7/25/2000 - Council Minutes - CC Minutes Adj APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON AUGUST 8, 2000 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ORANGE, CALIFORNIA OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING July 25, 2000 3:30 P.M. SESSION The City Council of the City of Orange, California convened on July 25,2000 at 3:30 p.m. in an Adjourned Regular Meeting in Conference Room C, 300 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, California. 1. OPENING 1.2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Councilman Murphy 2. ROLLCALL PRESENT - Murphy, Slater, Mayor Coontz ABSENT - Spurgeon, Alvarez (Councilman Alvarez arrived at 3:45 p.m.) 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 4.1 Discussion of the Santiago Hills II Project. Mr. Stan Soo Hoo, Community Planning Manager, reported this is the last ofthe Study Sessions regarding the Santiago Hills II Project and will focus on the Supplemental Environment Impact Report. Comments have already been received from the public regarding this EIR and the Environmental Consultant is responding to those as part of this process. Those comments and responses will be compiled and made available to the Planning Commission and City Council as part ofthe entire package. He then introduced Kathleen Brady, Bonterra Engineering, the Environmental Consultant and primary author of the Supplemental EIR. Ms. Kathleen Brady, Environmental Consultant, reported an EIR was previously certified in 1989 as part ofthe East Orange General Plan and has already addressed major issues. The Supplemental EIR focuses on changes in the environment and the project over the last II years and incorporates new information that was not known at that time. This was done per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) which does not require a new EIR, just that it be updated. Both the original EIR and the Supplemental need to be looked at for this project. The original and Supplemental EIR have been available for review for 45 days. There have been two public meetings held during this time, for which transcripts are available; as well as 49 letters which are being responded to. PAGE 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 25. 2000 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) She noted the 1989 EIR was a Program EIR which is prepared when there is either a large project or a chain of approvals are all related either because of the type of approvals or geographically. They have used the previous document as base data and added to it. This was done for all sections - traffic, air quality, noise, biology and cultural resources. With regard to traffic concerns, Ms. Brady explained the traffic analysis uses a traffic model as the data base for what the future traffic will be, assuming the Orange County Preferred 96 modified growth assumptions and a socio-economic data base for the Orange County area for doing planning studies. It assumes the buildout for all projected growth - not just this project, but all growth throughout the entire County. It addresses cumulative traffic for the year 2020 and post-2020. It assumes the build out for the 1989 plan. In response to questions by Mayor Coontz, Ms. Brady explained that the County, Orange County cities and the Center for Demographic Research at CSU Fullerton all submitted information to SCAG, who provided the information for their use. Mayor Coontz noted it would be helpful to have this information reiterated with the exact traffic studies and information that were used; and this information should be available prior to the public hearing. Bob Bennyhoff asked about the traffic conditions at Cannon and Santiago Canyon Road. Ms. Brady explained there are a number of scenarios which affect traffic - existing traffic levels, and growth projections through 2005, 2020 and post-2020. This particular intersection is shown to be deficient with or without the project and reviewed several measures available to remedy the situation. Shirley Grindle asked who is going to pay for the traffic improvements. Ms. Brady explained these traffic measures are already included in the City's Capital Improvement Program and The Irvine Company will pay their pro rata share. The Director of Public Works reported these traffic measures are included in the ClP budget for the years 2003-04 and 2004-05 (design work) with construction slated for 2006-07. Mayor Coontz noted the Council can re-evaluate the ClP budget each year; and asked how this relates to the development time frame. Ms. Brady stated construction is expected to begin approximately 2002 and last for approximately four years. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 25, 2000 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS (Continued) The following people spoke: Eric Noble, Orange Sphere ofInfluence (submitted photographs of the area) Julia Jones Ufkes Shirley Grindle Their concerns were expressed as follows: The grading has already begun. It is being done without permits and even before the EIR is certified, and should not be done until there is an approved plan by the City. It was noted that a chunk has been cut from the north facing slope that is visible from Irvine Regional Park. Staff explained this particular area is in the County and not part of the City's jurisdiction; and the City was told by the County that permits were not required. City engineering staff has gone out to look at the site to determine if the grading activity is unusual or extraordinary. Access ways are being cleared, which is consistent with the work to be done. City staff received a report from The Irvine Company that a biologist was consulted prior to the grading activity to ensure there was no impact to wildlife or flora and fauna. Mayor Coontz suggested there should be an environmental consultant present at the site during the activity in addition to being consulted ahead oftime. Councilman Slater asked where in the EIR process is this grading supposed to be done. Staff explained this work was supposed to be done earlier, but was delayed because of gnat catcher breeding. The work needs to be done in order to do the tract mapping and proceed with the process. The initial tract map work is not to subdivide each lot, but to create large parcels consistent with proposed land use sectors. Councilman Slater expressed concern this may be a "cart before the horse" situation; and suggested a letter be sent through the City Manager to the County asking for clarification of the process and what the legal requirements are for grading and preliminary work. Councilman Murphy suggested there needs to be some type of schedule given to the Council and staff of any planned activities on the site. Mayor Coontz agreed there needs to be an understanding of any activity so there are no surprises; and a contact person needs to be available at the County. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5. ADJOURNMENT The City Council adjourned at 4:15 p.m. dw~U~~~-7' CASSAND ATHCART, CMC CITY CLERK July 25, 2000