Flock Training PresentationFlock Training Outline Go over policy #423 - Talk about a hit does not constitute probable cause. - Stress the importance of confirming all Flock hits. - Talk about dispatch roles with 10851 GB Search Tab 1) Talk about each section in the left column of the “Search” tab. 2) Images: - Flock is a machine learning system and, by default, will not produce results unless Flock’s confidence level is 75% or higher. - If Flock is not producing the results you are looking for, loosen up the filter under the “Image” section (talk about loosening up filters and adjusting confidence thresholds). 3) License Plate: - You can search for full plates and partial. - If CP provides you with a partial plate, check the “Partial Plate Search” box, or the system will think you are looking for a two-character plate. - If CP provides you with plate but is missing a character, add a “?” in place of the unknown character. Example: CP said the plate was SE_1234. Since the CP didn’t know the character after “E” you can add a “?” and Flock will recognize a missing character and adjust accordingly. - CP only knows 1 or 2 characters of the plate; you can type in the characters and adjust the confidence threshold which can increase/decrease the results. 4) Color - If you are looking for a specific vehicle color that Flock doesn’t have, you can check/toggle the “override confidence thresholds” and select one of the Flock- provided colors in the same color palette as your intended color. Example: If you are looking for an orange vehicle, you would select red and lower confidence threshold. 5) Talk about Searching the plate. - Search should be DR, Call #, or the investigative reason. - Flock guarantees two lanes but can detect up to four lanes away. 6) Result Cards - If the hit or results assisted your investigation, please click on the hand icon to provide an outcome that will help keep stats. 7) Look up tool - Allows you to find vehicle travel patterns - Two ways to access the lookup tool: The first is to click “Look up tool” and enter the suspect’s plate. The second way is if you located the suspects’ vehicle during your search. Click on the plus icon to expand the result card and you will see how many times the plate hit on a Flock camera. - Click on the three dots icon to take you to the “Lookup tool” page. Make sure to select the “All Cameras” option and click on “Lookup.” - All data kept on Flock for 30 days Alerts Tab 1) Go over the left columns and how to set alerts: - You need to have the alerts tab opened on your computer to receive alerts - Make sure to emphasize that officers will need to periodically recheck “All Cameras” until all Flock cameras are installed. - Use Google Chrome, and if you are not receiving notifications on your computer, you may have blocked popup access (check Chrome settings). 2) Briefly go over the hotlist. Map Tab All cameras and alerts feed to this page. Misc Information Look out for an email to do the certification Flock Detective Jones and Officer Ibrahim Search Search Search Search Search Search Flock App Questions? •Officer Ibrahim •Detective Jones