6/6/2002 - Council Minutes - CC Minutes Study Session APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON JUNE 25, 2002 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ORANGE, CALIFORNIA OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR JOINT MEETING JUNE 6, 2002 The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened on June 6, 2002 at 5:30 p.m. in an Adjourned Regular Joint Meeting with the Park, Planning and Development Commission in the Weimer Room, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 5:30 P.M. STUDY SESSION 1. OPENING 1.2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Mayor Murphy 1.3 ROLL CALL CITY COUNCIL PRESENT - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cavecche ABSENT - None PARK, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PRESENT - Gilmer, Hairston, Selman, Blanc ABSENT - Riley Note: Commissioner Riley arrived at 5:40 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None At this time, members of the public may address the Council on any off-agenda items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council, provided that NO action may be taken on off-agenda items unless authorized by law. Comments are limited to three minutes per person. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR All items on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and are enacted by one motion approving the recommended action listed on the Agenda. Any member of the City Council, staff or the public may request an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion or separate action. Unless otherwise specified in the request to remove an item from the Consent Calendar, all items removed shall be considered immediately following action on the remaining items on the Consent Calendar. 3.1 Declaration of City Clerk, Cassandra J. Cathcart, declaring posting of City Council agenda of An adjourned regular joint meeting of June 6, 2002 at Orange Civic Center, Main Library at 101 N. Center Street, Police facility at 1107 North Batavia, the Shaffer Park Bulletin Board, and summarized on Time-Warner Communications All of said locations being in the City of Orange and freely accessible to members of the public at least 72 hours before commencement of said adjourned regular joint meeting. PAGE 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 6, 2002 3. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ACTION: Accepted Declaration of Agenda Posting and authorized its retention as a public record in the Office of the City Clerk. MOTION - Alvarez SECOND - Cavecche AYES - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cavecche Item 3.1 was approved as recommended. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ******** 4. REPORTS FROM MAYOR MURPHY - None 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS - None 6. REPORTS FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS - None 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 7.1 Review park projects, planning and funding. Mayor Murphy announced this study session is centered around allowing the Parks, Planning and Development Commission to focus on issues relating to specific park sites. The dog park issues at Y orba Park will be discussed when the environmental procedures are complete and the public hearing process will begin with the Planning Commission first and then to the City Council. However at the end of this session, the Council will allow 15 minutes for comments from both sides on this issue. The Director of Community Services indicated the discussion at this time would be park priority and potential funding from Proposition 12 grant and other park funds. The Commission conducted several study sessions over the past six months to review information pertaining to park issues and has evaluated all parks, open space and facilities based on acquisition, development and rehabilitation. A priority list was distributed for Council review. Jack Selman, Chairman, summarized the following goals: facilitate communication between City Council and the community; develop common vision with Council; prioritization of projects and funding; and effective process for park planning and development. Commissioner Hairston reviewed the Park Planning and Development Commission's Mission Statement, Vision, duties and responsibilities, how the commission began by developing an understanding of park system and formulated prioritized list of projects based on public health, safety and welfare, governing documents, parks and recreational facility tours, staff and community input and quality of life. PAGE 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 6, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) The priority of park projects was completed in the following four tiers: I. Urgent Rehabilitation of Park Projects - based on public health, safety and welfare, ADA compliance, restroom upgrades, field renovations and park facilities. The following sites were discussed: Hart Park band shell, pool heater and filters, pool restrooms, field renovation at terrace; Eisenhower park slope stabilization, walkways and stairs for ADA compliance; El Modena Park replacement of upper restrooms; Santiago Hills tot-lot for ADA compliance and Shaffer Park building interior. 2. Deferred Capital Projects: security lighting at Eisenhower Park; field lighting and improvements at El Modena Park; Hart Park softball field renovations; Shaffer Park field lights; parking lot improvements at El Modena Park; and Park Amenities - barbeques, tables, benches and trash cans at all parks; Santiago Hills Park basketball court slurry; and Shaffer park picnic shelter. Commissioner Hairston commented if the first two tiers could be considered as overdue housekeeping issues then hopefully a deferred capital plan can be developed to prevent these issues from happening in the future. 3. Long Term Critical Projects: Gymnasium, Aquatic Center, Community Center, Land Acquisition, Lighted Fields, El Camino Construction and Indoor space. Commissioner Hairston explained these projects are the mandates from the public and once the critical projects that need immediate help are completed, number 3 is what the people want. 4. Future Development Projects: Adult Softball Fields, Master Plans for Grijalva Park Extension, Shaffer Park, Eisenhower Park and Hart Park; Skate board Parks; Park Development at Handy Park building; Eisenhower Lake and Stream Improvements; El Modena Lower Restroom Improvements; Handy Park Ball Fields Renovation and La Veta Restroom Improvement; Implementation of current or completed Master Plans for Cerro Villa Park and Y orba Park Renovation. The process for park planning and development was reviewed. Commissioner Hairston commented there were infinite numbers of ideas but a finite amount of money available. Citizen input needs to go to the Parks Commission to be analyzed in order for the Council to make their decisions. Commissioner Hairston reviewed the next steps - to recommend approval to Council for projects and Proposition 12 funds; Council resolution for projects and request for Proposition 12 funds; and implementation of park projects in the year 2003/04. Commissioner Hairston requested an annual retreat for the Parks Commission in order to put together goals as a planning team. PAGE 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 6, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Council discussion Councilmember Cavecche asked what process had the Commission gone through to reach this priority list. Commissioner Selman indicated they did not have community input on the prioritization, but had several study sessions on Master Plan of Parks. Commissioner Gilmer indicated one of the first things of immediate concern was public health and safety issues. Councilmember Coontz complimented the Commissioners on their work and commented on their input as they relate to the Master Plan of Parks, open space and the conservation element which are beyond Prop 12 funds. She asked about the Master Plan of Recreational Trails and the Santiago Creek Trails indicating they should be part of the park system and how the Commissioners felt this was going forward. It is a process that has to be developed. Commissioner Hairston commented it would be helpful if the recreational trails were to connect to the parks and the Commission could be in the loop. Commissioner Blanc commented land acquisition issues and opportunities as well as trails are to be brought to their attention by staff. The City Manager has directed the Community Services Department to be the lead for the Master Plan of Recreational Trails. Councilmember Slater asked for an explanation of the funding sources on the priority sheet. Also, what amount annually does the City designate toward these projects? The City Manager commented the top portion colored purple are the items that the City had money for and were approved by Council in the 2002/03 Fiscal Budget. The reason for designated CDBG money for ADA improvements and others is that as a part of the budget process the City received the amount the City is expected to get from the CDBG and make recommendations for allocation to other projects. In the case of the tot lots, some of the CDBG money can help offset park moneys and/or general fund moneys which is why you see those designated there because they have been through a budgetary process. In the next section, there are some items such as pool restrooms and CDBG money could be used to help with ADA issues. 510 and 511 money are developer driven. There has not been set aside any particular sum of money to accomplish a specific task. Council will be asked to do this for future years. The Commission is recommending to the Council that the City needs to catch up and plan for the future. Councilmember Slater commented outside of Prop 12 and 40 money, from the purple on down, with a few exceptions there is close to zero money now. This was confirmed by the City Manager. Mayor Murphy felt Grijalva Park needed to be added to the purple column. It was previously approved under 2002/03 new projects, but while funded and approved last year, represents an expenditure of $2.8 million. So while there is no money set aside to move forward, there are some additional funds if you look at actual work that happened this year. PAGE 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 6, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Councilmember Coontz felt the acronyms need to be spelled out. It is important to realize Community Services does not depend on fees for their funding, it is mostly from the General Fund. The City Manager confirmed they would do that for future documents. Commissioner Blanc commented the lack of funding has been frustrating. The Commission has been charged with planning parks and moving towards completion dates. It is important to come up with this priority list and as funding and grants become available, it will be clear to say when these projects such as a gym can be completed. Maintenance issues must be taken care of or the City will lose their resources at the parks. Mayor pro tern Alvarez asked if it was possible, when CDBG funding is considered for community projects, if Community Services and parks could be a higher priority. The City Manager indicated he interfaces with departments for their needs and will make recommendations to Council. Much of CDBG is designated for certain projects such as storm drains and sewers which have no funding. It is up to Council to decide what the priorities are. Mayor pro tern Alvarez suggested Council be given all the information on CDBG project funding. Mayor pro tern Alvarez further asked about the City having a grant writer and lobbyist or passing this on to the Community Foundation, making this a priority. The City Manager indicated he will report back to Council on how the money was spent when the City had these services. Council can then evaluate all the possibilities. Mayor pro tern Alvarez indicated if Yorba Park were to be reactivated, could they look at alternate funding such as the City of Huntington Beach where corporate sponsors advertise at the park site as an alternative to what is being done now. The City Manager indicated this comes under the Community Foundation auspices. The Director of Community Services commented a number of creative measures have been discussed with the Community Foundation. Mayor pro tern Alvarez requested that the park priority list should go to the Community Foundation. Mayor Murphy commented the question is, if you got a million dollar grant tomorrow, what would you do with it? Based on the money there is today, the recommendation is to polish and preserve what we have and update what we have as well as looking at prioritization of projects. The priority list should be posted on the website for citizen input. As the times and economic outlooks change, the list will change. Councilmember Coontz felt the CDBG committee should see the priority list of parks so they will feel comfortable with the fact that there is a reason Council is wanting to set aside money for parks. Also, regarding the rehabilitation of Hart Park and Eisenhower Park which are the oldest parks, Hart Park did not have much of a design plan; Eisenhower Park is a passive park when it was built and followed a different philosophy of the time. She asked if the Commission had an opportunity to think about that in considering the rehabilitation there could be a different variety of uses added. Commissioner Blanc indicated the Commission is mindful that the needs for recreation has changed and maintenance issues are overwhelming. With one time money, the parks can be PAGES CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 6, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) rehabilitated with a schedule for maintenance so it doesn't get to the point where nothing can be rehabilitated. Commissioner Hairston reported the minute you build something you need to set money aside for future maintenance. Councilmember Slater complimented the Park Commission for their work and liked the fact that maintenance was a priority as well as land acquisition. Since the City is 50% under-parked, everyone wants more fields and he encouraged the Commission, as future development projects come to the City such as Fieldstone, R. J. Noble and The Irvine Company, to scrutinize them so the City does not miss any opportunity for park development. Since the City is in dire straits financially, Councilmember Slater felt a study needs to be done in terms of a bond measure. Would the population be willing to absorb some type of tax for these projects so citizens do not have to wait 20 years. The City Manager indicated he would need direction from the Council and pointed out to the public that it is fortuitous that Prop 12 and 40 did pass in California and the Cities are the beneficiaries of some of that money, but it did not pass in the City of Orange. If the message could get out that the City has specific projects, maybe this community would buy into a bond act to pay for specific items. Councilmember Slater commented we have to find that out and asked the City Manager to follow up with Councilmembers on the bond issue. Regarding the dog park, Councilmember Slater was not sold that it has to be in anyone location. The Council made a commitment two years ago to provide a certain segment of the City's population with this type of park. These people have raised money and put in quite an effort on this. He felt it should be separated out of the Yorba Park Plan because the environmental study has not been completed. This should be moved to a higher priority and as soon as the environmental study is completed, put on a fast track and be moved forward. Councilmember Slater asked the Commission to sit down with the Orange Dog Park Association to determine their needs, how much it will cost and maintenance issues. Commissioner Selman indicated one of the reasons it is not on the priority list is that it is a million dollar item. Commissioner Hairston suggested the concept of a dog park should go through the process instead of giving it to them as a done deal at Yorba Park. It needs to be given a clean look and returned with ideas. Standards were discussed. Council member Coontz commented the dog park people were asked to raise money to commit to a dog park. If Council is going to go out into the community and expect anyone to support ideas for parks and want their participation, this should be used as an example for the future. Councilmember Cavecche did not think the dog park concept went through the proper channels at the beginning. The dog park people have been waiting and something needs to be found for them quickly. PAGE 6 . ....-------, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 6, 2002 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) Councilmember Cavecche indicated when Councilmembers met with new Assemblymember Pacheco and he asked about parks, Councilmembers were able to convey what the Park Commissioners had accomplished. Councilmember Cavecche indicated what is most frustrating is glVlllg up $1.5 million for maintenance. She asked what Council can do to make sure when Prop 40 comes around the City does not have to play catch up? What can be done to maintain what we have on a yearly basis? The Director of Community Services indicated we are not there yet. There is a work/maintenance management plan, but it boils down to cash flow. Commissioner Riley commented with the funding sources of Prop 12 and 40, it does not get the City through the first two tiers of priority. Councilmember Cavecche asked about the Santiago Creek Trail and was informed that it will be added to the Commission's purview. Councilmember Cavecche asked if the Parks Commission was evaluating different areas of sports. Commissioner Selman indicated they were analyzing every possibility. Councilmember Cavecche indicated there were different groups coming into the City requesting fields and asked what percentage of Orange residents use the fields. The Director of Community Services is putting together a policy for the City Manager's and the Parks Commission's review and then to Council. Councilmember Cavecche commented there were no joint-use agreements with the Orange Unified School District on the priority list and the Commissioners need to be involved. Also, she agreed with the Parks Commission's assessment on maintenance priority. However, her priority for a long term project would be a new gymnasium/community center. Mayor pro tern Alvarez also mentioned joint use possibilities with McPherson and Santiago Middle School which are not on the list. Council member Coontz commented for many years the school district and the City have worked together, but there have been problems extending contracts in the Friendly Center area. The contract has expired and those fields are there for neighborhood participation. With the success of the Parks Commission, the school district might be more willing to participate. There just may be a lack of awareness. Mayor Murphy discussed the recent cooperative efforts going on now with Santiago Middle School and the joint cooperation on the library, which is now raising the level of awareness. This school board seems more interested in talking about joint uses for existing facilities and looking toward the future such as a new high school, a new active sports facility and some additional passive spaces close to a higher learning facility. PAGE 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 6,2002 7. ADMINISTRA TIVE REPORTS (Continued) Mayor Murphy allowed the following people to speak: Rick Sanford, asked if an analysis had been done on how other cities build and pay for parks. The City Manager remarked Orange is an older community. New developments generate development agreements that have assessments that pay for parks. Sandy Sladen, 600 E. Jefferson Ave., in favor of the dog park Cynthia Morgan, 7900 Chapman Ave., in favor of the dog park Ron Ray, 426 Jennifer Lane, park maintenance issues Mary Dargatz, 2534 E. Burly, opposed to the dog park at Yorba Park and wants a community center Chris Poysa, 226 S. Rosalind, opposed to the dog park at Yorba Park Garrett Liffer, 817 Breezy Way, in favor of the dog park Mark Burkhardt, grant writing needs to be a priority 8. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER. None 9. LEGAL AFFAIRS - None 10. ADJOURNMENT MOTION - Slater SECOND - Alvarez A YES - Slater, Alvarez, Mayor Murphy, Coontz, Cavecche The City Council and the Parks, Planning Development Commission adjourned at 7:35 p.m. (J~~JA~"1i~ZA<~d CASSANDRA J. C HCART, CMC CITY CLERK !Jf~/;K ':(4 MAYO PAGE 8 ----r----