meeting out of State. For the record, Mayor pro tern Alvarez asked the Design Review Committee to come up with an idea, looking at historic buildings with plaster or stucco, and try to bring that into a recommendation for the applicant, so that historically, the building meets those standards. He cited examples of the Woman's Club on Center Street, Chapman Uniyersity before their front buildings were re-done and the Post Office on West Chapman. He asked the Design Review Committee to consider historic buildings of that type of material. Mr. Harrison stated it was their intent to mimic the style of St. Joseph Hospital to add character to the building. Councilmember Slater stated he liked the project, but agreed the texture needs to be a heavier material and not look cheap. Councilmember Cayecche also expressed concern with the texture and asked about the insulation being used for the parapet. She was also glad the sycamore trees were being sayed at the entrance to the project. This project will fit into the area very nicely, but she would not have been inclined to approve this project if the Ronald McDonald House were not there, as the Ronald McDonald House is a good transition into the residential area. PAGE 20 r- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 I3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) For the record, Councilmember Cavecche, stated she hoped the Design Reyiew Committee is yery serious about taking a look at what is appropriate for a building in the Old Towne area. She wanted to ensure that the roof top equipment is screened and asked for a stipulation that the maximum height of the equipment is never greater than the minimum height of the parapets as well. Councilmember Coontz asked about requirements for screening mechanical equipment, and if it is a continuing problem, then it needs to be emphasized at DRC. The Community Deyelopment Director stated the code does require screening for roof top equipment, but styles can differ greatly from one project to another. MAYOR PRO TEM ALVAREZ OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING Janet Crenshaw, 400 Block North Shaffer, representing the Old Towne Preservation Association, stated they have worked with this applicant and support the project. MAYOR PRO TEM ALVAREZ CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING TAPE 4525 Mayor pro tern Alyarez thanked the Applicant for saying the trees and the house. Councilmember Coontz stated that if the Ronald McDonald House moves onto the property to the north, they need an area for the children to play and hopefully any enlargement of the area will improve the current facility and its use. MOTION - Cavecche SECOND - Coontz AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Coontz, Cayecche ABSENT - Mayor Murphy Adopted Mitigated Negatiye Declaration No. 1695-02 MOTION - Cavecche SECOND - Coontz AYES - Slater, Alyarez, Coontz, Cayecche ABSENT - Mayor Murphy Approyed General Plan Amendment 2002-01, Zone Change 1213-02, Major Site Plan Reyiew 227-02, Conditional Use Permit 2413-02 and Variance 2109-02 as contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. PC 37-02; with the addition that the applicant explore possibilities of a pedestrian pathway with the approyal of the owners and managernent of Batayia Woods; that the maximum height of the mechanical equipment be no greater than the minimum height of PAGE 21 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Noyember 12, 2002 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) the parapet; and that the Design Reyiew Committee take into consideration the Council discussion, as indicated in the Council Minutes, for the texture of the building and that the texture be suitable and compatible with Old Towne Design Guidelines for buildings of this sort, as the Council is not agreeable to the texture samples presented. 14. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT - None. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION - Coontz SECOND - Slater AYES - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cavecche The City Council adjourned at 7:50 p.m. C!utAl~&~/AVOC CASSA."~'DRA J THCART, CMC CITY CLERK PAGE 22